Once upon a time, there live a Mini UFO who stays in PlanetHyun, which is ruled by U:zoosin who loves to perform for his planet's citizen. Mini UFO adores U:zoosin and always likes to listen to him singing and dancing. One day, U:zoosin said: 'Let me share my music to the people in Planet Earth and he point to one beautiful sunny island on earth. 'This is the place I want to go first to share my music and dance.' And U:zoosin descended to Singapore to give his first performances for the earthlings. Being an ardent fan of U:zoosin, Mini UFO fly fly fly to Planet Earth together with U:zoosin to watch his first performances.
And here is a trip report of what Mini UFO seen in U:zoosin's performance to the Singapore earthlings.....
Haha.... I am still living in fantasy land... Keke.... allow me to continue to live in PlanetHyun while you read my super duper long fan meeting report. ^____^
Our U:zoosin was scheduled to arrive on wednesday 2 May, I was getting hyped up. Listening to his song as a 'rehearsal' to his Fan Meeting for most of the time.
More news of him came out on Thursday when tweets and videos of his press conference were released, it was reported that HyunJoong will sing around 15 songs! Wow! Did I hear wrongly?! 15 songs! For a fan meeting?! It sounds more like a concert than a fan meeting. I was so happy because I have always wanted to see HyunJoong performed live infront of me. I was also looking forward to receive the hand-picked presents - U:zoosin Tee & brooch from him too. Being a comic/anime lover, I simply love the U:zoosin character, so I am glad he gave us this present as a momento of his first Fan Meeting in Singapore. And yes.... I was looking forward for the Hi-5 session too! I have never participated in any of his handshake session during his fan meetings in Singapore, this will be the first time I would be able to 'touch' him. Felt very excited. ^__^
Finally.... the D-day! Friday, 2012.05.04, 8pm, Singapore Indoor Stadium. My first time stepping inside here for a concert like event. I have always not interested in any concert events. But for HyunJoong, I am making my exception. My first 'concert', specially dedicated to HyunJoong 1st Asia Fan Meeting Tour which head start in Singapore. I am so glad that my first concert is specially dedicated to his 1st Asia Fan meeting as it is such a meaningful event for his solo activities.
Upon entry to Indoor Stadium, I was first greeted by the big stage with a 'Kim Hyun Joong Asia FanMeeting Tour 2012 in Singapore' projection. After settling down on my seat and surveying around, noticed about 7 blocks of arena seats were blocked out. Floor seats of course are full. Fans were busy taking photo.

The MC for the day came out and mentioned that HyunJoong will be out in 10 mins time. Screamm from the entire floor. Then when lights were off and music started, a white ball appears at the middle of the stage and dancers were seen dancing around it. Then 'pop' the ball broke and out come our cool looking 'God of Universe' wearing all black with dark glasses ^__^.
SCREAMS NON STOP FROM THE ENTIRE FLOOR. Everybody was so high! He started off singing 'Let Me Go'. It was a very suitable song to start off since it made the adrenaline hype up and gets the mood setup. After this song ended, lights went off again, music of 'Break Down' started playing, and our Hero came out again to save the world. :P
Even thou I have watched 'Break Down' performances many times on music shows, but watching it live was simply different. Watching him dancing with the sleek moves and action couple with the laser and fireworks effects. I really enjoyed everything very much while busy taking photo & video of him.
Song ended, lights off again. Video started to play on screen. I didn't pay much attention on the video, as I was anxious of him coming back on stage again. The video is about the story of U:zoosin. Hehe....
Lights dim off again and HyunJoong gradually ascended on stage in a cool pose. He has changed his 'Hero save the world' costume (Okay I watch too much Sci-Fi to associate that costume to this) to a 'Prince Charming' coat with err... nothing inside... means... u can see his err...... chest *^____^* If you always listened to his albums in order, after the first 2 songs, of course it will follow on with 'Please' right. Yes, the next song was 'Please'.
