Saturday, October 30, 2010

[Twitter] Boys tweet convo translation [2010.10.30]

XiaoChu is back. Has replaced the translation with her version. ^^

Kumawoyo XiaoChu~~


Credit: XiaoChu @
Please repost with full credit

2010.10.30 @ 11:33pm
@2kjdream @woongcha1 나도 갔어야됐어 ㅠㅠㅠ 아깝다 ㅠ

2010.10.30 @ 10.53pm

@woongcha1 요거에요 ㅎ
@woongcha1 It's here. hee

*MiniUFO: Keke~ My guess is correct, one of them is wuri Kyu ^^

2010.10.30 @ 10:32pm
*MiniUFO: Do you think one of person in this photographs is our Kyu? ^^

2010.10.30 @ 10.17pm

@mystyle1103 크크크 천연기념물이군!!!! 멋쟁이 이히히
@mystyle1103 Keukeukeu natural monument!!!! Great guy Eehehe

2010.10.30 @ 10.17pm

@woongcha1 저 태완이형 강민이요 이히히
@woongcha1 Me, TaeWan hyung, KangMin. Eehehe

2010.10.30 @ 9:54pm
@mystyle1103 대박은 벌써 났당~~ㅎㅎ 물건이 없어서 못팔고 있음 ㅠㅠ
@mystyle1103 It is already a success~~heehee There are times I can't sell cos of no stock ㅠㅠ

2010.10.30 @ 9:28pm
@mystyle1103 너에게 달렸지 ㅎㅎ 난 anytime OK

@mystyle1103 Up to you heehee I anytime OK

=Young Saeng=
2010.10.30 @ 9.20pm
@2kjdream 내맘속?ㅋㅋ수달귀엽지~천연기념물이자너~ㅋ
@2kjdream In my heart? keke Otter is cute of course~ natural monument~ ke

=Young Saeng=
2010.10.30 @ 9.20pm
@zakkykim 너무잘지내서문제죠ㅋ언제쯤에나볼수있을까요~~
@zakkykim Becuase I've been doing so well, that's the problem ke When will you be able to meet me~~

=Young Saeng=
2010.10.30 @ 9.19pm
@woosangil ㅋㅋ오랜만이죠~~요즘트위터를자주안해서ㅠㅠ사업하는거대박나야죠!!ㅋ그리고얻어먹어야쥐~
@woosangil It has been a long time~~ Cos I haven't been using twitter recently ㅠㅠ the business you're doing must turn out to be a success!! ke And must treat me to something~

2010.10.30 @ 8:55pm
@mystyle1103 오랜만이네!!
@mystyle1103 It's been a long time!!

2010.10.30 @ 8:54pm
너희 둘!! 잘지내고있는겨 ? 빨리보자!! @2kjdream @mystyle1103
Two of you!! Are you doing well? Lets meet soon!! @2kjdream @mystyle1103

2010.10.30 @ 8.40pm

@mystyle1103 형 맘속 베벵~~~수달기엽지 ㅎㅎ
@mystyle1103 Hyung in my heart bebeng~~~ Otter is cute isn't it heehee

=Young Saeng=
2010.10.30 @ 8.04pm
@2kjdream 넌어디간거냐?
@2kjdream Where did you go?

=Young Saeng=
2010.10.30 @ 8.03pm
@Steven_Lee_ 와우~~ㅋ티비꼭봐야겠네~
@Steven_Lee_ wow~~ke I must definitely watch tv

2010.10.30 @ 7.57pm
@Steven_Lee_ 수달귀엽죠 ㅎㅎ 요런 특이한생명체도보았어요!!!
@Steven_Lee_ Sudal is cute isn't it hehe Also saw this kind of unique living thing!!!
*MiniUFO: Ew~~~~ where did you go Kyu~~~~~ This creature look so ew~~~~

2010.10.30 @ 7.55pm

@Steven_Lee_ 태완이형이랑강민이랑같이있어요 형~ 심사위원되신거 다같이기쁜마음으로 축하드립니다아 ㅎㅎ 태완이형이 "스티븐 축하해~~~"라구 했어요 ㅎ 강민이는 "형 축하드려요"라구 했습니다아아^^
@Steven_Lee_ I am with TaeWan hyung and KangMin. Hyung~ all of us are delighted to congratulate you for becoming the panel of judge heehee TaeWan hyung said "Steven congrats~~~" hee while KangMin said "Hyung, congratulations"^^

=Steven Lee=
2010.10.30 @ 6.44pm
@2kjdream 수달 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
@2kjdream Sudal kekekekekekekeke

2010.10.30 @ 6.53pm
MBC 위대한탄생 오디션, 미국 서부지역(LA) 심사를 맡게되었습니다. 실력있는분들 예비가수분들 만날수있다는생각에 설레네요 ㅎㅎ 제가 심사볼 자격이 있는지는 모르겠습니다만 ^^;;
MBC The Great Birth audition, I will be the judge for western USA (LA). I'm excited at the thoughts of being able to meet with talented people and singer-to-be heehee Even though I don't know if I am qualified to be a judge ^^;;

2010.10.30 @ 5:33pm
@2kjdream 너도 좋은 주말 보내구... 추운데,감기조심해!!!
@2kjdream Have a good weekend yourself too... It is cold, be careful of catching the cold!!!

2010.10.30 @ 5.05pm

@woosangil 우와 파티이이 ! 형 태풍왔어요?! 조심하세요~ 주말잘보내시구요!!!^^
@woosangil Wow partyyy ! Hyung, typhoon is coming?! Please take care~ Have a good weekend!!!^^

2010.10.30 @ 5:00pm
@2kjdream 대박ㅋㅋㅋウケるㅋㅋㅋ 여긴 태풍와서 바람불고 비오고 춥고 그러타 ㅜㅜ 할로윈 파티 있는데 나가기가 싫은 ...
@2kjdream Daebak kekeke so funny kekeke Typhoon is here so the wind is blowing, it's raining, and it's cold ㅜㅜ I have a Halloween party, but hate to be going out ...

2010.10.30 @ 4.24pm

영생이형친구들 수달이를만났어요!!!! 우잉???ㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎ otters, Young Saengie hyung's friend!!!! uing??? hehehehehe

2010.10.30 @ 3.30pm

길가다만난녀석 우오ㅏ ㅎ this fellow on my way Wow hee

2010.10.30 @ around 1.23pm
RT @mjjeje*: 런치타~임
RT @mjjeje*: Lunch~Im
*Mini UFO: @mjjeje is JYJ's Jae Joong

2010.10.30 @ 10:44am
굿모닝 모두들~ 지금 일본은 비가 내리네요??
Good morning everyone~ Is it raining in Japan now??

1 comment:

  1. excuse me but could you translate this news please !


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