Please repost with full credit
2011-02-16 @ 7:45pm
안녕하세요 HnB Company입니다 드디어 해외에서도 피로피로를 구매할 수 있게 되었습니다!! 기존에 가능했던 일본외에 전세계에서 구매하실 수 있답니다! 자세한 내용은 몇일 뒤 공지사항으로 올리도록 하겠습니다 감사합니다!
Hello, this is HnB Company. Finally you can purchase piropiro from overseas!! From the current available Japan, now you can purchase it from anywhere in the world! Detailed information will be posted as an announcement in a few days time. Thank you!
2011-02-16 @ 7:45pm
안녕하세요 HnB Company입니다 드디어 해외에서도 피로피로를 구매할 수 있게 되었습니다!! 기존에 가능했던 일본외에 전세계에서 구매하실 수 있답니다! 자세한 내용은 몇일 뒤 공지사항으로 올리도록 하겠습니다 감사합니다!
Hello, this is HnB Company. Finally you can purchase piropiro from overseas!! From the current available Japan, now you can purchase it from anywhere in the world! Detailed information will be posted as an announcement in a few days time. Thank you!
2011-02-16 @ 7:44pm
Hi it's HnB Company Finally all the overseas customer can buy PIROPIRO!! about the detail infomation, you can see in couple days Thank U!
2011-02-16 @ 7:44pm
Hi it's HnB Company Finally all the overseas customer can buy PIROPIRO!! about the detail infomation, you can see in couple days Thank U!
2011-02-16 @ 4:02pm
"@JUNGYEON1023: 먼저 피로피로 오픈이벤트 참가자 모든분에게 드리기 위한 범대표님의 싸인중.. 다음운 준대표님!!!싸인 인증샷은 커밍쑨!!ㅎㅎ" "
@JUNGYEON1023: First of all, Representative Bum is signing to give all of you who participated in Piropiro grand opening event.. Next up is Representative Jun!!! Proof shot coming soon!!heehee"

2011-02-16 @ 3:21pm
먼저 피로피로 오픈이벤트 참가자 모든분에게 드리기 위한 범대표님의 싸인중.. 다음운 준대표님!!!싸인 인증샷은 커밍쑨!!ㅎㅎ
First of all, Representative Bum is signing to give all of you who participated in Piropiro grand opening event.. Next up is Representative Jun!!! Proof shot coming soon!!heehee

2011-02-16 @ 3:21pm
먼저 피로피로 오픈이벤트 참가자 모든분에게 드리기 위한 범대표님의 싸인중.. 다음운 준대표님!!!싸인 인증샷은 커밍쑨!!ㅎㅎ
First of all, Representative Bum is signing to give all of you who participated in Piropiro grand opening event.. Next up is Representative Jun!!! Proof shot coming soon!!heehee

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