I don't know whether it was just my own thought but I found that Leader is getting more and more 'sexy' and 'manly' in his dance move nowadays, last time when he dance I could still felt that he was a little not so natural when dancing those more sexy move, but now he was very 'pro' and dance everything very sexily and nice. ^_____^
Well, there's a purpose why he was not wearing anything under that 'Prince Charming' suit, that's because at the middle of the song, his hand started to reach for the suit button and....... tada....... he revealed his well-trained abs! JJITJOONG!!!!!! SCREAMMING NON STOP FROM THE ENTIRE FLOOR again! I think Indoor Stadium Rooftop almost torn down by the screamings!! keke.... While everybody got very hyped up with wuri JjitJoong. Pop! and a lot of glistering flakes popped up from top creating to add on the mood. Hee... it was so fun...
After 'Please', he came back and stood there wait for people to cool down from the screams, scream finish, he said: Hi Singapore, HI SINGAPORE!!!! Then he seems like a little shy, said: 'I am.. Kim HyunJoong.' Guess he was shy cos he was speaking in English, just imagine his usual expression when he feel shy ^^ Errr don't imagine, go find a fancam to see it, it was uber cute~~ Mini UFO likesssssss...... *Replay fancam again to watch* He said that he felt comfortable visiting Singapore as all of us always receive him with warmth. And then he said something but I forget what he said already.
Anyway, he continued on singing 'Thank you' from his solo album while SS501 is still doing their group activities. Singing halfway, he moved back to a lifter which lifted him high up, it was really high I do feel a little worry for him. But I guess he was used to it since during SS501 performance they also always have this kind of lifter to lift them up to allow fans to see them more clearly. He was singing so full of emotion, as if telling fans that he was so thankful that we were here to support his 1st Asia Fan Meeting. HyunJoongie~ I am also very thankful that you choose Singapore as your 1st stop of your Asia Fan Meeting tour.....

At the end of the song, 'God of Universe' was descended back to Planet Earth. ^^ He said his next song was 'Happiness is' and he mentioned that there's a lyric inside which read
당신 없는 행복이란 있을 수 없잖아요
(Happiness without you, I cannot imagine it)
and he said that he really loved that line so he has prepared a English version of the lyrics. These 2 lines were flashed on screen:
"Happiness without you baby
I can't even imagine it"

Then he started to teach us to sing it in english, he sang once and then asked fans to practice together with him. He would sing "Happiness..." then when he faced the mic to fans, fans should sing "without you baby", then he would continue to sing "I can't even..." and then when faced mic to fans, they should sing "imagine it". He looked a bit shy when singing it.
The practice session started, first line, fans continued on not very coherently, he shook his head a bit, then asked us to try again. He sang again... 'Happiness', fans followed him and sang 'Happiness', he shook his head again and sang 'Happiness', and repeat 'without you baby' pointing at fans like telling us you should be singing 'without your baby', then he sang again, 'Happiness' this time fans got it correct by continue on 'without you baby' when he faced the mic to fans. So he continued to sing 'I can't even', then when he faced the mic to fans, and again, fans sang 'I can't even', LOL..... his expression ah his expression.... he immediately showed a slightly angry face and gave us a bewildered look, I guess he was a little out of wits with us. We were laughing due to his reactions. Aigooooo..... His expression was soooooooo cute.... So he sang "I can't even" + "imagine it" but when singing "imagine it" he points to us to tell us that we should sing that line when he faced the mic to us. This time round fans got it right. But he still looked not very satisfied so he asked us to practice once more. If you looked at his eyes when he was expecting for the response from fans he had the look like 'Hey! you better get it right this time.' Hahaha. I really loveeeee this sooo much since he looked so cute with all the change in expressions, the very HyunJoong expressions that we always see when he was in SS501.
Lights dim off again and 'Happiness is' music started to play and he started singing, when sang to the part which need us to participate, he would faced the mic to fans so we would sing together, we sang well and you can see him showing a very contented face. keke~ Hmm... I am just thinking, when he goes to Hong Kong or Taiwan or China, will he change the lyrics to Cantonese or Mandarin. It will be cuuuuttteee and fuuunn to see him teaching fans singing in Cantonese and Mandarin. Just imagining him speaking Cantonese or Mandarin already make me smile already. Haha! But then it might not mean that the program for Hong Kong or Taiwan or China will be same as Singapore right? Well, guess we have to wait till the day to see. ^^ I believe he will sure prepare another interesting segment to interact with fans. This is what he has been wanting for this Fan Meeting - to have more interaction with fans. ^^ Anybody going Hong Kong or Taiwan or China FanMeeting?
