Please repost with full credit
2010-09-28 @ 11.31pm
@mystyle1103 와서 형회사에서 바이트 좀해라 ㅋㅋㅋ 요즘 일손이 딸려서 ㅋㅋㅋ Bar 이름 [수달]로 할까 고민중이당 ㅎㅎㅎ
@mystyle1103 Come and do some part-time job at hyung's company kekeke because I am shorthanded these days kekeke I am debating if I should name the Bar [Sudal] heeheehee=YoungSaeng=
2010-09-28 @ 11.14pm
@woongcha1 안그래도뮤비준비하고있어요ㅋㅋ
@woongcha1 Even if not (submitted for film festival), I am still preparing for the movie keke
*XiaoChu: he wrote here myubi, which is short for Music Video. So I wonder..typo? or he is filming an mv???
2010-09-28 @ 11.14pm
@woongcha1 안그래도뮤비준비하고있어요ㅋㅋ
@woongcha1 Even if not (submitted for film festival), I am still preparing for the movie keke
*XiaoChu: he wrote here myubi, which is short for Music Video. So I wonder..typo? or he is filming an mv???
2010-09-28 @ 11.13pm
@woosangil 저는고민중이에요ㅋㅋ
@woosangil I am seriously considering keke
2010-09-28 @ 9.42pm
@HyungJun87 이게 누구야 막내 ~ㅋㅋㅋ
@HyungJun87 Who is this, magnae ~ kekeke
2010-09-28 @ 8.00pm
@2kjdream 너희 혼내다가 내가 혼나지 아주 혼쭐나지.. 조용히 묶어서 델구와..
@2kjdream I will be scolded if I scold you guys. It would be really frightening.. quietly tie together and bring over..
*XiaoChu: Didnt get what he meant with the tie together and bring over.. meaning tie the boys together? keke or sth else?
2010-09-28 @ 8.00pm
@2kjdream 너희 혼내다가 내가 혼나지 아주 혼쭐나지.. 조용히 묶어서 델구와..
@2kjdream I will be scolded if I scold you guys. It would be really frightening.. quietly tie together and bring over..
*XiaoChu: Didnt get what he meant with the tie together and bring over.. meaning tie the boys together? keke or sth else?
2010-09-28 @ 7.30pm
@HyungJun87 우띠 맨~ 정말춥다 운동화신고다니삼 발시려우니까 ㅎㅎ
@HyungJun87 WooDdi man~ It's really cold. Wear track shoes to go out. Because the foot will be cold heehee
2010-09-28 @ 7.21pm
@2kjdream 여보십니까! 왜이러시오!!! 우띠
@2kjdream Hello! Why are you like this!!! WooDdi
2010-09-28 @ 7.17pm
@realslow1982^^ 형 형준이요놈이 말을안들어요 혼내켜주세용 ㅎㅎ 감기조심하세요 정말 쌀쌀하네요~~^^
@realslow1982 ^^ Hyung, HyungJunie this person doesn't listen to others. Please give him a scolding heehee Take care not to catch a flu. It is really chilly~~^^
2010-09-28 @ 7.30pm
@HyungJun87 우띠 맨~ 정말춥다 운동화신고다니삼 발시려우니까 ㅎㅎ
@HyungJun87 WooDdi man~ It's really cold. Wear track shoes to go out. Because the foot will be cold heehee
2010-09-28 @ 7.21pm
@2kjdream 여보십니까! 왜이러시오!!! 우띠
@2kjdream Hello! Why are you like this!!! WooDdi
2010-09-28 @ 7.17pm
@realslow1982^^ 형 형준이요놈이 말을안들어요 혼내켜주세용 ㅎㅎ 감기조심하세요 정말 쌀쌀하네요~~^^
@realslow1982 ^^ Hyung, HyungJunie this person doesn't listen to others. Please give him a scolding heehee Take care not to catch a flu. It is really chilly~~^^
2010-09-28 @ 7.14pm
빠방~~영생 아저씨~~상은이. 잘찍어서 단편영화제. 출품하지~~
Bbabang~~ YoungSaeng ajusshi~~ SangEunie. Film it well and submit it for the short film festival~~
빠방~~영생 아저씨~~상은이. 잘찍어서 단편영화제. 출품하지~~
Bbabang~~ YoungSaeng ajusshi~~ SangEunie. Film it well and submit it for the short film festival~~
2010-09-28 @ 6.36pm
@mystyle1103뭐하러?ㅋㅋㅋ넌 왜 안오는데 ...
