=b2ment=2011-04-14 @ 10:11 PM
여러분 귀요미의 종결자 규요미 대령입니다~~~ 포스가 남다르죠?^^ 그냥 셔터한번 눌렀을뿐인데ㅎㄷㄷ 대기실에서 왕놀이하는 규~~~ 쵝오라규~~~^^
yfrog.com/gyvavpvjEveryone, this is captain Cutie-Kyu, the terminator of cuties~~~ Isn't his pose manly?^^ I just pressed the shutter once only hee d d Kyu, who is playing the most in the waiting room~~~ Best Kyu~~~^^
=b2ment=2011-04-14 @ 10:02 PM
늦 은시간에 사무실 방문한 영생군입니다. 흐뭇하게 컴퓨터를 바라보는 모습을 도촬했습니다 ㅎㅎ. 오늘 특별히 허요미 5종세트 방출합니다. 오늘도 안무연습은 쉬지않습니다 ㅎㅎ
http://yfrog.com/hsizpyaxjhttp://yfrog.com/h4g40kjjThis is YoungSaeng who visited the office this late. Secretly shot him looking at the computer pleasantly heehee. We specially release Cutie-Heo 5 photo set today. Today's dance practice isn't easy at all heehee

=Actor_ParkJiBin=2011-04-14 @ 5:08 PM
영생이형한테 선물뭐냐고 물어봤는데
ㅗ 요거!! 이러네요 ... 역시형이야 짱이야!
I asked YoungSaeng hyung what's the present
ㅗ this!! He told me that ... Indeed this is hyung, best!
=JUNGYEON1023=2011-04-14 @ 12:13 PM
@HyungJun87 허..랍...스타..?
@HyungJun87 Heo..Lob...ster..?
=shp7575=2011-04-14 @ 11:28 AM
축하축하~새벽2시 [김형준의 뮤직하이]도 애청해주세요 RT @HyungJun87 멋지다. 감사합니다. 보이스 오브 에스비에스야 기다려라!!
yfrog.com/h0k5krpjCongrats congrats~[Kim HyungJun's Music High] at 2am, please tune in RT @HyungJun87 Great. Thank you. Voice of SBS, just wait for it!!
=rainyfilm=2011-04-14 @ 5:01 AM
가는고야! 군대까지10년만지나면된다 RT @HyungJun87: 멋지다. 감사합니다. 보이스 오브 에스비에스야 기다려라!!
yfrog.com/h0k5krpjGoing! Just do it for another 10 years more until you get enlisted into army RT @HyungJun87: Combined!! Demanding for combination of 3 person
=rainyfilm=2011-04-14 @ 5:00 AM
@HyungJun87 벌써이년.. 처음이라그래 며칠뒤엔괜찮아져 그생각만으로벌써이년이.. I believe in you. I believe in your mind~ 땡큐! 쭌!
@HyungJun87 Already 2 years.. At first it is like that but after a few days it will be alright, with a thought like that it's already been 2 years.. believe in you. I believe in your mind~ Thankyou! Jjun!
*XiaoChu: She actually used the lyrics from 'Already 1 year' by Brown Eyes=hg3731=2011-04-14 @ 2:21 AM
RT @HyungJun87: 합체!! 세명은 합성요망 히히
yfrog.com/h7nzvlpcjRT @HyungJun87: Combined!! Demanding for combination of 3 person
=YoungSaeng=2011-04-14 @ 1:55 AM@HyungJun87 벌써2주년이구나~축하한다!!ㅋ@HyungJun87 So it's already the 2nd year anniversary~Congratulations!!ke=HyungJun=2011-04-14 @ 1:55 AM합체!! 세명은 합성요망 히히 yfrog.com/h7nzvlpcjCombined!! Demanding for combination of 3 person
=zakkykim=2011-04-14 @ 1:23 AM
@HyungJun87 앞으로도 열심히!
@HyungJun87 Keep on working hard!
=HyungJun=2011-04-14 @ 1:23 AM김형준의 뮤직하이 만세!! 포에버!Kim HyungJun's Music High Mansae!! Forever!=HyungJun=2011-04-14 @ 1:22 AM김형준의 뮤직하이를 위해 항상 고생해주고 노력해주는 의준 피디형. 명선 작가누나. 살람해요~ 오래오래 함께 가보자구요. yfrog.com/h7qdflhjEuiJun PD hyung who has always gone through alot and working hard for Kim HyungJun's Music High. MyungSun Writer noona. I love you~ Let's go on together for a long long time.
=HyungJun=2011-04-14 @ 1:20 AM멋지다. 감사합니다. 보이스 오브 에스비에스야 기다려라!! yfrog.com/h0k5krpjGreat. Thank you. Voice of SBS, just wait for it!!
=hg3731=2011-04-14 @ 1:19 AM
RT @HyungJun87: 김형준의 뮤직하이 2주년 입니다!!! 냐호^^ 맛잇는 랍스타를 ..그 근데 어떻게 먹어야하지.. 랍스타.. 마 ..만세! 잘먹겠습니다. 만세
yfrog.com/h3pybhhjRT @HyungJun87: It is the 2nd anniversary of Kim HyungJun's Music High!!! Nyaho^^ Delicious lobster ..but how to eat that.. Lobster.. Ma ..Mansae! I will eat it well. Mansae
=HyungJun=2011-04-14 @ 1:18 AM김형준의 뮤직하이 2주년 입니다!!! 냐호^^ 맛잇는 랍스타를 ..그 근데 어떻게 먹어야하지.. 랍스타.. 마 ..만세! 잘먹겠습니다. 만세 yfrog.com/h3pybhhjIt is the 2nd anniversary of Kim HyungJun's Music High!!! Nyaho^^ Delicious lobster ..but how to eat that.. Lobster.. Ma ..Mansae! I will eat it well. Mansae