After this song, he went back stage. While waiting for him to return, another video was played. it was a video showing 5 things he wanna do with his girlfriend.
1. Preparing food for her (Show him preparing dishes, and while preparing, he will smile to 'someone', after completed he put the dishes on table, then take the food and feed that 'someone', then camera zoom to a big white bear ^^, then he showed the disappointed face)
2. Writing love letter (Show him writing letter, thinking very hard how to write, then at last zoom to his mouth which he smile with his thousand mega watt smile, then show his hand extended out give a red color envelope to somebody, oh... is to that big bear again and there's a lot of red envelop on its body and drop on the floor, and he showed that dismay face again)
3. Give romantic gift (Show a diamond ring, he is thinking of what to do with the ring, then he used a string to tie to his ring finger and then use the ring to drop all the way from the top of the string to the ring finger, then he was very happy it works, next show he start to move the ring along the string going down to somewhere, and again tada..... it is to the big bear, everybody laugh when see this, and u can see he show the very disappoint look again and put down the string that tie to the bear hand)
4. mimicking scenes from romantic movie (Show him watching movie, eating popcorn, zoom in to cute tv playing Titanic movie, that super classic scene which Jack & Rose hold hand stand infront of Titanic..., then show him standing infront of a fan, holding onto the arm for the big bear with that pose. LMAO! Damn funny)
5. and last..... Singing only for her
I must say that his acting for this short video clip is so great. I like it soooooo much. You can see his expression changes everytime and felt his anticipation to give happiness for the girl he loves. ^^
After the video finished playing he came out wearing white shirt with a white tee inside and gray jeans, singing 'Kiss Kiss', when singing, that big teddy bear from the previous video was sitting on the bench with the dancer sitting beside and dance. When dancer stood up that bear drop... haha. Then u can see after a while, a staff go save the bear from below n put up again. At the end of 'Kiss Kiss', he took a video cam, then the dancer took the big bear, and walked down stage. Screammmmmm..... then he walk to the row 1 of Premiere C and passed the bear to one of the girl, asking her name, then told her this song was specially sang to her. He asked if this was the first time she met him, she said she met him in TheFaceShop FM. At that moment the hall smell very sour, due to the jealousy towards that lucky fan. Hahaha.....
After this, he went up stage. He mentioned that today Singapore is full of heat and the next song is 'I am your man'. Singapore was really full of heat because I kept seeing sweat dripping from his face. Kekeke. Leader really show much care for fans because when he sing, he don't just stand in the middle but he would move to the left side so that fans at that side can see him closer. At that moment, everybody must be mesmerized by his voice, yes yes HyunJoong, 나는 네 여자야~~~ ^^

After finished the song, he told fans that we were very lucky to see him in Singapore, are you curious why, because it is the first time he is singing 'Smile' in a performance. Music started and he started dancing in a cute break dance move with his thousand megawatt smile~~~ ^^ This dance was accompanied by some lady dancers and also his male dancers. The choreography of this song was very playful and fun. I guess everybody also loved the smile that was constantly on HyunJoong charming face. *^____^*
Right after the song ended, music of 'Because I am stupid' was played... ^_____^ Everybody was screaming.... This song brought back memories of his role in BOF - Ji Hoo sunbae. He walked up some stairs to go another level which was closer to the projection screen and sat down. The projection screen started to play scenes from BOF when he sang, scenes of JiHoo playing violin, some romantic moment of Jihoo with Jandi etc etc. After that he walked down again, while walking down, he picked up a towel to wipe his sweat and then walked to Premiere C side and threw the towel to them. ^^ SCREAMMMSSS..... Fans sitting at Premiere C were so lucky since one of them got that big teddy bear from him and now they also got a 'Pure U:zoosin sweaty towel' from him. =P
After the song, he went back stage and the MC came out again. Guess he needs to give HyunJoong more time to change back stage, so the MC kept on asking us to shout his name, if we shout loud enough then he will come out, this were repeated a few times, and still leader didn't appear and I was thinking hey don't you have other tricks...
Anyway, later HyunJoong's came back in a White Tee and the same jeans, the MC started interview him, HyunJoong asked fans whether we were enjoying ourselves, of course the answer was YES! He mentioned that as the fan meeting were meant for fans, he wanted fans to love what he sang so he wanted to sing as many songs for fans and don't worry that he sang everything for this fan meeting and what he would be doing for his concert but fan meeting is a fan meeting and he will be doing a greater show for concert.
