Please repost with full credit
2011-03-10 @ 11:17pm
@HyungJun87 다 봤다~~ㅋㅋ 똑바로 해!!!
@HyungJun87 I watched it all~~keke Do it properly!!!
2011-03-10 @ 11:15pm
@woosangil 거의 끝났습니다 ㅋㅋ
@woosangil It's almost finished keke
2011-03-10 @ 11:12pm
@HyungJun87 형준이형! 오늘 첫방 봤어요~ *^^* 노래 너무 좋고 너무 멋있었어요! 대박 대박~ ㅋㅋ 응원 많이 하고있을께요! 항상 몸 관리 잘하세요~ 화이팅 ^♥^
@HyungJun87 HyungJun hyung! I watched your first broadcast today~ *^^* Song is very good and you're wonderful! Daebak Daebak~ keke I will be supporting you lots! Please always take care of yourself~ Hwaiting ^♥^
2011-03-10 @ 11:12pm
@HyungJun87 형준이형! 오늘 첫방 봤어요~ *^^* 노래 너무 좋고 너무 멋있었어요! 대박 대박~ ㅋㅋ 응원 많이 하고있을께요! 항상 몸 관리 잘하세요~ 화이팅 ^♥^
@HyungJun87 HyungJun hyung! I watched your first broadcast today~ *^^* Song is very good and you're wonderful! Daebak Daebak~ keke I will be supporting you lots! Please always take care of yourself~ Hwaiting ^♥^
2011-03-10 @ 10:50pm
@JungMin0403 아이따이
@JungMin0403 Wanna meet u (type Japanese in hangul)
*Thanks to @hirominnie43 in twitter for the translation
2011-03-10 @ 9:52pm
@JungMin0403 얼굴 좀 볼까?
@JungMin0403 Should we meet?
2011-03-10 @ 9:19pm
플필업데이트 완료~!!
Profile update done~!!
2011-03-10 @ 9:17pm
@HyungJun87 잘했지? 잘했군~ 잘했어~
@HyungJun87 Did you do well? So you did well~ well done~
2011-03-10 @ 7:49pm
드디어 첫 솔로앨범의 신호탄을 쏘아 올렸어요~ 즐겁다 즐겁다 즐겁다~ 대박!!
Finally, fired off my first solo album~nice nice nice~ Daebak!!
2011-03-10 @ 7:44pm
@2kjdream 고마우이 요마뷰리풀 맨~
@2kjdream Thanks yo ma beatiful man~
2011-03-10 @ 7:09pm
@HyungJun87 쭌 맨~~ 아까도말했지만 ㅠ 이번음반 음악 다~너무좋다! 역시 !!!! ㅎㅎ call me man~~~
@HyungJun87 Jjun man~~ Even though I said it just now ㅠ The music in this album are all~very good! As expected !!!! heehee call me man~~~
2011-03-10 @ 7:07pm
이게 누구야아아아?!!!~~ oh ah!!!!!
Who is thissss?!!!~~ oh ah!!!!!

2011-03-10 @ 6:33pm
@mystyle1103 i don't know.. 어디갔지.. ㅠㅠ 분명가방에넣었는데!!.. 흑흑..
@mystyle1103 i don't know.. Where is it.. ㅠㅠ I definately put it my bag!!.. sob sob..
2011-03-10 @ 4:49pm
@mystyle1103 레코딩 잘하고있냐?ㅋㅋ
@mystyle1103 Are you doing well for the recording?keke
2011-03-10 @ 4:47pm
팬들이 보내준 정성이 가득한 도시락!!잘 먹을게요!이따다끼마스~~^^
Lunchbox filled with sincerity which fans sent!! We will wat it well! Itadakimas~~^^

2011-03-10 @ 3:29pm
@mystyle1103 나중에 봤음 콜백했어야지 그날 기가 막혔는데! 조만간보자구^^
@mystyle1103 You should have made a call-back when you saw (the miss call), I was so fed up that day! Let's meet up soon^^
2011-03-10 @ 3:16pm
@mystyle1103 헐 대박!!!!!!!!
근데 DVD연결은 성공했어?
@mystyle1103 Hur DaeBak!!!!!!!!
By the way did you successfully connect DVD?
2011-03-10 @ 3:12pm
@Actor_ParkJiBin 오지마ㅡㅡ
@Actor_ParkJiBin Don't come - -
2011-03-10 @ 3:12pm
@Sj861117sj 몰랐어ㅠㅠ
@Sj861117sj I dont know ㅠㅠ
2011-03-10 @ 3:10pm
@mystyle1103 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ넵형 조만간 괴롭히러 집으로 처들어갈게!! ㅋ
@mystyle1103 kekekekekekeke Yes hyung, I will be visiting you at your house soon to bully you!! ke
2011-03-10 @ 3:07pm
@mystyle1103 너 전에 왜 전화 안받았어!!
@mystyle1103 Why didn't you pick up your phone last time!!
2011-03-10 @ 2:44pm
행텐모델 김현중이 제안하는 커플룩!!!
곧 다기올 화이트데이를 맞아 연인끼리 이렇게 연출해 보는건 어떨까요??
Couple look suggested by Hangten model Kim HyunJoong!!!
What do you think looking at this where they acted as lovers celebrating the soon-to-come white day??

