Please repost with full credit
2010-10-28 @ 10.15pm
오늘도 바쁜일정이 끝나고 집으로 퇴근, 힘내야지
Finished the busy schedules for today and return home, must keep it up
2010-10-28 @ 1.49pm
@2kjdream 응 너두 감기 조심혀~ 허허
@2kjdream Eung, you be careful of flu too~ Hurhur
2010-10-28 @ 10.52am
완두콩!!! 감기걸려서ㅠ고생하신분들이많네요 ! 감기조심하구!! 끼니 거르시지마세요^^ 화이팅!!!!!
Green Peas!!! There are alot of people suffering TT due to getting flu ! Please be careful of catching the flu!! Don't skip meals^^ Hwaiting!!!!!
2010-10-28 @ 10.49am
@jayfrombuttaluvㅎㅎ 그러게요! 저도 캐스팅할게요 ㅎ 형 추운데 감기조심하세요~~~ @jayfrombuttaluv heehee Alright! I will go for the casting too hee Hyung, it's cold so be careful not to catch flu~~~
2010-10-28 @ 10.48am
@kkangjii오하요우 !
@kkangjii Ohayo !
2010-10-28 @ 10.48am
@parkggang37알겠다 ㅎㅎ 태완이형이 그러셨어 열심히하는거보다 즐기는게 짱이라구 ㅎㅎ 즐기자!! 오늘도 즐겁게보내세요 ㅎㅎ 아 추워 ㅠ
@parkggang37 Understand heehee Taewan hyung said that, it's best to enjoy (work) rather than working hard on it heehee Have fun!! Have an enjoyable day today too heehee Ah, it's cold ㅠ
2010-10-28 @ 10.35am
@2kjdream춥다ㅜㅜㅜ오후부터날씨풀린다는데 ㅜ 반복돠는일상에서즐거움을찾아야지 ㅋ 즐건하루보내라~*^^*
@2kjdream It's cold ㅜㅜㅜ Though the weather gets warmer in the afternoon T Must find the fun in the monotonously repetitive daily life ke Have a enjoyable day~*^^*
2010-10-28 @ 8.29am
@2kjdream오퐝 오하요우고자이마쑤-^_^
@2kjdream Opwang Ohayogozaimasu*-^_^
2010-10-28 @ 10.52am
완두콩!!! 감기걸려서ㅠ고생하신분들이많네요 ! 감기조심하구!! 끼니 거르시지마세요^^ 화이팅!!!!!
Green Peas!!! There are alot of people suffering TT due to getting flu ! Please be careful of catching the flu!! Don't skip meals^^ Hwaiting!!!!!
2010-10-28 @ 10.49am
@jayfrombuttaluvㅎㅎ 그러게요! 저도 캐스팅할게요 ㅎ 형 추운데 감기조심하세요~~~ @jayfrombuttaluv heehee Alright! I will go for the casting too hee Hyung, it's cold so be careful not to catch flu~~~
2010-10-28 @ 10.48am
@kkangjii오하요우 !
@kkangjii Ohayo !
2010-10-28 @ 10.48am
@parkggang37알겠다 ㅎㅎ 태완이형이 그러셨어 열심히하는거보다 즐기는게 짱이라구 ㅎㅎ 즐기자!! 오늘도 즐겁게보내세요 ㅎㅎ 아 추워 ㅠ
@parkggang37 Understand heehee Taewan hyung said that, it's best to enjoy (work) rather than working hard on it heehee Have fun!! Have an enjoyable day today too heehee Ah, it's cold ㅠ
2010-10-28 @ 10.35am
@2kjdream춥다ㅜㅜㅜ오후부터날씨풀린다는데 ㅜ 반복돠는일상에서즐거움을찾아야지 ㅋ 즐건하루보내라~*^^*
@2kjdream It's cold ㅜㅜㅜ Though the weather gets warmer in the afternoon T Must find the fun in the monotonously repetitive daily life ke Have a enjoyable day~*^^*
2010-10-28 @ 8.29am
@2kjdream오퐝 오하요우고자이마쑤-^_^
@2kjdream Opwang Ohayogozaimasu*-^_^
*XiaoChu: Ohayogozaimasu = Good morning (in Japanese)
2010-10-28 @ 7.54am
@2kjdream견공계의 아이돌이야...나 회사차려야겠다...-.-;;;
@2kjdream Idol of the dog's world... I must go fix the office...-.-;;;
2010-10-28 @ 3.57am
찍어주신 사진이 넘 많다..ㅠㅠ 어떻게 올리지?ㅠㅠ
There are alot of photos taken of me.. TT TT How to upload? TT TT

