Please repost with full credit
2010-09-29 @ 11.53pm
@LSOpd 이제 다시 시작이군요! 순옥 sister. 커밍 쑨
*In response to
=Lee Soon Ok PD @LSOpd=
2010-09-27 @ 11.53pm
@HyungJun87 형준~ 순옥 누나 어제 꿈에 너가 나와서 안부차 인사~^^*
2010-09-29 @ 10.14pm
지금은 용하형이 지은 "요나스쿨"의 아프리카 아이들을 위해 학교 교가를 녹음하고 있어요. 아 기분좋다 ^^
I am currently recording the school song for the African children of "Yoona School" built by YongHa hyung. Ah, feels good ^^
2010-09-29 @ 9.43pm
@2kjdream @mystyle1103 배고픈데,자꾸 대하대하 하니까 스시가 너무 땡기네~~
@2kjdream @mystyle1103 I'm hungry, because you're always saying big prawns big prawns. Feel like eating sushi~~
2010-09-29 @ 7.56pm
@mystyle1103 베벵 대하 먹을겨?~ ㅎㅎ
@mystyle1103 Baebaeng you wanna eat big prawns?~ heehee
2010-09-29 @ 8.29pm
@2kjdream 나도델꼬가요~~우쭈쭈~ㅋ
@2kjdream Also take me along~~ Wooojjoojjoo~ ke
2010-09-29 @ 8.29pm
@Steven_Lee_ ㅠㅠ집에와서확인해보려는데..컴퓨터가맛이갔어요ㅡㅡ;; 근데작업하는데오디오카드가꼭필요한가요?
@Steven_Lee_ TT TT I went back home to check on is a goner - - ;; but is it necessary to have an audio card for working (with computer)?
2010-09-29 @ 8.29pm
@2kjdream 나도델꼬가요~~우쭈쭈~ㅋ
@2kjdream Also take me along~~ Wooojjoojjoo~ ke
2010-09-29 @ 8.29pm
@Steven_Lee_ ㅠㅠ집에와서확인해보려는데..컴퓨터가맛이갔어요ㅡㅡ;; 근데작업하는데오디오카드가꼭필요한가요?
@Steven_Lee_ TT TT I went back home to check on is a goner - - ;; but is it necessary to have an audio card for working (with computer)?
2010-09-29 @ 7.56pm
@hyeongjin2 저도 델고가요오오!!!아저씨이이 베벵~
@hyeongjin2 Take me along toooo!!! Ajushiii Baebaeng~
*in reply to
2010-09-29 @ 6.59pm
날씨가 많이 쌀쌀해졌네요~~~ ㅎㅎ 대하가 제철입니다 서해안으로 먹으로 가야겠습니다 ㅋㅋ
Weather has turned chilly~~~ heehee Huge prawns are in season. Should go to West Sea to eat keke
*XiaoChu: Puhahaa.. the 2 managers found each other?!
2010-09-29 @ 7:01pm
@woongcha1 ㅋㅋ 너도 이걸하는구나... 내가 제일 늦게 가입한듯~~ 살뺴!!!
@woongcha1 keke You're also playing (twitter)... Seems like I was the latest to join~~ Lose weight!!!
2010-09-29 @ 7:01pm
@woongcha1 ㅋㅋ 너도 이걸하는구나... 내가 제일 늦게 가입한듯~~ 살뺴!!!
@woongcha1 keke You're also playing (twitter)... Seems like I was the latest to join~~ Lose weight!!!
2010-09-29 @ 1.52pm
@Steven_Lee_제가 지진못나게 꽉 붙잡고있을게요 ㅎ 정말덥겠다아 ㅠ 한국으로오세요~~~
@Steven_Lee_ I will stand firm to believe that there will not be any earthquakes hee Must be really hot ㅠ Come to Korea~~~
2010-09-29 @ 1.52pm
@Steven_Lee_제가 지진못나게 꽉 붙잡고있을게요 ㅎ 정말덥겠다아 ㅠ 한국으로오세요~~~
@Steven_Lee_ I will stand firm to believe that there will not be any earthquakes hee Must be really hot ㅠ Come to Korea~~~
=Steven Lee=
2010-09-29 @ 1.11pm
@2kjdream여긴 어제 너무 더워서 밖에 못나갔어. 우리 예전에 베가스 갔을때보다 훨씬 더운 날씨가 캘리포니아에 찾아왔다. 갑자기 더워지면 지진난다는데 어쩌지? ㅋㅋ
@2kjdream It was so hot here yesterday that we can't go outside. Compared to the time we went Vegas last time, this far more hotter weather has come to California. There will be earthquake if it gets hot all of a sudden, how? keke
=KyuJong=2010-09-29 @ 1.11pm
@2kjdream여긴 어제 너무 더워서 밖에 못나갔어. 우리 예전에 베가스 갔을때보다 훨씬 더운 날씨가 캘리포니아에 찾아왔다. 갑자기 더워지면 지진난다는데 어쩌지? ㅋㅋ
@2kjdream It was so hot here yesterday that we can't go outside. Compared to the time we went Vegas last time, this far more hotter weather has come to California. There will be earthquake if it gets hot all of a sudden, how? keke
2010-09-29 @ 1.09pm
@Steven_Lee_네 ㅎ 처음이라서 일단 많이 친해져놓으려구요오^^ 형 여기는 정말 추워요 ㅜ
@Steven_Lee_ Yes hee (I bought it) since it's my first time. I have to get more familiar with this first ^^ Hyung, it is really cold here ㅜ
@Steven_Lee_네 ㅎ 처음이라서 일단 많이 친해져놓으려구요오^^ 형 여기는 정말 추워요 ㅜ