@mystyle1103 To do what? kekeke Why didn't you come ...
2010-09-28 @ 6.36pm
헐 니네 왤케 웃기냐 RT @HyungJun87 @2kjdream미워
Hur Why are you guys so funny RT @HyungJun87 @2kjdream hate you
*XiaoChu: Hur (i previously explained, but romanised as Hul) is an expression - _ - ;; or rolleyes kinda thingy
2010-09-28 @ 6.36pm
헐 니네 왤케 웃기냐 RT @HyungJun87 @2kjdream미워
Hur Why are you guys so funny RT @HyungJun87 @2kjdream hate you
*XiaoChu: Hur (i previously explained, but romanised as Hul) is an expression - _ - ;; or rolleyes kinda thingy
2010-09-28 @ 6.22pm
@woosangil 네~~상은이일본갔어요ㅋㅋ
@woosangil Yes~~SangEun went to Japan keke
2010-09-28 @ 6.16pm
@mystyle1103 @kkangjii おれが きびしく おしえて やる!!! 상은이 일본 왔냐?
@mystyle1103 @kkangjii I will teach you strictly!!! SangEun came to Japan?
=Park JiBin=
2010-09-28 @ 6.08pm
@mystyle1103 영생아저씨 왜 혼자가 치사하게 나도 델꼬가 ~~아저씨!!
@mystyle1103 YoungSaeng ajusshi (uncle), why did you go alone, so cheapskate, bring me along too ~~ ajusshi!!
2010-09-28 @ 6.01pm
@mystyle1103ㅎㅎ 그를까아^^ ~~ ㅎ 여행은 참 좋지이이이
@mystyle1103 heehee shall we do that^^ ~~ hee Holiday trip is just greattt
=Kang JiYoung=
2010-09-28 @ 5.46pm
@mystyle1103오빠를 가르쳐줄정도까지배울려면... 먼훗날...ㅠ_ㅠ!! 일본 그때 그샤브샤브집또가고싶어요!!!ㅋㅋ
@mystyle1103 If I manage to learn to a level that I am able to teach oppa... a long way down (much into the future)... TT_TT!! I want to go to the shabu shabu restaurant again in Japan!!! keke
2010-09-28 @ 5.46pm
@mystyle1103오빠를 가르쳐줄정도까지배울려면... 먼훗날...ㅠ_ㅠ!! 일본 그때 그샤브샤브집또가고싶어요!!!ㅋㅋ
@mystyle1103 If I manage to learn to a level that I am able to teach oppa... a long way down (much into the future)... TT_TT!! I want to go to the shabu shabu restaurant again in Japan!!! keke
2010-09-28 @ 5.39pm
날씨가 생각보다 춥네. 라디오 스튜디오가 얼어붙었어요..후
Weather is colder than I thought. Radio studio was frozen.. huu
2010-09-28 @ 5.29pm
@mystyle1103 역활분담인게야 쌩~~~~~~ㅎㅎ
@mystyle1103 This is division of role Ssaeng~~~~~~heehee
2010-09-28 @ 5.20pm
@zerotic0124 ㅡㅡ
2010-09-28 @ 5.19pm
@2kjdream 일본이나또갈까?ㅋ
@2kjdream Shall we go to Japan again? ke
2010-09-28 @ 5.13pm
@mystyle1103 ke You bring the supplies kekekeke
2010-09-28 @ 5.09pm
@mystyle1103멋쟁이 상은베벵~ ㅎㅎ 나도델구가지 ㅎㅎ
@mystyle1103 Great guy SangEun baebaeng~ heehee Should have also brought me along too heehee
2010-09-28 @ 4.58pm
@kkangjii How nice~~ then you will improve quickly~~ke I also have to learn Japanese language.. TT Because you studied more so teach oppa~~^^
@kkangjii How nice~~ then you will improve quickly~~ke I also have to learn Japanese language.. TT Because you studied more so teach oppa~~^^
2010-09-28 @ 4.57pm
@zerotic0124 keke Call !!!!!
