Some photo released by JungMin in gym & @my7chan of wuri maknae on air ^^ What a good start for the day~~~~
Credit: XiaoChu @
Please repost with full credit
2010-11-02 @ 9.47pm
오늘도 열심히 함께 해주신 우리 뮤지컬 "카페인"팀 항상 고맙고 감사해요~ 화이팅
Our musical 'Cafe in' team, who are working hard together with me today too, thank you and thanks again~ Hwaiting
2010-11-02 @ 8.43pm
@HyungJun87 형준아건강챙기면서연습해라감기조심하고
@HyungJun87 HyungJun-ah take care of your health while you practice, and be careful of catching a flu
2010-11-02 @ 8.40pm
@HyungJun87 힘내라 힘! 힘내라 힘! 젖먹던 힘까지~~뷁!
@HyungJun87 Go for it! Keep it up! With all the strength you can get~~break!
2010-11-02 @ 8.43pm
@HyungJun87 형준아건강챙기면서연습해라감기조심하고
@HyungJun87 HyungJun-ah take care of your health while you practice, and be careful of catching a flu
2010-11-02 @ 8.40pm
@HyungJun87 힘내라 힘! 힘내라 힘! 젖먹던 힘까지~~뷁!
@HyungJun87 Go for it! Keep it up! With all the strength you can get~~break!
2010-11-02 @ 6.07pm
열심히 연습하자!!
Let's practice hard!!
2010.11.02 @ 2.28am
Ah...Jo Pil Yeon*....
*Mini UFO: Jo Pil Yeon is a character in SBS new drama - Giant

2010-11-02 @ 2.12pm
@Estella816누나오세요~ 환영
@Estella816 Noona please come~ Welcome
2010-11-02 @ 1.49pm
@HyungJun87 생방에 초대해줘여 새벽엔 게스트없나? ㅋ그래도 가께 옆에서 내 노래 부르고있을께
@HyungJun87 Invite me for live broadcast, no guest for early morning (radio show)? ke Nevertheless I will go and will be singing my song
2010-11-02 @ 1.49pm
@HyungJun87 생방에 초대해줘여 새벽엔 게스트없나? ㅋ그래도 가께 옆에서 내 노래 부르고있을께
@HyungJun87 Invite me for live broadcast, no guest for early morning (radio show)? ke Nevertheless I will go and will be singing my song
2010-11-02 @ 10.27am
@2kjdream김밥은정말 엄마옆에서 먹는 김밥이 맛있다ㅠㅠ
@2kjdream Kimbab is delicious when it is eaten beside mum ㅠㅠ
2010-11-02 @ 2.54am
실시간2!!!!!!! 라디오 생방송중~~
Realtime2!!!!!!! During radio live broadcast~~

2010.11.02 @ 2.28am
저기 건너엔 박정민님이....
Over there opposite/infront is Park Jung Min-nim....
*Mini UFO: JungMin in recording room ^^

2010-11-02 @ 2.12am
실시간!!!!!!! 라디오 생방 5분전~~
Realtime!!!!!!! 5 minutes before radio live broadcast~~

2010-11-02 @ 1.38am
@HyungJun87 Live broadcast!!!!!!!!Did well?! Well done~
2010-11-02 @ 1.14am
@2kjdream우리어머니 김밥 정말 맛있는데...생각나게하네 ㅠㅠ 어제 우리어머니 생일이었당!!
@2kjdream My mother's kimbab is really delicious... Made me think of it TT TT It was my mother's birthday yesterday!!
2010-11-02 @ 12.24am
I posted 12 photos on Facebook in the album "Keep Fit"

2010-11-02 @ 12.14am
@woongcha1 ㅎㅎ !!!! 김밥쿠다사이 ㅎ
@woongcha1 heehee !!!! Kimbab kudasai* hee
*XiaoChu: Japanese, means Please give me kimbab
2010-11-02 @ 12.13am
@jayfrombuttaluv 형 ㅎㅎ 김밥먹어요 우리!!!! ㅎ 전 김밥잘못싸요 ㅠ
@jayfrombuttaluv Hyung heehee Eat kimbab, we!!!! hee I can't make kimbab well ㅠ
aigoo....wuri park charisma finally shows his sexy arms