P/S: Jung Min's flight information today:
Departing Taiwan: 1710 by Cathay Pacific CX420
Arrival in Seoul: 2040
Credit: XiaoChu @ Quainte501.com
Please repost with full credit
2010-10-01 @ 4.49am
Mini UFO: kekekekeke.... JungMin, I juz found a friend like me~~ I also like to reply to myself... kekeke
2010-10-01 @ 4.49am
외톨이가 되었어요ㅠㅠ 혹시 주우신 분!! 공항근처라 예상할머니다ㅠㅠ http://yfrog.com/ncgqbdj
It's alone ㅠㅠ Is there anyone who found it!! Think it is near the airport ㅠㅠ
Photo he tweet:

2010-10-01 @ 5.09pm
지금은 외계인과 교신중
I am communicating with alien now
2010-10-01 @ 1.20pm
행복한일들이 많이생기네요, 다 여러분 덕분이에요
Lot of happy things had happened, all thanks to everyone=JungMin=
2010-10-01 @ 4.49am
아~~넘 늦었다.. 좋은 꿈꾸세요!! 나도 이제 잡니다~!! 내일 한국돌아가요. 항꿔찌엔..! 타이완더 펑요우예 션티 찌엔캉!!
Ah~~It's very late.. Have a sweet dream!! I am going to sleep now too~!! Going back to Korea tomorrow. Han Guo Jian (韩国见 - 'See you in Korea' in mandarin) Taiwan de peng you ye sheng ti jian kang (台湾的朋友也身体健康 - 'Stay healthy, friends in Taiwan' in mandarin)!!
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