*XiaoChu: In this context, it's an 'okay'
2010-09-28 @ 4.57pm
@2kjdream To film a movie~~keke SangEun has become a movie actor~ And also, my phone is fixed ke it's the first time I think Galaxy S is good ke
@2kjdream To film a movie~~keke SangEun has become a movie actor~ And also, my phone is fixed ke it's the first time I think Galaxy S is good ke
2010-09-28 @ 4.49pm
오 떡볶이 맨
Oh spicy rice cake man
=Kang JiYoung=
2010-09-28 @ 4.39pm
@mystyle1103 저도잘모르는걸요.. 일본어가재밋습니다 캬캬캬캬
@mystyle1103 I also don't understand.. Japanese language is interesting kyakyakyakya
2010-09-28 @ 4.33pm
@HyungJun87 미투다 ㅎㅎㅎ 고생해 잘 볼테니까용~~^^ 화이팅!! 난 떡볶이먹어 맨 ㅎㅎ
@HyungJun87 Me too heeheehee I will watch it well while you work hard for it~~^^ Hwaiting!! I am eating spicy rice cake, man heehee
2010-09-28 @ 4.33pm
@HyungJun87 미투다 ㅎㅎㅎ 고생해 잘 볼테니까용~~^^ 화이팅!! 난 떡볶이먹어 맨 ㅎㅎ
@HyungJun87 Me too heeheehee I will watch it well while you work hard for it~~^^ Hwaiting!! I am eating spicy rice cake, man heehee
2010-09-28 @ 4.29pm
@2kjdream 미워
@2kjdream hate you
*XiaoChu: it's not like an angry hate, but the cute reaction of saying Kyu's naughty
2010-09-28 @ 4.25pm
@HyungJun87 메롱 ㅎㅎㅎ
@HyungJun87 Merong (=P) heeheehee
2010-09-28 @ 4.14pm
@mystyle1103 왜너도하나해주랴?ㅋ
@mystyle1103 Why are you also giving one? ke
2010-09-28 @ 4.13pm
@2kjdream 너 나와줘 규종아, 나 외로워 혼자 ㅠㅡㅠ
@2kjdream Come out for me KyuJong-ah, I am lonely, alone TT-TT
2010-09-28 @ 4.08pm
@HyungJun87 히히 공부하는중이야 ㅎ 같이하자 ! 오밤아 응원하마 ㅎ 형아는 열심히 시청자로 볼테니 잘하란말이야아아 ㅎㅎ예고봤어!ㅎㅎ
@HyungJun87 Hehe I am in the midst of studying hee Let's do it together! Support Oh Bam Ah hee Hyung-ah will watch is diligently as a viewer so I'm saying you have to do well heehee I watched the preview! heehee
2010-09-28 @ 4.07pm
@mystyle1103 베벵 누구랑갔어?~ 하라주쿠가는거야? 또 베벵~~ㅎㅎ
@mystyle1103 Bebeng went with who?~ Are you going to Harajuku? Again Bebeng~~ heehee
2010-09-28 @ 4.05pm
@2kjdream 너자꾸 유식한척해~ !
@2kjdream You are always trying to act knowledgeable~!
