Please repost with full credit
2011-02-19 @ 10:48pm
@HyungJun87 수고했으!!!!! ㅎㅎ 맛있는거먹으러가자 ~~~~~~
@HyungJun87 Thanks for the hard work!!!!! heehee Let's go and eat something delicious ~~~~~~
2011-02-19 @ 10:46pm
@skullhong 볼링천재 -------- !!!!
@skullhong Bowling genius -------- !!!!
*in reply to
2011-02-19 @ 9:51pm
I want to go bowling
2011-02-19 @ 10:39pm
@HyungJun87 수고했어~
@HyungJun87 Thanks for the hard work~
2011-02-19 @ 9:56pm
@HyungJun87 소식 들었습니다 준대표님 크와하하 화이팅
@HyungJun87 I heard about the news. Representative Jun keuwahaha Hwaiting
2011-02-19 @ 9:52pm
도쿄에서의 쇼케이스와 팬미팅 잘 마쳤답니다. 역시 즐겁단 말이야~ 최고가 되야지~ 고마워요 다들
Showcase and fan meeting in Tokyo ended successfully. That's enjoyable indeed~ I must become the best~ Thanks everyone
2011-02-19 @ 9:43pm
@PHOTOKARMA 그럼요 형!!!! 저야 늘 잘지내죠^^!!! 해피해피하게!!!~~ ㅎㅎ 잘지내시죠?!~~~
@PHOTOKARMA Yes of course hyung!!!! I am always doing good^^!!! Happy Happy!!!~~ heehee Are you doing well?!~~~
2011-02-19 @ 9:40pm
오랜만에 사진 업데이트~~ PiroPiro 선물받은 기념으로 기범이와 함께 ! ㅋㅋ
It's a long time since I updated with photos~~ With KiBum commemorating the receiving of PiroPiro ! keke

2011-02-19 @ 8:58pm
@2kjdream 안녕!!!ㅋ 잘지내고 있어?
@2kjdream Hello!!!ke How are you doing?
2011-02-19 @ 8:56pm
고마워요..^^ 늘 내 편이 되어주시는 모든 분들께.. 진심으로 감사드려요!! 같이 늙어가자구요!!! ��
Thanks..^^ To everyone who is always siding me.. Sincerely thank you!! Let's grow old together!!! <3
2011-02-19 @ 6:29pm
@Steven_Lee_ 무슨말이에요~~ 형 멋진걸요오?!!^^ ㅎㅎ 아 정말 좋아요!! 모두들 이렇게가까이있을수있는시간이오다니~ㅎㅎ
@Steven_Lee_ What are you talking about~~ Hyung is greatt?!!^^ heehee Ah it's really good!! To have a time where everyone can come close together like this~heehee
2011-02-19 @ 6:25pm
@2kjdream 연예인 세명 사이에 일반인 굴욕 sleep.gif ㅋㅋㅋ 충전기는 가방에 넣고다녀야겠다 안까먹게.
@2kjdream Humiliation of a normal person among 3 entertainers sleep.gif kekeke Must remember to put the charger in my bag.
2011-02-19 @ 6:02pm
taewan & kyu & saeng & steven with coffee !! photo by hyung jin !!! ^^

2011-02-19 @ 10:48pm
@HyungJun87 수고했으!!!!! ㅎㅎ 맛있는거먹으러가자 ~~~~~~
@HyungJun87 Thanks for the hard work!!!!! heehee Let's go and eat something delicious ~~~~~~
2011-02-19 @ 10:46pm
@skullhong 볼링천재 -------- !!!!
@skullhong Bowling genius -------- !!!!
*in reply to
2011-02-19 @ 9:51pm
I want to go bowling
2011-02-19 @ 10:39pm
@HyungJun87 수고했어~
@HyungJun87 Thanks for the hard work~
2011-02-19 @ 9:56pm
@HyungJun87 소식 들었습니다 준대표님 크와하하 화이팅
@HyungJun87 I heard about the news. Representative Jun keuwahaha Hwaiting
2011-02-19 @ 9:52pm
도쿄에서의 쇼케이스와 팬미팅 잘 마쳤답니다. 역시 즐겁단 말이야~ 최고가 되야지~ 고마워요 다들
Showcase and fan meeting in Tokyo ended successfully. That's enjoyable indeed~ I must become the best~ Thanks everyone
2011-02-19 @ 9:43pm
@PHOTOKARMA 그럼요 형!!!! 저야 늘 잘지내죠^^!!! 해피해피하게!!!~~ ㅎㅎ 잘지내시죠?!~~~
@PHOTOKARMA Yes of course hyung!!!! I am always doing good^^!!! Happy Happy!!!~~ heehee Are you doing well?!~~~
2011-02-19 @ 9:40pm
오랜만에 사진 업데이트~~ PiroPiro 선물받은 기념으로 기범이와 함께 ! ㅋㅋ
It's a long time since I updated with photos~~ With KiBum commemorating the receiving of PiroPiro ! keke

2011-02-19 @ 8:58pm
@2kjdream 안녕!!!ㅋ 잘지내고 있어?
@2kjdream Hello!!!ke How are you doing?
2011-02-19 @ 8:56pm
고마워요..^^ 늘 내 편이 되어주시는 모든 분들께.. 진심으로 감사드려요!! 같이 늙어가자구요!!! ��
Thanks..^^ To everyone who is always siding me.. Sincerely thank you!! Let's grow old together!!! <3
2011-02-19 @ 6:29pm
@Steven_Lee_ 무슨말이에요~~ 형 멋진걸요오?!!^^ ㅎㅎ 아 정말 좋아요!! 모두들 이렇게가까이있을수있는시간이오다니~ㅎㅎ
@Steven_Lee_ What are you talking about~~ Hyung is greatt?!!^^ heehee Ah it's really good!! To have a time where everyone can come close together like this~heehee
2011-02-19 @ 6:25pm
@2kjdream 연예인 세명 사이에 일반인 굴욕 sleep.gif ㅋㅋㅋ 충전기는 가방에 넣고다녀야겠다 안까먹게.
@2kjdream Humiliation of a normal person among 3 entertainers sleep.gif kekeke Must remember to put the charger in my bag.
2011-02-19 @ 6:02pm
taewan & kyu & saeng & steven with coffee !! photo by hyung jin !!! ^^

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