Monday, November 1, 2010

[Twitter] Boys tweet convo translation [2010.11.01]

Credit: XiaoChu @
Please repost with full credit

2010-11-01 @ 10.52pm
@2kjdream 김밥은. 꼬투리가. 잴. 맛있거던~~ㅋㅋ그래서 맛있었던거야~~
@2kjdream Kimbab is. The Kkoturi. Most. Delicious~~keke That's why it's delicious

2010-11-01 @ 10.44pm
@HyungJun87 김동산만 믿는다 ㅋㅋ 과자 갖구오구
@HyungJun87 Only believing in Kim DongSan keke Bring you cookies

2010-11-01 @ 10.34pm
@2kjdream 김밥은 꼬투리지...아흐 내가 싸면 그맛이 안나!!
@2kjdream Kimbab is the kkoturi (most delicious portion)... Aheu I can't get that taste when I wrap it!!

2010-11-01 @ 10.32pm
김밥싸는 어머니옆에서 김밥꼬투리 먹던 날이 그리워요 ㅠ 맛있는데 !!~
I miss the days eating kimbab Kkoturi (edges/end) beside mother who is wrapping the kimbab ㅠ It was delicious !!~

2010-11-01 @ 7.26pm
새벽2시 SBS 107.7 김형준의 뮤직하이 만세!
2am SBS 107.7 Kim HyungJun's Music High Mansae!

2010-11-01 @ 7.26pm
오늘 김형준의 뮤직하이 , 보는라디오로 함께합니다~ 새벽두시엔 쭌이와 함께 합시다! Okay?
Kim HyungJun's Music High today, will be doing viewable radio together~ Let's do it together with Jjoonie at 2am! Okay?

2010-11-01 @ 7.01pm
@Steven_Lee_ 형~~~ ㅎ 우리 꼭 같이 여행가요!! ㅎ
@Steven_Lee_ Hyung~~~ hee We must definitely go on a trip together!! hee

2010-11-01 @ 5.46pm
@2kjdream별로 축하할일 아냐 ㅋㅋㅋ 여행 재밌었겠다. 다음엔 나도 데리고가 ㅠㅠ
@2kjdream It's not something special to congratulate kekeke The trip seems fun. Bring me along next time ㅠㅠ

2010-11-01 @ 5.44pm
@mystyle1103미국에서 두곳에서 하는데, 촬영은 뉴욕만 할것같은데? 난 뉴욕은 넘 멀어서 엘에이에서만 한다. 티비는 무슨 ㅎㅎ
@mystyle1103 There are doing it in 2 places in USA, but seems like filming will only be done in New York? Because I'm so far away from New York, I am doing only for LA. What TV heehee

2010-11-01 @ 3.48pm
행복한일만 가득가득
All filled with only happy things/events

2010.11.01 @ 3:57am
@2kjdream 종규종규종규종규!!! 들어가썽?
@2kjdream KyuJongKyuJongKyuJong!!! Entered?

2010.11.01 @ 12:54am
It was an interesting trip~^^

2010.11.01 @ 12:06am

@soulfulhan 형님^^ 정말 축하드려요 ㅎ 빨리 뭉쳐서 저희 멋진이야기를 나눠봅시다~~^^
@soulfulhan Hyung-nim^^ Congratulations to you hee Quickly come together and let's have our great conversations~~^^

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