The tweet messages today mainly consisted of Birthday wishes to Young Saengie~~~ teasing him with invisible presents. Haha.... Hope Young Saeng enjoy his Birthday today! Young Saeng haven't 'appeared' yet online, guess he went celebrating with his pals~~~ ^o^
Happy 24th Birthday wuri Prince Young Saeng~~~~
Credit: XiaoChu @
Please repost with full credit
2010-11-03 @ 10.44pm
축하해 쌩~~가지고싶은거있음말해 사진으로보내줄께..... @mystyle1103
Happy birthday Ssaeng~~ Tell me if there is anything you want. I will send you in photo..... @mystyle1103
2010-11-03 @ 10.32pm
@HyungJun87 잘하구있어!! 힘내^^ 금욜엔 숙제검사....
@HyungJun87 You're doing well!! Keep it up ^^ Checking on your homework on Friday....
2010-11-03 @ 9.35pm
@mystyle1103 야 좆밥~~넌지금하면개발려~~~
@mystyle1103 Ya you're of no match~~If you do it now, 개발려~~~
*XiaoChu: Sorry, not sure what is 개발려
2010-11-03 @ 10.44pm
축하해 쌩~~가지고싶은거있음말해 사진으로보내줄께..... @mystyle1103
Happy birthday Ssaeng~~ Tell me if there is anything you want. I will send you in photo..... @mystyle1103
2010-11-03 @ 10.32pm
@HyungJun87 잘하구있어!! 힘내^^ 금욜엔 숙제검사....
@HyungJun87 You're doing well!! Keep it up ^^ Checking on your homework on Friday....
2010-11-03 @ 9.35pm
@mystyle1103 야 좆밥~~넌지금하면개발려~~~
@mystyle1103 Ya you're of no match~~If you do it now, 개발려~~~
*XiaoChu: Sorry, not sure what is 개발려
2010-11-03 @ 9.30pm
@zerotic0124 하지만언제나나한테깨지는실력!!ㅋ
@zerotic0124 But (the record) will always be broken by me who has the ability to!! ke
*In reply to
2010-11-03 @ 8.33pm
언제나 재밌는 위닝~~~
Winning is fun anytime~~~

2010-11-03 @ 6.40pm
RT: Steven_Lee_ I see many talented applicants for the Great Birth audition. Can't wait till saturday. :)
2010-11-03 @ 9.30pm
@zerotic0124 하지만언제나나한테깨지는실력!!ㅋ
@zerotic0124 But (the record) will always be broken by me who has the ability to!! ke
*In reply to
2010-11-03 @ 8.33pm
언제나 재밌는 위닝~~~
Winning is fun anytime~~~

2010-11-03 @ 6.40pm
RT: Steven_Lee_ I see many talented applicants for the Great Birth audition. Can't wait till saturday. :)
2010-11-03 @ 6.38pm
@mystyle1103나 그저께 한국왔지~몇일뒤 다시 가 ㅎㅎ 이따밖에있음전화해~ 잠깐이라도얼굴보러갈게~^^
@mystyle1103 I came back to Korea the day before yesterday~ Will go back again in a few days time heehee Give me a call if you are outside later~ I will go and meet you even if it is for a while only~^^
2010-11-03 @ 6.20pm
@Sj861117sj Thanks~~ke I don't know what to do today yet ㅠ Are you in Japan?
2010-11-03 @ 6.22pm
@mystyle1103생일축하해~ 오늘 모하시나??
@mystyle1103 Happy birthday~ What are you doing today??
2010-11-03 @ 5.34pm
@2kjdream일어났어~~???ㅋㅋ 운동가야지~~ㅋㅋ
@2kjdream Woken up~~???keke Should go and exercise~~keke
2010-11-03 @ 5.02pm
@2kjdream얘땜시 살어ㅠㅠ 아! 미안 mr보내는걸 깜빡했다 내가 지금 병원이라 후딱 드가서 보내께!
@2kjdream Alive just cos of you ㅠㅠ Ah! Sorry forgot to send you the mr. So I will go into the hospital in a flash and send!
2010-11-03 @ 6.22pm
@mystyle1103생일축하해~ 오늘 모하시나??
@mystyle1103 Happy birthday~ What are you doing today??
2010-11-03 @ 5.34pm
@2kjdream일어났어~~???ㅋㅋ 운동가야지~~ㅋㅋ
@2kjdream Woken up~~???keke Should go and exercise~~keke
2010-11-03 @ 5.02pm
@2kjdream얘땜시 살어ㅠㅠ 아! 미안 mr보내는걸 깜빡했다 내가 지금 병원이라 후딱 드가서 보내께!
@2kjdream Alive just cos of you ㅠㅠ Ah! Sorry forgot to send you the mr. So I will go into the hospital in a flash and send!
2010-11-03 @ 4.49pm
@jayfrombuttaluv형 ㅎㅎ 사과먹는거 짱 귀여워요 ㅎ
@jayfrombuttaluv Hyung heehee Eating apple is the cutest hee
2010-11-03 @ 2.14pm
@2kjdream Following go go~~~~
2010-11-03 @ 1.59pm
@mystyle1103생일축하해 ㅋㅋ
@mystyle1103 Happy birthday keke
2010-11-03 @ 6+am
@mystyle1103생일 추카 ㅎㅎㅎ 조만간 보자구!!! 3년전 영생이 생일 파티 생각나네!!ㅎㅎ 감동받구 닭똥같은 눈물 흘리던...ㅋㅋ
@mystyle1103 Happy birthday heeheehee let's meet soon!!! I thought of YoungSaeng's birthday party 3 years ago!! heehee Was touched and sheded large drops of tears...keke
2010-11-03 @ 6+am
@mystyle1103생일 추카 ㅎㅎㅎ 조만간 보자구!!! 3년전 영생이 생일 파티 생각나네!!ㅎㅎ 감동받구 닭똥같은 눈물 흘리던...ㅋㅋ
@mystyle1103 Happy birthday heeheehee let's meet soon!!! I thought of YoungSaeng's birthday party 3 years ago!! heehee Was touched and sheded large drops of tears...keke
2010.11.03 @ 1:15am
@mystyle1103 12시 기다리다 깜빡 자다가 깜짝 놀라서 깼다!! 생일 정말 축하하고~^^나 일본이니까 돌아가면 봐!!허영생 싸랑한다!!
@mystyle1103 Waiting for 12 o'clock. Dozed off and woke up startled!! Really happy birthday~^^ Because I am in Japan, meet when I return back!! Heo YoungSaeng Ssaranghanda (I love you)!!
=Steven Lee=
2010.11.03 @ 12:18am
@mystyle1103 동생 생일 축하해. 선물은 미국와서 가져가 ㅋㅋㅋ
@mystyle1103 dongsaeng Happy Birthday. Come to USA to take your present kekeke
2010.11.03 @ 12:11am
@mystyle1103 우엥?~ 생일축하해!! 생일선물은없어 베벵 ㅎㅎ
@mystyle1103 ueng?~ Happy Birthday!! No birthday present bebeng hehe
2010.11.03 @ 12:08am
@mystyle1103 영생아 생일축하한다~!! ㅋㅋ 야 쏘주 마시러나와 ㅋㅋ
@mystyle1103 YoungSaeng ah Happy Birthday~!! keke Ya Come out and drink ssoju
2010.11.03 @ 12:07am
@mystyle1103 우잉~생일 추카해. 생일 선물로. 형. 가져라~~
@mystyle1103 Ooing~ Happy birthday. Take. hyung. as your birthday present~~
enjoy your special day wuri shy prince