Today Kyu changes his display picture again to this sexy photo. ^^
Credit: XiaoChu @ Quainte501.com
Please repost with full credit
2010-09-27 @ 12.42pm
경락경락 당첨자는 나중에 ~~!!*^^* http://fb.me/IP9BvZN2
Blood vessel massage. Winner (will be announced) later ~~!!*^^* http://fb.me/IP9BvZN2

2010-09-27 @ 10.10pm
@2kjdream ㅋㅋ 사방팔방 다보내고있었어~~ㅋㅋ 얼렁주무셈~~ 내일봐^^
@2kjdream keke I am sending everywhere anywhere~~ keke Faster go and sleep~~ See you tomorrow^^
2010-09-27 @ 10.06pm
@hyeongjin2 요 형 ㅎㅎㅎ 이거군요!!!!!!!^^
@hyeongjin2 Yo hyung heeheehee So it's this!!!!!!!^^
2010-09-27 @ 9.53pm
@mystyle1103 나이제 어떻게 하는지 알았따 ㅋㅋㅋ 대박!!!!!
@mystyle1103 I know what I should do now kekeke Daebak!!!!!
*in reply to YoungSaeng's reply to him on 2010-09-16 @ 11.21pm :
@hyeongjin2 무슨폭로를해요~~ㅋ
@hyeongjin2 What are you going to expose~~ ke
2010-09-27 @ 9.49pm
@HyungJun87 머하구 계시요~~?
@HyungJun87 What are you doing~~?
2010-09-27 @ 9.49pm
@JungMin0403 핸드폰꺼져있고만~~~ 방갑지~~ㅋㅋ
@JungMin0403 Handphone was switched off~~~ Sure happy to see (you)~~keke
2010-09-27 @ 9.47pm
@2kjdream 규~~ 이거 이렇게 하는거 맞나봐~~ ㅋㅋㅋ 내일 2시에 봅시다~
@2kjdream Kyu~~ Seems like this is how it is used~~ kekeke Let's meet at 2 o'clock tomorrow~
2010-09-27 @ 9.27pm
@mystyle1103 이거머이리 어려~~
@mystyle1103 Why is this so difficult~~
2010-09-27 @ 6.47pm
@kkangjii 어허!!! 무엄하도다!!
@kkangjii UhHuh!!! How dare you be so disrespectful!!
=Kang JiYoung=
2010-09-27 @ 5.37pm
@HyungJun87 いいえ (◎_◎; ) ....
@HyungJun87 no (◎_◎; ) ....
2010-09-27 @ 5.30pm
@kkangjii 일어 잘한다고 지금 이러는거니?! 너!?!!? 떽!
@kkangjii You're good in Japanese and now you're doing this?! You!?!!? Ddaek*!
*XiaoChu: searched this from naver: Ddaek is a short form for daekinai (japanese), which means 'Don't do it'
2010-09-27 @ 5.30pm
@kkangjii 일어 잘한다고 지금 이러는거니?! 너!?!!? 떽!
@kkangjii You're good in Japanese and now you're doing this?! You!?!!? Ddaek*!
*XiaoChu: searched this from naver: Ddaek is a short form for daekinai (japanese), which means 'Don't do it'
2010-09-27 @ 5.29pm
@wsbs20 아니에요^^ 형 그때가 그립네요 그쵸^^ 곧 다시 돌아갈께요
2010-09-27 @ 5:26pm
@HyungJun87 현장에서도 너부를때 둘이 발음이비슷해서 신경많이썼는뎅... 여기서 실수를..;;; 미얀~앞으론 실수 안할껭..^^;;ㅋ
@HyungJun87 Because the pronounciation when I call out to both of you sounds similar, I was more careful... A mistake over here..;;; Sorry~ I won't make this mistake again..^^;; ke
@HyungJun87 Because the pronounciation when I call out to both of you sounds similar, I was more careful... A mistake over here..;;; Sorry~ I won't make this mistake again..^^;; ke
2010-09-27 @ 5:14pm
@wsbs20 형,, 이름이 다 이상한데?^^ 전 형준이고, 현중이형이에요!!
@wsbs20 Hyung,, the names are all weird?^^ I am HyungJun and it's HyunJoongie hyung though!!