2010-09-28 @ 3.59pm
자기에게 이로울 때만 남에게 친절하고 어질게 대하지 말라. 지혜로운 사람은 이해관계를 떠나 누구에게나 친절하고 어질게 대한다. 어진 마음 자체가 나에게 따스한 체온이 되기 때문이다. --파스칼---^^
Don't be so benevolent and nice to others only at times when it is beneficial of yourself. Wise people leaves out their (personal) interests and will be nice and benevolent to anyone. Because a benevolent heart itself will give a warm temperature to myself. --Pascal---^^
*XiaoChu: so intellectual of kyu~ keke but unfortunately i cant find the real quote in English
2010-09-28 @ 3.54pm
@2kjdream 베벵~~베벵일본갔엉~~ㅋㅋ
@2kjdream Bebaeng~~ Bebaeng went Japan~~keke
2010-09-28 @ 3.52pm
@mystyle1103 아저씨 뭐하세요 베벵 ㅎㅎ 나와라아아아~~~
@mystyle1103 Ajusshi (uncle) what are you doing bebaeng heehee come outtt~~~
2010-09-28 @ 3.50pm
@hyeongjin2 @woosangil 대박ㅋㅋ
@hyeongjin2 @woosangil Daebak keke
2010-09-28 @ 3.47pm
@hyeongjin2 아저씨!!트윗에빠지솄세여~~ㅋㅋㅋ
@hyeongjin2 Ajusshi (uncle)!! You have fell in totally (addicted) for Twitter~~ kekeke
2010-09-28 @ 3.47pm
@kkangjii 너자꾸일본어해ㅡㅡ오빠가한자는읽을줄몰라ㅠㅠ
@kkangjii You always use Japanese - - oppa don't read/understand Hanja (Kanji) TT TT
2010-09-28 @ 3.45pm
@Actor_ParkJiBin @2kjdream 야!형진이형이나이가몇인데!!!난아저씨에서빼줘야지!!!ㅋㅋㅋ
2010-09-28 @ 3.43pm
@zerotic0124 팔도!!!!
@zerotic0124 Paldo!!!!
In reply to
2010-09-28 @ 1.51pm
I, who couldn't cook, cooked at home................Paldo bibimmyun
*paldo bibimmyun is an instant noodle
2010-09-28 @ 3.41pm
@Actor_ParkJiBin ㅎㅎ 맞아맞아 지빈아 형진이형한테이제 아저씨라불러 히히
@Actor_ParkJiBin Heehee right right. JiBin-ah call HyungJinie hyung ajusshi hehe
2010-09-28 @ 3.39pm
@woosangil 열심히 잘지냅니다아 ㅎ 많이배우고 살려구요 좋은분들께 많이배우고있어용 히히 형 한국안오시나요~~
@woosangil I'm doing well hee Living and learned a lot. I am learning a lot from good people hehe Hyung, you're not coming to Korea?~~
=Park JiBin=
2010-09-28 @ 3.22pm
@2kjdream 형진아저씨다!!ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
@2kjdream HyungJin is ajusshi!! kekekekeke
2010-09-28 @ 3.14pm
@2kjdream 형진이는 짜를 머리도 있고 부럽당!! 규종이 요즘 뭐하고 지내나~~?
@2kjdream I am envious that HyungJinie has hair to cut!! What have you been doing lately KyuJongie~~?
2010-09-28 @ 3.10pm
형진형아 머리자르시네요오 !!!! ^^ 이히
HyungJin hyung-ah cutting his hair !!!! ^^ Yeehee

2010-09-28 @ 4.13pm
@2kjdream 너 나와줘 규종아, 나 외로워 혼자 ㅠㅡㅠ
@2kjdream Come out for me KyuJong-ah, I am lonely, alone TT-TT
2010-09-28 @ 4.08pm
@HyungJun87 히히 공부하는중이야 ㅎ 같이하자 ! 오밤아 응원하마 ㅎ 형아는 열심히 시청자로 볼테니 잘하란말이야아아 ㅎㅎ예고봤어!ㅎㅎ
@HyungJun87 Hehe I am in the midst of studying hee Let's do it together! Support Oh Bam Ah hee Hyung-ah will watch is diligently as a viewer so I'm saying you have to do well heehee I watched the preview! heehee
2010-09-28 @ 4.07pm
@mystyle1103 베벵 누구랑갔어?~ 하라주쿠가는거야? 또 베벵~~ㅎㅎ
@mystyle1103 Bebeng went with who?~ Are you going to Harajuku? Again Bebeng~~ heehee
2010-09-28 @ 4.05pm
@2kjdream 너자꾸 유식한척해~ !
@2kjdream You are always trying to act knowledgeable~!
