Please repost with full credit
2011-03-15 @ 11:14pm
지금은 별밤 생방중...
Now is the live broadcast of Starry Night...

2011-03-15 @ 6:04pm
@mystyle1103 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ걱정되서 그런거거든? ㅋㅋㅋ 아니 선물사달라구 아저씨야
@mystyle1103 kekekekeke That was because I was too worried okay? kekeke Well, I'm asking you to buy me a present Ajusshi-ya
2011-03-15 @ 3:54pm
그나저나 지진보다 방사능이 더 위험한거 같던데ㅠㅠ 아무쪼록 큰피해 없길 바래요~
By the way, it seems like radioactivity is even more dangerous than the earthquake ㅠㅠ I surely hope that there will not be any more huge damages~
2011-03-15 @ 3:51pm
@Actor_ParkJiBin 뉴스에서 유언비언에 휩쓸리지 말라든데 너였냐?ㅋㅋ
2011-03-15 @ 2:55pm
@mystyle1103 난 말해줬는데...예전에.....나한테 그렇게 관심이없었군.....
@mystyle1103 I told you...last time.....So you weren't so concern about me.....
2011-03-15 @ 2:49pm
@Actor_ParkJiBin 니가 얘기를 해줘야 알지~~ㅡㅡ
@Actor_ParkJiBin You should have told me so that I know~~ - -
2011-03-15 @ 1:05am
@mystyle1103 형 생일축하 안해줬으니까 선물사줘~~~ 그러면 괜찮을것같아 ...그치?
@mystyle1103 Because hyung didnt greet me happy birthday, give me a present~~~I would be fine in that case ...right?
2011-03-15 @ 12:41am
@mystyle1103 대박 실망진짜.....형이 내생일을 모를수있다니...
@mystyle1103 I'm seriously greatly so disappointed.....How can hyung not know my birthday...
2011-03-15 @ 12:24am
@Actor_ParkJiBin 너 생일이었냐?
@Actor_ParkJiBin It was your birthday?
*In reply to
2011-03-15 @ 12:04am
화이트데이겸 저의생일이 지나갔네요!! 즐거운 생일이였습니다 ㅎㅎ 부모님께 감사하다고 인사도드렸어요!! ㅋ 굿밤되세요_^^
White day cum my birthday has passed!! It was an enjoyable birthday heehee I am grateful and paid my respect to my parents too!! ke Have a good night_^^
2011-03-15 @ 11:14pm
지금은 별밤 생방중...
Now is the live broadcast of Starry Night...

2011-03-15 @ 6:04pm
@mystyle1103 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ걱정되서 그런거거든? ㅋㅋㅋ 아니 선물사달라구 아저씨야
@mystyle1103 kekekekeke That was because I was too worried okay? kekeke Well, I'm asking you to buy me a present Ajusshi-ya
2011-03-15 @ 3:54pm
그나저나 지진보다 방사능이 더 위험한거 같던데ㅠㅠ 아무쪼록 큰피해 없길 바래요~
By the way, it seems like radioactivity is even more dangerous than the earthquake ㅠㅠ I surely hope that there will not be any more huge damages~
2011-03-15 @ 3:51pm
@Actor_ParkJiBin 뉴스에서 유언비언에 휩쓸리지 말라든데 너였냐?ㅋㅋ
2011-03-15 @ 2:55pm
@mystyle1103 난 말해줬는데...예전에.....나한테 그렇게 관심이없었군.....
@mystyle1103 I told you...last time.....So you weren't so concern about me.....
2011-03-15 @ 2:49pm
@Actor_ParkJiBin 니가 얘기를 해줘야 알지~~ㅡㅡ
@Actor_ParkJiBin You should have told me so that I know~~ - -
2011-03-15 @ 1:05am
@mystyle1103 형 생일축하 안해줬으니까 선물사줘~~~ 그러면 괜찮을것같아 ...그치?
@mystyle1103 Because hyung didnt greet me happy birthday, give me a present~~~I would be fine in that case ...right?
2011-03-15 @ 12:41am
@mystyle1103 대박 실망진짜.....형이 내생일을 모를수있다니...
@mystyle1103 I'm seriously greatly so disappointed.....How can hyung not know my birthday...
2011-03-15 @ 12:24am
@Actor_ParkJiBin 너 생일이었냐?
@Actor_ParkJiBin It was your birthday?
*In reply to
2011-03-15 @ 12:04am
화이트데이겸 저의생일이 지나갔네요!! 즐거운 생일이였습니다 ㅎㅎ 부모님께 감사하다고 인사도드렸어요!! ㅋ 굿밤되세요_^^
White day cum my birthday has passed!! It was an enjoyable birthday heehee I am grateful and paid my respect to my parents too!! ke Have a good night_^^
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