When asked about when he will be doing a full fledged concert in Singapore, HyunJoong replied that he hasn't even finished his FM tour yet and there are no concrete plan for concert yet, but probably next year, right now he will concentrate with the Asia Fan meeting tour and tonight is the most important night. ^____^ If I didn't heard wrongly, he did mentioned that he will be filming drama after the FM but the translator didn't translate this sentence.
MC asked whether he tried any local food, HyunJoong said that he tried chili crab on his first day here and will eat again tomorrow. I was not surprised that he will love Chili crab since he is known for liking spicy food. The MC asked since he has so many fans did he really see each and every one of them. At this point of time, I can see the 4D-ness of our leader has surfaced. He raised his hand up and put it above his eyes and said he was looking at them over here. Looking at them one by one. Then he kept doing it playfully and smile, which brought screams from the fans. ^______^ look at Mini UFO~~ HyunJoongie~~~
Next, it was the game session. The MC asked fans to reach underneath their chair to check if there was a yellow sticker, which was pasted by HyunJoong himself in the afternoon. Those with the yellow stickers would came up on stage to play game with him. The game's name was 'One Mind with Kim HyunJoong'.

They had to play 'scissor paper stone' but to win you gotta came out same sign as him and if different then you not in same mind as him, 1 person will be eliminated and go down without a present. He tried to say scissors paper stone but got stuck when trying to pronounce stone and the MC taught him. His reaction at this moment was cute..... 'Oh..... stone...! stone.....!' hehehe the way he spoke english was veeeeery cute.
They played one round, a fan dressed in red lost but she seemed to protest and the MC said this was an exercise and requested HyunJoong to make 3 actions to show love. 1st, he used his 2 hands to show the love sign. 2nd, he put up both his hand on his head forming the korean 'saranghae' kinda of love sign. 3rd, he made the same love sign and placed it on his heart. Each time before the game started, HyunJoong will count '3... 2.. 1' Owwww.... I really loved the way he spoke english, can't help but smile each and everytime he repeated them. You can see the child in him surfaced when playing, his expressions~~~ Cute to maxxxx...... I am glad I was not the one on stage playing but sitting down there enjoying his gestures and expressions. They played a few times, but the fans always showed the same sign as HyunJoong (the korean way of 'Saranghae').
The MC said one fan had to be eliminated and go down stage, so he asked them to do the 'Scissors, paper, stone' action again. But this time round to compete with him. I guess the translator didn't translate this to HyunJoong, because after countdown, HyunJoong raised up his hand and showed the 'paper' sign. Everybody laughed. But the MC decided to take his sign instead since the game was supposed to be one mind with HyunJoong. 2 person came out differently from him, a fan dressed in tee and the same fan that dressed in red and lost during the first testing round. So the MC asked both of them to play 'scissors paper stone', the looser would have to go down stage. One round and the looser was determine. The fan dressed in white lost. HyunJoong blurted out 'Ahhhh....' and looked at the girl that lost and said sorry to her and she was brought down stage without a present.
Then the MC continued on and asked HyunJoong whether he went to Universal Studio before and saw Marilyn Monroe. HyunJoong replied yes. So the MC asked what kind of actions that Marilyn Monroe do. HyunJoong thought for a few seconds and laugh out loud as he realized what he was supposed to do later. In my mind, some of the classic Marilyn Monroe actions come to my mind, I was getting very excited to see him doing it. He gestured to us to say '3,2,1'. Then very shyly, he did the 1st pose. That classic put the hand on skirt & to stop skirt from being blown up pose, screams from everybody. Omo! That's my most favourite part for the night. His expression, a little shy + playful look..... is sooooo cute.... ^_____^ Then after that he asked us to 321 again he do the put hand at one side pose, then the next one was the blowing kiss pose. Then asked fans to demo. All were quite shy to pose.
1st round, all fans on stage gave a very funny pose and since he can't figure it out, the MC asked the fans one by one, there's a fan do the put hand on skirt pose but so MC asked her what was her pose and she replied skirt pose, leader laugh out naughtily. For a moment that playful HyunJoong Leader in SS501 is back again. Hehe. I really like this segment very much, cos he kept showing the very playful side of him and also looking shy when posing. Very natural and having fun interact with fans.