2010-09-28 @ 3.59pm
자기에게 이로울 때만 남에게 친절하고 어질게 대하지 말라. 지혜로운 사람은 이해관계를 떠나 누구에게나 친절하고 어질게 대한다. 어진 마음 자체가 나에게 따스한 체온이 되기 때문이다. --파스칼---^^
Don't be so benevolent and nice to others only at times when it is beneficial of yourself. Wise people leaves out their (personal) interests and will be nice and benevolent to anyone. Because a benevolent heart itself will give a warm temperature to myself. --Pascal---^^
*XiaoChu: so intellectual of kyu~ keke but unfortunately i cant find the real quote in English
2010-09-28 @ 3.54pm
@2kjdream 베벵~~베벵일본갔엉~~ㅋㅋ
@2kjdream Bebaeng~~ Bebaeng went Japan~~keke
2010-09-28 @ 3.52pm
@mystyle1103 아저씨 뭐하세요 베벵 ㅎㅎ 나와라아아아~~~
@mystyle1103 Ajusshi (uncle) what are you doing bebaeng heehee come outtt~~~
2010-09-28 @ 3.50pm
@hyeongjin2 @woosangil 대박ㅋㅋ
@hyeongjin2 @woosangil Daebak keke
2010-09-28 @ 3.47pm
@hyeongjin2 아저씨!!트윗에빠지솄세여~~ㅋㅋㅋ
@hyeongjin2 Ajusshi (uncle)!! You have fell in totally (addicted) for Twitter~~ kekeke
2010-09-28 @ 3.47pm
@kkangjii 너자꾸일본어해ㅡㅡ오빠가한자는읽을줄몰라ㅠㅠ
@kkangjii You always use Japanese - - oppa don't read/understand Hanja (Kanji) TT TT
2010-09-28 @ 3.45pm
@Actor_ParkJiBin @2kjdream 야!형진이형이나이가몇인데!!!난아저씨에서빼줘야지!!!ㅋㅋㅋ
2010-09-28 @ 3.43pm
@zerotic0124 팔도!!!!
@zerotic0124 Paldo!!!!
In reply to
2010-09-28 @ 1.51pm
I, who couldn't cook, cooked at home................Paldo bibimmyun
*paldo bibimmyun is an instant noodle
2010-09-28 @ 3.41pm
@Actor_ParkJiBin ㅎㅎ 맞아맞아 지빈아 형진이형한테이제 아저씨라불러 히히
@Actor_ParkJiBin Heehee right right. JiBin-ah call HyungJinie hyung ajusshi hehe
2010-09-28 @ 3.39pm
@woosangil 열심히 잘지냅니다아 ㅎ 많이배우고 살려구요 좋은분들께 많이배우고있어용 히히 형 한국안오시나요~~
@woosangil I'm doing well hee Living and learned a lot. I am learning a lot from good people hehe Hyung, you're not coming to Korea?~~
=Park JiBin=
2010-09-28 @ 3.22pm
@2kjdream 형진아저씨다!!ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
@2kjdream HyungJin is ajusshi!! kekekekeke
2010-09-28 @ 3.14pm
@2kjdream 형진이는 짜를 머리도 있고 부럽당!! 규종이 요즘 뭐하고 지내나~~?
@2kjdream I am envious that HyungJinie has hair to cut!! What have you been doing lately KyuJongie~~?
2010-09-28 @ 3.10pm
형진형아 머리자르시네요오 !!!! ^^ 이히
HyungJin hyung-ah cutting his hair !!!! ^^ Yeehee

2010=09-28 @ 12:16pm
갑작스레 오늘 정말 춥네요 ㅠ 아이구 다들 감기조심하시구요^^ 웃는하루되세요~ 아자아자^^ 하하
Today was suddenly really cold TT Aigoo Everyone be careful of the flu^^ Have a day with smiles~ Aja Aja^^ haha
2010-09-28 @ 12.15am
@hyeongjin2 네 형^^ ㅎㅎ 내일뵈요~~ 좋은 꿈 꾸세요오^^
@hyeongjin2 Yes hyung^^ heehee See you tomorrow~~ Sweet dreams^^
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