2010-09-27 @ 5:11pm
@HyungJun87 보내고 보니 현중이랑 했갈렸다..미얀~~ㅋㅋㅋ
@HyungJun87 After I sent, I realised I mixed up with HyunJoong.. sorry~~kekeke
2010-09-27 @ 5:09pm
@HyungJun87 누군가 했더니 현준이군...형을 기억하다니...기특하넹~ㅋㅋ 형중이랑은 몇일전 연락했었는데..너도 잘 지내지?? 요즘 잘 못봐서 아쉽다.. 응원할겡~~홧팅..^^
@HyungJun87 I thought who was it, so it's HyunJun... Do you remember hyung...that's commendable~keke I got into contact with HyungJoong few days ago..Are you doing well too?? It's a pity we couldn't see each other these days.. Will support you~~Hwaiting..^^
2010-09-27 @ 3.48pm
@90KKB @HyungJun87 번역하면 네가 날 키우는게 아니고 내가 널 키우는건데 무슨 소리냐..뭐 이런건가? -.-
@90KKB @HyungJun87 If I translate, 'it's not you who is raising me but it's I am raising you' what is this.. well, is this so? -.-
2010-09-27 @ 3.48pm
@90KKB @HyungJun87 번역하면 네가 날 키우는게 아니고 내가 널 키우는건데 무슨 소리냐..뭐 이런건가? -.-
@90KKB @HyungJun87 If I translate, 'it's not you who is raising me but it's I am raising you' what is this.. well, is this so? -.-
2010-09-27 @ 2.54pm
@HyungJun87 Kkirangkkaerang~!
*XiaoChu: in a UCC, an ahjumma was talking to an alien and the alien goes kkirangkkaerang, so it's "supposed" to be an Alien language... OMG, i love this pair of brothers!
2010-09-27 @ 2.54pm
@HyungJun87 Kkirangkkaerang~!
*XiaoChu: in a UCC, an ahjumma was talking to an alien and the alien goes kkirangkkaerang, so it's "supposed" to be an Alien language... OMG, i love this pair of brothers!
2010-09-27 @ 2.38pm
@90KKB난 너같은 외계인 안키운다 !
@90KKB I won't raise an alien like you !
2010-09-27 @ 2.14pm
@HyungJun87 미안 난 사실 외계인이야 당신을 지키기 위해 여기 왔어
@HyungJun87 Sorry, I am actually an alien. I came here in order to watch over you
2010-09-27 @ 2:13pm
@HyungJun87 역쉬.......넌너무강햇! 늬네별로 돌아가쇼셔!! ㅋㅋㅋㅋ아냐 가쥐마
2010-09-27 @ 2.07pm
@JenniferPark318나도 공부해가야겠다. 얼마전에 외계인에 대해 진지하게 생각하고 고민해봤어요.
@JenniferPark318 I must go and study too. Not long ago, I had a serious thought about aliens and I am very concerned about it.
2010-09-27 @ 2.07pm
@JenniferPark318나도 공부해가야겠다. 얼마전에 외계인에 대해 진지하게 생각하고 고민해봤어요.
@JenniferPark318 I must go and study too. Not long ago, I had a serious thought about aliens and I am very concerned about it.
2010-09-27 @ 2.07pm
@yuna_live 아임프롬 깐따삐아 수메르 집
@yuna_live I am from Gganddabbia sumer house
2010-09-27 @ 1.44pm
@HyungJun87 갑자기 진땀이 적어가야겠다...큰소리 쳤다가 다 기억 안나면 망신....
@HyungJun87 Suddenly broke up in sweat should have jot it down... When you say it out loud and couldn't remember anything, it's such a disgrace....
2010-09-27 @ 1:40pm
@HyungJun87 아유프롬 깐따삐야?
@HyungJun87 Are you from Gganddabbiya?2010-09-27 @ 1.44pm
@HyungJun87 갑자기 진땀이 적어가야겠다...큰소리 쳤다가 다 기억 안나면 망신....
@HyungJun87 Suddenly broke up in sweat should have jot it down... When you say it out loud and couldn't remember anything, it's such a disgrace....
2010-09-27 @ 1:40pm
@HyungJun87 아유프롬 깐따삐야?
2010-09-27 @ 1.34pm
@JenniferPark318 오 ! 수메르언어에 관한것도요? 기대하고 있을께요 한달뒤에 토론해요 우리
@JenniferPark318 Oh! Also about Sumer language? I will look forward to it. We shall discuss it a month later
*XiaoChu: Dont know what is "sumer"?
2010-09-27 @ 12+pm
@HyungJun87 수메르인에 대한 다른 이론을 이미 확보...조만간 토론할 준비로 바빠요~~
@HyungJun87 There is already another confirmed theory about Sumerian... I am busy preparing for the discussion in awhile~~
2010-09-27 @ 12+pm
@HyungJun87 수메르인에 대한 다른 이론을 이미 확보...조만간 토론할 준비로 바빠요~~
@HyungJun87 There is already another confirmed theory about Sumerian... I am busy preparing for the discussion in awhile~~
2010-09-27 @ 12.42pm
난 뭘히고있는걸끼?? 정답은 오늘안으로 정답자중 추첨1명 소정의 선물 있을수도 http://fb.me/GuB3rPSt
What am I doing?? Will have a small gift for one randomly selected winner with correct answer within today http://fb.me/GuB3rPSt
2010-09-27 @ 12.42pm
난 뭘히고있는걸끼?? 정답은 오늘안으로 정답자중 추첨1명 소정의 선물 있을수도 http://fb.me/GuB3rPSt
What am I doing?? Will have a small gift for one randomly selected winner with correct answer within today http://fb.me/GuB3rPSt
2010-09-27 @ 12.22pm
=Kang JiYoung=
2010-09-27 @ 10.39am
@2kjdream 보고왓찌용~! 일본어 시험봣어요!!! 샤샤샥!!!