After eliminating and left with 2 fans, they changed the pose, MC said HyunJoong loves to play soccer but soccer poses are too difficult, instead, he asked HyunJoong to pose 3 baseball actions. This time, HyunJoong moved forward very confidently and started to do the 1st action: throw ball pose, then the 2nd one is squad down to hop a ball pose, and 3rd is take bat to beat ball pose. Actually I would prefer that he do the soccer pose than baseball as you know he loves to play soccer and not being able to see him played it live in front of me, I do wish he can at least showed us some stunts here. Keke.... no matter what, he looked cool also doing the baseball actions. Looking so pro like he was playing in a real game. Keke
After that he demonstrated and taught fans how to do the actions. When started the 1st round, MC asked whether HyunJoong was ready, HyunJoong replied 'I am ready' LOL.... His Konglish... ^____________^ They did 2 rounds and all doing same actions as HyunJoong, after the 3rd round they still doing the same action as HyunJoong, in full bewilderment, he exclaimed: "Do they have eyes behind their head?!". LOL HyunJoong you were soooooooo cute.... Everybody was laughing madly at his exclamation! Though I usually don't enjoy game segments because it was very repetitive but this time I really enjoyed myself throughout the time.
The winner of the game was a Malay fan. The prize for winning was taking photograph together with leader. As usual, leader will lower down his body to be same height with the girl and put his arms around her to take photo, his very standard pose when taking picture with fans. Go check it out for all events, he always do it the same way. Haha
After the fan go down stage, MC asked HyunJoong whether he enjoyed the game. HyunJoong replied that he think all of us are full of fun. Then MC asked him what about the girl who didn't win? HyunJoong thought for a few seconds then replied: 'Game is game'. Then MC say ya life is like this. When I heard leader say this, actually I m quite surprised that he actually said that, he is not like the kind of people that will be so heartless to say this, I was thinking that he will at least request to give her something instead. But well, maybe he is just being playful at that moment. But I still felt a bit weird for him to react like that.
He continued on by sing Marry You. He is very playful when singing this song, going closed to stage and looking down at fans, causing them to scream. There's a metal bench like those in park type at the right side of the stage. When he started singing, stage light was a little dark, then that girl that lost the game & being brought down & suppose to get no present all - THE BIGGEST WINNER OF THE DAY!! She was sitting on bed 'drinking coffee' (remember the lyrics of 'Marry Me' one of the line said something like waking up in the morning drinking a cup of coffee' ^^)
Leader looked over to her side and started to walk over playfully, sitting down beside her and put his arm over her shoulder and then pass her a bouquet of roses.... SCREAMM HIGH TIME....., then he walked back to the bench to sit down & sang looking at the girl, the staff started to do some magic again by pushing out a white screen that covered the girl and the bed entirely, leader was singing while walking around, his smile for this song was mesmerizing, releasing billions mega walt everytime. Mini UFO almost electrocuted by his powerful smiles~~~ he slowly moved near the screen and peep inside and walked into the screen, at that moment the lights went off! SCREAMS again....
Next u can only see shadow from the white screen. 'Leader' move towards the girl with mic singing to her, waving, touching her face and then hold her hand up and kiss.... (Scream high time again, keke) then somebody pushed the screen away, LMAO!!!!! It is actually a male dancer with another lady dancer, then leader walk out holding the fan's hand, she was still carrying the bouquet. They both sat down on the bench. Leader put his arms on her shoulder again, then pose to take picture with her and then took the Polaroid and passed to her.... The end of the fairy tale. kekeke.. he gestured the fan to go down from front but i think she was panic and had went behind before leader gesture, then later u see Mr Jeong bringing her out in front again. Haha
I guess a lot of people was extremely jealous of that girl. Kekeke. For me I don't really feel jealous, actually this part is really not very 'HyunJoong' like, you know he don't like all these mushy mushy things. But I think it is for fan service that he did all this. Thou he don't like it but he still do it to make fans happy. I really salute and respect him for this. If you noticed his expression from this segment, go watch the fancams. He seems like playing around. Enjoying the interactions from fans, as if like haha, I trick all of you. She is the winner but not the looser. Throughout the song, his smile is very bright. That playful HyunJoong that we always see, whose smile will brighten up when he gets mischievous. Ok, this is what I thought, whether he think like this I don't know. But he is enjoying, you can feel it.... So.... just don't get overly jealous over the girl. Haha. Who knows next time you might be the lucky one to be there too. Just be sure you go for his events to increase the chances. Haha. If I am not wrong, this TS is not from Singapore right? I saw her wearing TripleS Indonesia Tee. Congratulations to her. I guess it must be the greatest present for her for traveling over purposely to see him.
