Thursday, September 30, 2010

[Twitter] Tweet translation of 4 boys [2010.09.30]

Credits : xiaochu @
Please repost with full credit

2010-09-30 @ 8.21pm
@mystyle1103 @hyeongjin2 록퐁기 나우~~
@mystyle1103 @hyeongjin2 Ropponggi Now~~

2010-09-30 @ 7.42pm
@mystyle1103 난.. 사춘기 지난지 백만년인데... 왜 철은 안들까?ㅠㅠ
@mystyle1103 I.. the last time I went through puberty was millions of years ago... Why doesn't (he) grow up? TT TT

2010-09-30 @ 7.33pm
@hyeongjin2 나도 데려가 !!@mystyle1103
@hyeongjin2 Take me along too !!@mystyle1103
*still replying about going to Japan... everyone wanna tag along..

2010-09-30 @ 7.25pm
@hyeongjin2 저꼬맹이가사춘기라서그래요ㅋ
@hyeongjin2 That's because that kid is going through puberty ke
*In reply to
2010-09-30 @ 7.18pm

@Actor_ParkJiBin 형한텐 답장도 안한다.. 땍!!
@Actor_ParkJiBin You're not even replying to hyung.. Ddaek!!

2010-09-30 @ 7.18pm
@hyeongjin2 여행대신 술한잔도 괜찮은데..ㅋㅋ
@hyeongjin2 Instead of going on holiday, going drinking is not bad too.. keke
*in reply to:
2010-09-30 @ 7.17pm

디즈니씨가고싶다... 여행가고싶다.... 아~~~ 가을인가보다...ㅋㅋㅋ
I want to go Disney Sea... I want to go traveling.... ah~~~ seems like it's really Autumn...kekeke

2010-09-30 @ 7.15pm
@mystyle1103 같이가자 일본!!!! 록본기 우동먹고싶다 ㅠㅠ
@mystyle1103 Let's go Japan together!!!! I want to eat Woodong at Ropponggi TT TT
*XiaoChu: Isn't Ropponggi a very expensive place?! =P

2010-09-30 @ 6.59pm
@hyeongjin2 @woosangil 나도일본가고싶다~~~~ㅋ@hyeongjin2 @woosangil I also want to go Japan~~~~ke
*XiaoChu: cos Hyeongjin said to woosangil that he is going Japan on 9th, and there're various other convos which I won't be translating

2010-09-30 @ 5.42pm
@mystyle1103 @2kjdream 내건 없냐?근데,뭔소리?ㅋㅋㅋ
@mystyle1103 @2kjdream None of my share? By the way, what is it? kekeke

2010-09-30 @ 5.23pm
@2kjdream Mine too~~ keke

2010-09-30 @ 4.28pm
@Steven_Lee_그러게요 형 이놈들이 다 혼날라고 말을안듣네요 ㅎ 수리해야지이 ㅠ 잉 ㅎ
@Steven_Lee_ Yeah. Hyung, these guys all needs to be scolded, they don't listen. hee Should fix them up TT eeng hee

=Steven Lee=
2010-09-30 @ 3.53pm
@mystyle1103작업시 좋은 오디오카드는 필수!! 요즘 컴퓨터들이 말썽이네. 규종이컴터도 그러더니....
@mystyle1103 It is a must to have a good audio card for production!! Computers these days are always giving troubles. KyuJong's computer is also like that....

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