@2kjdream I've taken (exam) and came back~! I had Japanese language exam!!! Syasyasyak!!!
2010-09-27 @ 10.39am
@2kjdream 보고왓찌용~! 일본어 시험봣어요!!! 샤샤샥!!!
@2kjdream I've taken (exam) and came back~! I had Japanese language exam!!! Syasyasyak!!!
2010-09-27 @ 10.22am
@kkangjii 으아.. 시험이구나.. ㅠ ㅎㅎ 잘보고와용~~ ㅎ 졸지말구! 화이팅^^
@kkangjii euah.. so you have exam.. TT heehee Hope you do well~~ hee Don't be sleepy! Hwaiting^^
*XiaoChu: in reply to
Kang JiYoung
2010-09-27 @ 10.19am
오늘부터 시험 이에요 지금 시험보고 집에가는길인데 ... 쭉쉬다가 아침에 일찍 일어나려니까 힘들어죽는지알앗어요!!ㅡ_ㅡ 다들 저랑똑같을꺼에요..맞죠!!!!!!
Exam from today. I am on the way home after taking the exam ... Had been resting all the while and to wake up early in the morning was tiring to death!!ㅡ_ㅡ Everyone is the same as me.. isn't it!!!!!!
2010-09-27 @ 10.19am
오늘부터 시험 이에요 지금 시험보고 집에가는길인데 ... 쭉쉬다가 아침에 일찍 일어나려니까 힘들어죽는지알앗어요!!ㅡ_ㅡ 다들 저랑똑같을꺼에요..맞죠!!!!!!
Exam from today. I am on the way home after taking the exam ... Had been resting all the while and to wake up early in the morning was tiring to death!!ㅡ_ㅡ Everyone is the same as me.. isn't it!!!!!!
2010-09-27 @ 10.14am
자!! 오늘은 월요일^^ 감사하는마음으로 이번주도 시작해요~~ 아자아자아자!! 즐거운시간이네요~~^^
Well!! Today is Mondy^^ Start this week with gratitude~~ Aja aja aja!! It's an enjoyable time~~^^
2010-09-27 @ 10.14am
자!! 오늘은 월요일^^ 감사하는마음으로 이번주도 시작해요~~ 아자아자아자!! 즐거운시간이네요~~^^
Well!! Today is Mondy^^ Start this week with gratitude~~ Aja aja aja!! It's an enjoyable time~~^^
2010-09-27 @ 4:20am
@JungMin0403 난 대만에서 돌아왔고 자네 다녀오면 밥 먹을 것이고. 잘다녀와~
@JungMin0403 I returned from Taiwan and after you return, let's have a meal. Have a safe trip~
2010-09-27 @ 4:11am
29일 여러분을 만나러 대만에 갑니당 그 때봐요 !!^^*야르
I am going to Taiwan on 29th to meet all of you. See you then !!^^* Yareu
2010.09.27 @ 1:44am
@HyungJun87 넘기대하지마^^요새 바쁘지? 앨범 작업 끝나면 시간맞춰서 함보자~
@HyungJun87 Don't anticipate too much^^ Have been busy lately right? After you've finished making your album, find a time and let's meet~
2010.09.27 @ 1:44am
@HyungJun87 넘기대하지마^^요새 바쁘지? 앨범 작업 끝나면 시간맞춰서 함보자~
@HyungJun87 Don't anticipate too much^^ Have been busy lately right? After you've finished making your album, find a time and let's meet~
=Hyung Jun=
2010.09.27 @ 1:05am
@jongmyounglee 형 기대할께요 !
@jongmyounglee Hyung, I will look forward to it !
*XiaoChu: in reply to
2010-09-27 @ 12.54am
지금은 제 노래 가사 쓰고 있는 중입니다. 마감압박이... 이별내용이라 최선을 다해 우울해 하는 중.. 괜한 담배만 자꾸 물게 되네요ㅜㅜ 아.. 사람들이랑 기분좋게 술먹고싶다 ㅋ
I am now writing the lyrics for my song. Pressured deadline... Did my best on the contents about farewell, feeling depressed currently.. always biting on the useless cigarette only T T ah.. I want to have a drink happily with people ke
2010.09.27 @ 1:05am
@jongmyounglee 형 기대할께요 !
@jongmyounglee Hyung, I will look forward to it !
*XiaoChu: in reply to
2010-09-27 @ 12.54am
지금은 제 노래 가사 쓰고 있는 중입니다. 마감압박이... 이별내용이라 최선을 다해 우울해 하는 중.. 괜한 담배만 자꾸 물게 되네요ㅜㅜ 아.. 사람들이랑 기분좋게 술먹고싶다 ㅋ
I am now writing the lyrics for my song. Pressured deadline... Did my best on the contents about farewell, feeling depressed currently.. always biting on the useless cigarette only T T ah.. I want to have a drink happily with people ke
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