Guess wuri leader needs to go backstage to change and touch up again. Video was played again, this time it was a comic strip like video, our leader loves to read comic, so to see this video done in comic strip format brought a smile to me. The video clip was extremely funny. He had pulled in the dancers to be his co-actors/actresses. ^___^ In the video, he and the dancers were poor men and beg for money. Some rich man like person gave him a gold coin but the gold coin was snatched by..... A CAT..... that fly like superman.... LOL..... and leader comically run after the cat.... hahahahaha.... everybody was really laughing madly at all the funny scenes showed in the movie.
In order to get back the gold coin he threw a fish to the cat and being cat instinct, the cat drop the coin for the fish. LOL.... And so he took the coin and went to the casino to try his luck on the slot machine won the big prize. Hahaha.... can I guess that the story writer for this comic strip was HyunJoong himself, it was so comical and most important of all he was not afraid to look dirty and unkempt in the video just for the fun of it. I also felt like he wanted us to share his love of comic. Well, he had successfully attracted our attention and for a moment waiting for him coming back on stage again was not boring at all and I had enjoyed every bit of it.

Video ended, lights dimmed off and pop! lights up and it was raining U:zoosin money. ^^ Wow! This was the first time I saw a lot of money flying infront of me! Kekeke.... Everybody started to collect the money, some trying to catch from the sky and some picking up from floor. Me too was one of them. Keke... it was fun. Thank you our God of Universe for sharing his wealth with us earthlings... haha... HyunJoong appeared dressed in red jacket with a black shirt inside and a red pants. If you always watched his MV, this set of costume means he was going to sing songs from his 'Lucky Guy' album. ^^ Everybody was hyped up again with the 'Do you like that' song.
Of course, how could 'Do you like that' complete without continuing it with 'Lucky Guy', so of course the next song was 'Lucky guy' (remix version). 'Lucky Guy' was meant to be a party kinda song, so it just brought up the party mood and I was enjoying the dance since I have always watched in online but now I gotta watch it live. I have always like this song since HyunJoong really dance very well + sing very well for this song. I have seem tremendous improvement in him in his vocal. As if it was not fun enough by popping out U:zoosin money to us, in the middle of 'Lucky Guy' more 'gifts' are popped out again. Hahaha.... this is the most jialut one.... cos it simply make everybody entangled with the long white paper, you see everybody trying to remove the white paper away from their body.
Well, our superstar need to change, so it is video time again. This video show clips of him preparing for this fan meeting, recording the short video with the teddy bear, dancing, discussing with the team, etc etc, It is a heartwarming video as we caught a glimpse of him preparing the fan meeting. We get to see how much effort he has done for the concert. At the end of the video, there a short line which say:
"My name is HyunJoong Kim
I rule the universe
Came from the star, became a star, and go as a star
But if you and I, if we don't forget each other
Then I am a star, your star
Forever in your heart"
I was very touched by these words. Yes, HyunJoong, you are forever the star in my heart, from tonight's performance, you made me love you even more. Your charisma your charm your kindness your love to fans. I will remember them and keep them forever in my heart.
Then HyunJoong appeared wearing in all black. And he gave his final speech:
"As I prepare for this fan meeting, what keep me going
was the thought of performing infront of you from different countries around the world. How was it?
I won't deny that there were a lot of pressures that I face, challenges in the process of preparing the fan meeting. But after seeing you, I can just forget about all those. Hope tonight will be an unforgettable night for all. I promised you that I will be back with new and better songs and performances in future. It is very sad but for today's fan meet, this is going to be the last song."
The next song is 'If you're like me' from 'Wedding Plot' OST, this is the first time he had performed this song on stage, we are so lucky to be able to listen to it live. I have always like HyunJoong when he sing ballad, and I have soft spots for ballad. The rhythm of this song is very nice, and HyunJoong sang it full of feeling and I felt touched listening to the song. I can't remember the meaning of the lyrics anymore. But the feelings in his voice made me felt touch. At the same time, I was also feeling a little sad, as the fan meeting was going to end soon.