@Steven_Lee_ Yes hee (I bought it) since it's my first time. I have to get more familiar with this first ^^ Hyung, it is really cold here ㅜ
=Steven Lee=
2010-09-29 @ 1.07pm
@mystyle1103TCNear은 오디오카드 이름이 아닌것같은데... 아마 Konnect제품군일꺼야. 제품명으로 드라이버 운영체제(windows/mac)에 맞춰서 다시깔아봐라. 가까이살면 가서 봐주기라도 하지 에구 ㅠㅜ
@mystyle1103 TCNear doesn't seem like the name of audio card... Maybe it is a Konnect product. Try again to find the driver for the correct operating system (windows/mac) using the product name. If I lived nearer, I would have gone over and check it for you Ayegoo ㅠㅜ
2010-09-29 @ 1.07pm
@mystyle1103TCNear은 오디오카드 이름이 아닌것같은데... 아마 Konnect제품군일꺼야. 제품명으로 드라이버 운영체제(windows/mac)에 맞춰서 다시깔아봐라. 가까이살면 가서 봐주기라도 하지 에구 ㅠㅜ
@mystyle1103 TCNear doesn't seem like the name of audio card... Maybe it is a Konnect product. Try again to find the driver for the correct operating system (windows/mac) using the product name. If I lived nearer, I would have gone over and check it for you Ayegoo ㅠㅜ
2010-09-29 @ 1.00pm
@Steven_Lee_ It is TCnear~~ because the sound got cut off.. tried again and again but it didn't work so in the end I reformatted.. It's still the same~ I got the driver at TCnear homepage too ㅠ
*Mini UFO: Saengie ah~~~~ you need UFO PC repair service? ㅋㅋ ㅋㅋ ㅋ ㅋㅋ
2010-09-29 @ 1.00pm
@Steven_Lee_ It is TCnear~~ because the sound got cut off.. tried again and again but it didn't work so in the end I reformatted.. It's still the same~ I got the driver at TCnear homepage too ㅠ
*Mini UFO: Saengie ah~~~~ you need UFO PC repair service? ㅋㅋ ㅋㅋ ㅋ ㅋㅋ
=Steven Lee=
2010-09-29 @ 12.35pm
@mystyle1103오디오카드가 망가지는일은 아주 드문데... 아마 드라이버 문제가 아닐까 싶다. 고장은 아닐가능성이 많으니까 아직 새로사거나 하진 말구... 오디오카드 뭐야?
@mystyle1103 It is very rare that the audio card is spoiled... I hope it's not a problem with the driver, maybe. Don't buy a new computer because it has good functionalities other than the breakdown... What audio card (did you use)?
2010-09-29 @ 12.35pm
@mystyle1103오디오카드가 망가지는일은 아주 드문데... 아마 드라이버 문제가 아닐까 싶다. 고장은 아닐가능성이 많으니까 아직 새로사거나 하진 말구... 오디오카드 뭐야?
@mystyle1103 It is very rare that the audio card is spoiled... I hope it's not a problem with the driver, maybe. Don't buy a new computer because it has good functionalities other than the breakdown... What audio card (did you use)?
2010-09-29 @ 12.28pm
@Steven_Lee_ Hyung~~ My audio card is spoilt ㅠ I reformatted my computer~ programs are also gone ㅠ
2010-09-29 @ 12.28pm
@Steven_Lee_ Hyung~~ My audio card is spoilt ㅠ I reformatted my computer~ programs are also gone ㅠ
=Steven Lee=
2010-09-29 @ @ 12.12pm
@2kjdream오 컨트롤러 샀구나? 기왕 하는거 다음에는 61건반 이상으로 사. 25짜리는 힙합쪽 빼고는 사실상 연주가 사실상 불가능해 ^^
@2kjdream Oh so you bought a controller? That's a past thingy, next time buy one with more than 61 (keyboard) keys. Other than hip hop, 25 keys is in fact, impossible to play with ^^
2010-09-29 @ @ 12.12pm
@2kjdream오 컨트롤러 샀구나? 기왕 하는거 다음에는 61건반 이상으로 사. 25짜리는 힙합쪽 빼고는 사실상 연주가 사실상 불가능해 ^^
@2kjdream Oh so you bought a controller? That's a past thingy, next time buy one with more than 61 (keyboard) keys. Other than hip hop, 25 keys is in fact, impossible to play with ^^
2010-09-29 @ 12.08pm
@Steven_Lee_형 ^^ 저 axiom25 라는 친구가 생겼어요 ㅎ 정말신나요 ㅎㅎ 귀여워요 ㅎ
@Steven_Lee_ Hyung ^^ I have a friend called axiom25 hee Really exciting heehee So cute hee
*Information on Kyu new toy:
Cool new toy! ^^ Kyu trying to turn into a composer also?