2011-03-10 @ 2:27pm
@Sj861117sj 빠이팅해!!ㅋㅋ
@Sj861117sj Bbaiting!!keke
2011-03-10 @ 2:27pm
@Actor_ParkJiBin 원래 작거든 ㅡㅡ
@Actor_ParkJiBin It's originally small - -
2011-03-10 @ 2:03pm
RT @MnetMcountdown: 오늘의 엠카운트다운-솔로컴백하는 김형준씨가 엠카에 떡을!엠카개편기념도 할겸 감사히 잘먹겠습니다~새로워진 김형준의 첫무대와 새로워진 엠카! 6시생방송
RT @MnetMcountdown: Today's M Countdown - Solo-comeback Kim HyungJun's ricecake at M-ca! Also cum M-ca's restructure commemoration, we will eat it gratefully with thanks~ Renewed Kim HyungJun's first stage performance and renewed M-ca! Broadcast at 6pm

2011-03-10 @ 2:03pm
RT @MnetMcountdown: 오늘의 엠카운트다운-솔로컴백하는 김형준씨가 엠카에 떡을!엠카개편기념도 할겸 감사히 잘먹겠습니다~새로워진 김형준의 첫무대와 새로워진 엠카! 6시생방송
RT @MnetMcountdown: Today's M Countdown - Solo-comeback Kim HyungJun's ricecake at M-ca! Also cum M-ca's restructure commemoration, we will eat it gratefully with thanks~ Renewed Kim HyungJun's first stage performance and renewed M-ca! Broadcast at 6pm

2011-03-10 @ 12:52pm
@mystyle1103 우와 형 얼굴 대박 작게 나왔네 ㅋㅋㅋ
@mystyle1103 Woah hyung's face is daebak, it came out looking so small kekeke
2011-03-10 @ 12:47pm
뭔가 아이돌 같은...ㅋㅋ근데 규종아~이 사진 어디갔나~?
Something like idols...keke but KyuJong-ah~ Where is this photo~?

2011-03-10 @ 12:44pm
@mystyle1103 욕한거야 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
@mystyle1103 It is a swear word kekekekeke
2011-03-10 @ 12:38pm
@parkmaehee ㅋㅋ허영샹...먼가 욕같아요~ㅋㅋ
@parkmaehee keke Heo YoungSyang...why does it sounds like a swear word~keke
2011-03-10 @ 12:37pm
@HyungJun87 놀러갈게~~ㅋㅋ언젠간....
@HyungJun87 I will go and play~~keke some day....
2011-03-10 @ 12:36pm
@mystyle1103 네 허영샹씨 ㅋㅋㅋ
@mystyle1103 Yes Mr Heo YoungSyang kekeke
2011-03-10 @ 12:35pm
그러고보니~트위터글은 원래 수정이 안되나??ㅠㅠ
Come to think of it~ You can't edit the tweets?? ㅠㅠ
2011-03-10 @ 12:32pm
@parkmaehee 앗!!오타다 ㅋㅋ 허영생 맞아요~~ㅋ
@parkmaehee Argh!! Typo keke I am really Heo YoungSaeng~~ke
2011-03-10 @ 12:30pm
@parkmaehee 아~예~허영샹 맞아요~~ㅋㅋ
@parkmaehee Ah~Yes~I am really Heo YoungSyang~~keke
2011-03-10 @ 11:41am
@HyungJun87 힘내시요 아자!
@HyungJun87 Keep it up. Aja!
2011-03-10 @ 10:53am
@JUNGYEON1023 @HyungJun87 ㄱㄱ!!
@JUNGYEON1023 @HyungJun87 k k!!
2011-03-10 @ 8:13am
@HyungJun87 자 이제시작합니다
@HyungJun87 Well, here we start now
2011-03-10 @ 6:12am
@HyungJun87 휘비고우~
@HyungJun87 Hwibigowoo~
*don't know what he meant..
2011-03-10 @ 2:41am
Let's run~
2011-03-10 @ 1:26am
@mystyle1103 나 질문..... 정말 허영생 맞아요?
@mystyle1103 My question..... Are you really Heo YoungSaeng?
2011-03-10 @ 12:29am
@mystyle1103 저요 어디세요 궁금해요
@mystyle1103 Me. Where are you. I'm curious
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