Although White Day has already past but I still want to post this up. HyunJoong's White Day Message to us. As 4D as usual, it must be an interesting sight to see him playing in the stall. ^____^ HyunJoong has never stopped to amaze us with his messages.
Thanks @howlovelylala for translating in her twitter.
Credit: (English translation)
Please repost with full credit
HyunJoong's 25th msg: ................................
I did retro candy-ppopgi (*which is a kind of darts game and winner will get a huge carp fish shaped candy) on the street with the manager, scuba-diving instructor and film maker bro.
me : It's been so long, why don't we try that?????????
SCI : okie. Let's try it.
candy ajuma : come on, come on. it's only 1,000 won for one game~~ come on
me : How to do this???????????????????
candy ajuma : just rotate the plate and throw the darts. when you get the number, you will have the prize on the number.
me : wow. What if I dart this carp fish????????
candy ajuma : Try first.. It's possible.
I played again and again but couldn't get small bird-shaped-candy or pistol-shaped-candy.........even stick candy.
me : oh no!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! pissed me off............................. one more game
one more game
one more game
candy ajuma : aigoo~~~~~~~~~~~~~ you can't. I will give you this instead, take this.
Candy ajussi was not interested in here and just reading a newspaper.. He might have been laughing up his sleeve.
me : Ajuma, can I change the number of choice????????????????
Ajuma : aigoo... I don't think you can. if you change, it will be harder. just keep going on. I've n ever seen people succeed with changing.
However I changed the last choice from 66 carp-fish to 52 carp-fish and threw the last great dart
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! No.52................................I got the carp-fish
I and all the people were screaming and the ajuma said
Ajumuni : Ho..ho..honey...,he got back)ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
I am spreading this hard won candy for the Whiteday.
Oppa is cool??????????????????????ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

Original Message from
25번째 이야기 : ................................
날짜 : 2013.03.14 | 작성자 : 우주신
매니져와 스쿠버선생님과 영상당담형과 거리를지나다가
오래간만에 추억의 잉어를뽑는 사탕뽑기를했다
나:오랜만에 우리 저거해볼까요?????????
스쿠버선생님:조아요 한번해볼까요
사탕아줌마:어서와요어서와 이거한판에이천원이야~~어여와
사탕아줌마:원판돌리고 화살던져서 찍고 그숫자나오면 거기숫자에건거 가져가는거야
나:우와 이잉어도뽑혀요?????????
계속해봐도 나는 그작은 새사탕 권총사탕하나 나오질...안고...................
아줌마:이그~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~안된다니까 이거사탕줄테니깐이거라도들고가
사탕아저씨..........는뒤에서관심도없고 신문보고계심..속으론 웃고계시는듯싶었음
나:아줌마 저말바꿀께요 바꿔도되죠????????????????
아줌마:에이그....바꿔야그게되나..........바꾸면더안되 그냥해 되는사람을못봤어 바꿔서
나는 마지막말을 66일어번호에서52잉어로바꾸고 회심의 다트를던졌다
나와모든사람들이소리를지르며환호를지르고 아주머니하신말씀
아주머니:여...여...여보....이..잉..잉...어가 나와..왔...어요((뒤돌아보며)ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
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