Cool new toy! ^^ Kyu trying to turn into a composer also?
2010-09-29 @ 11.11am
@JungMin0403잘하고와~ 오면 콜미
@JungMin0403 Do well and return safely~ When you come back, call me
*Mini UFO: Poor zakkykim~~~~ Jung Min probably going to miss his message since he don't read message in twitter.... if only he read his messages in twitter.... the 'Star' War will be among the 4 will be even more fun
2010-09-29 @ 11.05am
공항 도착 !! 반가운 얼굴들이 보인다 방가방가
Arrived at airport !! Saw happy faces. Bangga bangga
*XiaoChu: Bangga bangga is like a short form for 'nice to see you'
He also left these messages in the comment section under his facebook post
(Thanks for sharing)

That Jjangu dance which he mentioned is this: ^^

2010-09-29 @ 10.46am
오늘도 잠들기전에 웃으며 잠들려고 좋은아침을 맞이하고 출발합니다아^^ 이히 다들 즐거운 수요일보내요오오~~
Smiling before I went to bed today too, having a good morning after sleeping and setting off^^ eehee Have an enjoyable Wednesday everyoneee~~
2010-09-29 @ 4.13am
@Steven_Lee_ keke I will do so (go and sleep)~~ for some time, I have been sleeping early and waking early.. but these days I can't get to sleep again (insomnia) ㅠㅠ Should try my best and go to sleep quickly keke
=Steven Lee=
2010-09-29 @ 4.10am
@mystyle1103모아뒀다가 나중에 한번에 터뜨려 ^^ 그나저나 한국에서도 미국시차구나? -_-; 얼른 가서 자라 ㅋㅋ
@mystyle1103 Saving up and burst it up at one time later ^^ By the way there is time difference between USA and Korea isn't it? -_-; Quickly go and sleep keke
2010-09-29 @ 4.03am
@Steven_Lee_아~~ㅋㅋㅋ진짜올려볼까나~~~?? ㅋ캘리포니아45도면...와우!!인디안썸머때미국가보고싶었는데ㅠㅠ한국은이제슬슬추워져요~ㅋ
@Steven_Lee_ Ah~~kekeke Seems like it has really risen~~~? ke If California is 45 degree celsius... Wow!! I wanted to go to USA during Indian Summer ㅠㅠ It is getting colder in Korea now~ke
2010-09-29 @ 4.03am
@Steven_Lee_아~~ㅋㅋㅋ진짜올려볼까나~~~?? ㅋ캘리포니아45도면...와우!!인디안썸머때미국가보고싶었는데ㅠㅠ한국은이제슬슬추워져요~ㅋ
@Steven_Lee_ Ah~~kekeke Seems like it has really risen~~~? ke If California is 45 degree celsius... Wow!! I wanted to go to USA during Indian Summer ㅠㅠ It is getting colder in Korea now~ke
=Steven Lee=
2010-09-29 @ 3.36am
@mystyle1103그나저나 어제 캘리포니아 45도 (113F) 였어 -_-b 지진나려나;
@mystyle1103 By the way, California was 45 degree celsius (113 Fahrenheit) yesterday -_-b Earthquake coming;
2010-09-29 @ 3.36am
@mystyle1103그나저나 어제 캘리포니아 45도 (113F) 였어 -_-b 지진나려나;
@mystyle1103 By the way, California was 45 degree celsius (113 Fahrenheit) yesterday -_-b Earthquake coming;
=Steven Lee=
2010-09-29 @ 3.34am
@mystyle1103너의 그 재능을 썩히기가 넘 아깝잖니^^ 세계영상발매를 목표로 ㅋㅋㅋ
@mystyle1103 Cos it's really a pity for your that talent to go into waste ^^ With the aim to have a worldwide video release kekeke
2010-09-29 @ 3.31am
@Steven_Lee_ Why youtube account? ke
=Steven Lee=
2010.09.29 @ 2.53am
@mystyle1103 유튜브 계정하나 만들어야겠군 ㅎㅎㅎㅎ
@mystyle1103 Should make one youtube account heeheeheehee
2010.09.29 @ 1.06am
아구구 모두들 굿나잇 낼 출장 화이팅 짜요
Agoogoo Everyone Goodnight, Tomorrow's official trip Hwaiting, Jjayo**XiaoChu: I think he meant Jiayou, in Mandarin, which is equivelant to Hwaiting in Korean
2010.09.29 @ 1.04am
케익 한 판 잡숴
Helped myself to one whole cake

2010.09.29 @ 1.02am
사약을 받아라
Take the deadly poison

This photo is from his facebook and in the comment section of this photo, he left this message:
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