Please repost with full credit
2010-11-05 @ 7.10pm
@HyungJun87 나 바뻐!!
@HyungJun87 I'm busy!!
2010-11-05 @ 6.06pm
@my7chan 당신이 찍으세요
@my7chan Please take it yourself
2010-11-05 @ 5.49pm
@HyungJun87 버스를 찍으세요!!!
@HyungJun87 Please take a pic of bus!!!
2010-11-05 @ 5.38pm
와인과 와인잔 ~ 룰루랄라
Wine and wine glass ~ Lullulullu

=YoungSaeng= 2010-11-05 @ 4.31pm @Steven_Lee_ 죽다가살아났어요ㅠㅠ @Steven_Lee_ Died and came back to life ㅠㅠ
2010-11-05 @ 2.50pm
@mystyle1103 그나저나 생일주말은 잘 버텼니? ㅎㅎㅎ
@mystyle1103 By the way, did you hold on well for your birthday weekend? heeheehee
2010-11-05 @ 2.50pm
@2kjdream 그냥 상어가 아냐. 물정화시키는 돌고래임 ㅎㅎ
@2kjdream It's not just any shark. It's a dolphin that can purify water heehee
2010-11-05 @ 2.49pm
@mystyle1103 사진이라도 찍어놓을껄 ㅎㅎ
@mystyle1103 I even took the photo of it heehee
2010-11-05 @ 2.29pm
@3rangka 화성이에요
@3rangka It's Mars
2010-11-05 @ 1.35pm
@HyungJun87 공지보시고 참여해주세요 워낙 보는 눈들이 많아서.. ㅋㅋ
@HyungJun87 Read the notice and participate. Cos they're alot of ppl reading.. keke
2010-11-05 @ 1.18pm
@HyungJun87 어디야?
@HyungJun87 Where is it?
2010-11-05 @ 1.01pm
@musicalcafein 저도 참여할래요
@musicalcafein I will participate too
*In reply to
2010-11-05 @ 12.22pm
두둥! 카페인 홈페이지에서 '버스를 찾아라!!' 이벤트를 시작합니다!! 자세한 내용은 홈페이지를 참고해주세용! 저희는 적극 참여해주시는 분들을 사랑합니다~
2010-11-05 @ 1.01pm
@musicalcafein 저도 참여할래요
@musicalcafein I will participate too
*In reply to
2010-11-05 @ 12.22pm
두둥! 카페인 홈페이지에서 '버스를 찾아라!!' 이벤트를 시작합니다!! 자세한 내용은 홈페이지를 참고해주세용! 저희는 적극 참여해주시는 분들을 사랑합니다~
DooDoong! 'Find the Bus!!' event has started in Cafe-in homepage!! More details are available in the homepage for your reference! We would love your active participation~
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Green Peas Voices