(P/S: If you listen to the OST and compared to his performance version, both were very different, the concert version has more feelings in it, as if he was singing to someone and you would feel very touched listening to the song)
After singing this song, he went back stage. Fans are shouting don't go..... and some calling encore. After a short while, the music of 'One More Time' was played. But he wasn't on the stage, I was looking around for him and suddenly there's a commotion, everybody turning to their back as HyunJoong had came in from the main entrance and it was total chaos again, many in the floor seats started to stand on chair to see him. Slowly he moved from the arena area towards the floor area, he did not move very fast but taking his time and always looking around to look at fans while he stopped and sang. This was the fan service he gave to those who sat at the arena seats I guess, since they did not have a closer view of him, so instead, he himself moved closer to them to let them see him, and he could also have a look of them. He did not need to do this, because it might be dangerous for him, I m not saying that fans will harm him, but in total chaos when people were trying hard to 'touch him', he might get hurt but instead he did all these for his fans.
He went back stage again after moving around and continuing singing. After the song end, music of 'Lucky Guy' started, hehe HyunJoong started shouted 'ARE YOU READY! Jump! JUMP!' to ask fan to stand to dance together. He was running around to ask fans to jump. Haha. Then once again he moved down the stage and go around Premiere B section, going around in slow pace and even playfully looking into fan's camera. Hehe.... Moving up stage again, he picked up a bottle of water to drink and then..... splash the water over Premiere A section. Haha. And then he moved over to Premiere C section and again taking another bottle of water and splashed at them. At the moment also, it started to rain paper confetti again. Haha.... this time it was really snowing.... All my bags my body the floor turned into white. Haha...
Grand finale, he asked to give a round of applause for the dancer team, then holding hands with all dancers, bow to all and went back stage. He was very cute, before bowing, he suddenly took up the mic and said '3...2..1' hahaha....I simply love him when he speaks english.... cute.....
Next in line will be the Hi-5 session, originally the Hi-5 chances were only given to 500 lucky fans by the organizer, but it was changed into Hi-5 with all fans as this was a special request from our caring and generous HyunJoong so that he can have more interaction with fans. I was very touched by his thought. To have performed for around 2 hours continuously and then having to Hi-5 another thousand over fans, it was really a straining process, but yet, he agreed to give us such a great fan service. Usually if we go to fan meetings, only the more expensive tickets holder will have the chance for Hi-5, it is as if we have to pay to Hi-5 with the star, but yet for him, he did not give the Hi-5 chances only to those that pay the most expensive tickets but to ALL categories. I felt very thankful to him. Even though I didn't pay for the cheaper price ticket, I am touched by his love for his fans. He's not here to earn from us but to give back to us the support that we have rendered to him. Remember, this is the Leader that gave out free fanmeeting in Seoul for his fans, more than once.
I was hoping that Premiere seats will be the last to Hi-5 as I wanted to see him longer, it was simply not enough to look at him performing for that short 2 hours only. But alas! It was announced that Premiere seats will be the first to go. T_______T I don't want to leave so early.... However, I have no choice, but to follow the instruction of the organizer.
Before the Hi-5 event started, leader went back stage while they prep the stage for the Hi-5, setting up tables to prevent too close contact, yah.... i know some will hug him and don't want to let go. kekeke.... But I guess this step was necessary, else how long is he going to finish the Hi-5 session. Mr Jeong came out a few time to access the area and his 'fans' started to scream his name. Keke... Mr Jeong was very popular among the fans since he always treat them well, helping them passed gifts to HyunJoong and always very polite to fans. I am happy that KeyEast gave HyunJoong such a nice bodyguard, which can understand the heart of fans and also HyunJoong's love for his fans. Thank you Mr Jeong, for always taking care of wuri HyunJoong also. I guess you sure got hurt when trying to shove HyunJoong from frantic fans at times.
Ok, I am out of topic. Hehe.... Well, when everything was setup, HyunJoong came out together with Mr Jeong and another security standing beside to 'protect' him. Keke... Queues were formed and fans were brought up. Some will Hi-5 with him but most will shake his hand. Each and everyone of them, leader looked into their direction when they come up, smile and extend his hand to them. There were a mother who had brought her daughter there also, as usual upon seeing the little girl leader lean down to shake hand with her and touch the little girl's face. He is so caring, I believe he will be a caring father in future.
