Saturday, May 12, 2012

[Fan Account] About leader hugging & shaking hand with grandma [2012.05.04]

Read this fan account in Hyunbar66 and this fan talked about the incident which Hyun Joong hugged and shake hand with 2 grandmas during the Hi-5 session. It was very touching and I want to share with everybody, but I will only translate the part about the incident and not the whole fan account. For those of you who understand chinese, you might want to read the whole fan account, I have pasted them there also.

Thanks soonli1008 for sharing this touching fan account.


Original Fan Account from: Hyunbar66
Partial English Translation:
Please repost with full credit

[Original chinese fan account by soonli1008]

soonli1008 新加坡FM后记

#金贤重#120504(1),我到了现场参与你的fm,真的无比的感动于激动,可以看得出,你真 的用了很多心思在这里,一切的一切,你都是想让我们开心。我们不能为你做什么,那晚只能用尽全力的为你呐喊,给予你最大的应援,就算嗓子没了也无怨。看到 你的笑容就是我们最开心的。


# 金贤重#120504(3)在整场fm上,你不断的想和我们做最多的互动,教我们唱歌,还被我们气到,因为沟通不到。哈哈。选了粉丝上台玩游戏,每个都很 多福利,搭肩,拍照,握手,亲手送礼物,丢擦过汗的毛巾下台,lucky guy时送的的钱币,encore时用喝过的水泼向大家,这一切,我们都知道你是为了我们开心。

#金贤 重#120504(4)encore唱one more time的时候,你从观众席中间走出来了,因为即将要离别,所以再次给我们最近的距离与你见面。你的心意,我们都了解。唱到最后,你握着舞团的手给我们最 大的鞠躬敬礼,不懂为什么,我很想大声的哭出来,我很想告诉你,我们受不起,我们欠你太多了。。


# 金贤重#120504(6)我只能说,偶吧,你真的是个大忙人,明明在台上忙着hi5,还要顾虑到四周围的状况,你大可以好好安心的hi5完,就可以马上 结束了。但是你就是不同,不管什么,都是负责到底的。又再一次感动到我了。不久后,有囧哥的帮忙,速度有点恢复过来了。我也准备站在舞台旁要和你hi5 了。


# 金贤重#120504(8)那时候偶吧的表情,我在一旁看的非常清楚,他很紧张的冲下台,脸上是完全紧绷的。他是发自内心的紧张与担心。看到那这样,我都 快哭出来了,结果我们大家都用尽全力给老奶奶和偶吧大大声的的鼓掌。这一切,都深深刻在我脑海中,一个很完美的偶吧,很用心的偶吧,在fm上都能看的见。

Partial English Trans from Hi-5 part only (Point 5 onwards)

#5 Reach the time of Hi-5 session, they had temporary given you 20mins rest. When you walked out, could see that you were very happy to meet each of your fans, however, half way through the Hi-5, maybe it could be due to not proper arrangement, the route for people coming up stage and leaving the stage was different, causing the Hi-5 speed to slow down, you were panic and asked Mr Jeong to go down stage to help.

#6 I can only say, oppa, you were really a very busy person, you were already so busy Hi-5ing so stage, and you still needed to be concerned of the surrounding situation, you could actually just peacefully Hi-5 and complete it. But you are just different, no matter what, you would took care till the end. You had once again touched me. After awhile, with Mr Jeong's help, the speed had gradually returned to normal. I was also preparing to stand near the stage to Hi-5 with you.

#7 At this time, there was an old grandma from Philippines and her daughter, both had difficulties in walking, both were helped by Mr Jeong from the arena to the front of the stage, and received our cheers of support, when oppa noticed the situation was not right, worrying that both of the grandma who had difficulties in walking, he immediately stopped the Hi-5, and rushed down the stage to shake hand and hug them.

#8 Oppa expression at that time, I can see very clearly beside, he rushed down very hurriedly, his face was tensed. He was tensed and worried right from his heart. Could see that, I was almost in tears, at the end everybody gave the old grandmas and oppa the loudest applause. All these, are deeply craved in my mind, a very perfect idol, and a very hardworking oppa, whom we can see from the FM.

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