2010-10-28 @ 3.16am

2010-10-28 @ 3.16am
소니더 워더 샤오쯔웨~~가 주신 소니 전자뇌
Sony's wo de xiao zi wei~~ gave me this Sony laptop
*XiaoChu: He's typing Chinese prounciation in Korean letters, don't really get what he meant..
2010-10-28 @ 7.54am
@2kjdream견공계의 아이돌이야...나 회사차려야겠다...-.-;;;
@2kjdream Idol of the dog's world... I must go fix the office...-.-;;;
2010-10-28 @ 3.57am
찍어주신 사진이 넘 많다..ㅠㅠ 어떻게 올리지?ㅠㅠ
There are alot of photos taken of me.. TT TT How to upload? TT TT

2010-10-28 @ 3.16am

2010-10-28 @ 3.16am
소니더 워더 샤오쯔웨~~가 주신 소니 전자뇌
Sony's wo de xiao zi wei~~ gave me this Sony laptop
*XiaoChu: He's typing Chinese prounciation in Korean letters, don't really get what he meant..

=JungMin= 2010-10-28 @ 3.12am
일본 캘린더 촬영전에....^^
Before shooting of Japan calendar....^^

2010-10-28 @ 3.10am
2010-10-28 @ 3.10am
부사장님이 본인이 찍은 사진이라며...올리라며....T^T
It's a photo taken by vice-president himself... Uploading....T^T

2010-10-28 @ 3+am
@2kjdream규종아 고맙다!! 낼 인나서 전화할테니깐 저녁에 볼수 있음 보자~~ I LOVE YOU MA MAN~!!
@2kjdream KyuJong-ah Thank you!! Will call you tomorrow so we'll be able to meet at night~~ I LOVE YOU MA MAN~!!
2010-10-28 @ 1.44am
@jayfrombuttaluv ㅎㅎ 형 완전귀여운데요?! 느낌있어요 눈빛봐 ㅎㅎㅎ
@jayfrombuttaluv heehee Hyung, it's totally so cute?! The feel is there. See the look in his eyes heeheehee
*XiaoChu: Think he's referring to some photos which he posted ^^ really cute

2010-10-28 @ 1.43am
@kkangjii 숙면 해야지! 좋은꿈꿔!!^^ 웃으며 일어납시다아아아 ㅎㅎ
@kkangjii Must have a sound sleep! Have a sweet dream!!^^ Let's wake up smilingggg heehee *in reply to
(2010-10-28 @ 1.19am)
오늘의 한마디 : @_@.....
Today's word : @_@.....
2010-10-28 @ 1.43am
@parkggang37 이제 집에왔다~^^ 푹자라~~ 늘반복되는일상이즐겁기도하지만 오늘은 고단한하루다..! 좀 더 힘내자!!^^ ㅎ
@parkggang37 Reached home now~^^ Sleep well~~ Even though the monotonously repetitive daily life is enjoyable, but today is an exhausting day..! Let's work hard even more!!^^ hee
It's a photo taken by vice-president himself... Uploading....T^T

2010-10-28 @ 3+am
@2kjdream규종아 고맙다!! 낼 인나서 전화할테니깐 저녁에 볼수 있음 보자~~ I LOVE YOU MA MAN~!!
@2kjdream KyuJong-ah Thank you!! Will call you tomorrow so we'll be able to meet at night~~ I LOVE YOU MA MAN~!!
2010-10-28 @ 1.44am
@jayfrombuttaluv ㅎㅎ 형 완전귀여운데요?! 느낌있어요 눈빛봐 ㅎㅎㅎ
@jayfrombuttaluv heehee Hyung, it's totally so cute?! The feel is there. See the look in his eyes heeheehee
*XiaoChu: Think he's referring to some photos which he posted ^^ really cute

2010-10-28 @ 1.43am
@kkangjii 숙면 해야지! 좋은꿈꿔!!^^ 웃으며 일어납시다아아아 ㅎㅎ
@kkangjii Must have a sound sleep! Have a sweet dream!!^^ Let's wake up smilingggg heehee *in reply to
(2010-10-28 @ 1.19am)
오늘의 한마디 : @_@.....
Today's word : @_@.....
2010-10-28 @ 1.43am
@parkggang37 이제 집에왔다~^^ 푹자라~~ 늘반복되는일상이즐겁기도하지만 오늘은 고단한하루다..! 좀 더 힘내자!!^^ ㅎ
@parkggang37 Reached home now~^^ Sleep well~~ Even though the monotonously repetitive daily life is enjoyable, but today is an exhausting day..! Let's work hard even more!!^^ hee
Kyu Jong is casting!!!