As the queue goes, it reached my turn. Before going up I was practicing non stop: Pan-mee-ting daebak, chu-ka-ham-ni-da, kam-sa-ham-ni-da. (which means: Fanmeeting is fantastic, Congratulations, Thank You) However, when I went near him, staring into his eyes, nothing came out from my mouth. I only smile to him and he smiled to me with his so gentle smile and extended his hand to me... his hand was soooo soft..... I have never shook a guy hand which is so soft, I wished time would have stopped there then I can stand there forever holding on his hand but I can't. I just followed the exit route and went out the stadium.
Feeling a little lost and sad, I went back home. On my way back, my dongsaeng called me up to tell me some small episode that happened after I left. There's 2 grandma, one needed assistant to walk downstairs and another who could walked on her own and was holding onto a poster. They took quite a long time moving down from the arena and causing the queue to slow down, Mr Jeong who was on the stage with HyunJoong went over to access the situation, held and walked her down the stairs to the front of the arena. Certain area, Mr Jeong and some guard carried the wheelchair with the 1st grandma down. The 2nd grandma after reaching the floor area then sat on the wheelchair. While they were moving down, everybody around there were cheering for them. The wheelchairs reached till the front of the stage but there were still another temporary staircase to go up to the stage, at that time HyunJoong was still on stage busy shaking hand/Hi-5 with other fans, but he heard all the screams and cheers and noticed the 2 grandma on wheelchair, he personally came down from the stage and shake hand and hug the grandmas. Receiving cheering for his kind action.
Some kind fans have shared the video of his kind act.
Please repost with full credits
Credit: kingsley182
I read from twitter also, some male fans shook his hand nears to the end, the commented that his hand was rather weak and near trembling at that time. Well, some might think that it was an easy task to Hi-5/shake hand. But if you think more about it, he don't shake hand/Hi-5 with one fans or 10 fans or 100 fans but thousands over fans, right after performing 15 songs for around 2 hours. And right after that for all the time, he was standing there, extending out his hand to shake each and everyone of his fans, maintaining his gentle smile all the time, no complains but doing all these just for fans.
I am very touched by his kindness, from little child to old grandma. His sincerity could be seen. After the fan meeting, I am totally charmed by HyunJoong. Although I was charmed by him since 'Boys Over Flowers', but this Fan Meeting had totally charmed me in an even more impactful way. Even though I had went to his TFS fan meeting, seeing him upclose, I do not have the same feeling as compare to today.
I was charmed by his hardwork, his great performance, his charisma on stage when performing, his kind and sincere heart to have interaction with fans. He promised to have more interactions with fans and he has fulfilled his promised. It is really not easy for a person that get nervous when with strangers, yes I know we are fans but no matter what this might be the first time he met us. He will still feel nervous. Therefore to him it is a big barrier to break, and he did that very naturally. Enjoying and having fun with fans. This is why I can feel his sincerity.
那种震撼力直到现在还历历在目.试问有谁不会对一个这么认真这么用功这么诚心的想与饭有更多交流的偶像动心. 以他今时今日的人气, 他大可唱唱两三首歌, 玩玩一些无聊的游戏, 再与那些买最高价的饭握手或签名, 可是他没有这么想, 而选择了把最好最棒的演出给饭, 花两小时演唱十五首歌外加与饭互动, 都快累坏了还继续站另外几小时和千多名饭击掌或握手, 你自己去试试吧, 用左手握右手一百次或击掌一百次, 我包你还没有五十下你就喊痛了,可他没怨言, 还持续保持微笑, 温柔的把他的手为每一个饭伸出, 你不会感动吗?还有啊,你有试过去歌迷互动会还有送礼物的吗?不是给价高的票而是给每一个饭,有这么好的事吗?谢谢你小贤,谢谢你给了我一个这么好的回忆.我一定会永远记得的~ 我们下次再见!
HyunJoong's Asia FanMeeting Tour do not just end here, there's still Hong Kong, Taiwan, and 4 more stops in China. If you are a HyunJoong lover, don't miss out on his great performances!