Friday, October 29, 2010

[Twitter] Boys tweet convo translation [2010.10.29]

Credits : xiaochu @ +
Please repost with full credit

2010.10.29 @ 10:29pm
@Steven_Lee_ 형 ㅠ 같이 할로윈보내고싶어요~!! 재미있겠다 ㅠ 전 태완이형이랑강민이랑 함께있어요!!!
@Steven_Lee Hyung ㅠ I want to spend Halloween together with you~!! That sounds like fun ㅠ I am together with Tae Wan hyung and Kang Min.

2010.10.29 @ 10:20pm
@HyungJun87 힘들어할법도한데... 의욕쩌는 당신은 욕심쟁이! 우후훗
@HyungJun87 There is also a way to getting tough/difficult... You are a greedy person! Woohoohoot

2010.10.29 @ 9:15pm
@HyungJun87 ㅎㅎ그러면서 고수가 되가는거란다 수고했어 형준아♥♥♥
@HyungJun87 hehe In that case, will become an expert. Thank you for your effort. HyungJun ah♥♥♥

2010.10.29 @ 9:12pm
일본에서 뮤지컬 "카페인"을 관람했답니다~ 내가 설 무대를위해 더 잘만들어야겠다는 생각을하고 있어요. 그리고 열심히~ 야호
Watched Musical 'Cafe-In' in Japan~ I am thinking that I have to make the (musical) stage performance that I am performing for even better. And so, working hard~ Yaho

=Steven Lee=
2010.10.29 @ 6:12pm
@2kjdream 웅 나야 ㅋㅋㅋ 미국은 내일이 할로윈이다! ^^
@2kjdream ung it's me kekeke It is Halloween day tomorrow in USA!^^

2010.10.29 @ 6:11pm
@2kjdream 규종아 내 주위에선 너 잘생겼다구 난리다!! ㅋ
@2kjdream Kyu Jong ah among people around you are good looking, causing a stir!! ke

2010.10.29 @ 6:00pm
@PHOTOKARMA 잘다녀오세요 , 아 그리고 축하해요 형^^
@PHOTOKARMA Have a pleasant journey, ah and congratulation hyung^^
*In response to
2010.10.29 @ 4:13pm
자 얼릉 갔다 오자 !!! 죽음의 스케줄 읔
Quickly go and come back!!! deadly schedule euk

2010.10.29 @ 5:49pm
@soulfulhan 형님!! next time... !! ^^ 노래 좋다고 난리입니다!!! ㅎㅎ
@soulfulhan Hyung-nim!! next time... !!^^ Your song is good and is causing a stir!!! hehe

2010.10.29 @ 5:46pm
@2kjdream OKAY I GOT IT!!! 즐거운 밤 보낼것 마브로들한테도 안부 전해줘~~~~!!!
@2kjdream OKAY I GOT IT!!! Have a nice night, send my greetings to my bros too~~~~!!!

2010.10.29 @ 5:19pm
@doc0102 ♥

2010.10.29 @ 4:38pm
완두콩만세 ㅎㅎ 정말좋은말들많이해주셔서 고마워요 ^^ 예압!!! 앞으로도 자주부탁할게~ 의견을 공유하자구요!! ㅎㅎ
Pea princess mansae hehe Thank you for giving so many nice words^^ Yeap!!! I will ask (for comments) often in the future~ lets share your comments!! hehe

2010.10.29 @ 4:01pm
좋아하는사람들과여행가는기차안에서 본 책에서.."누군가 정말행복하다면 행복이란말을 꺼내지않을거같아요.."라는 글을보았어요..어떤의미인지..^^ 많은의견부탁드려요!!! 예압!!!!
In a book which I read in a train while traveling with people whom I like.."If someone is really happy, they would not the subject of happiness.." I read this sentence.. What is the meaning..^^ Please give much comments on this!!! Yeap!!!!

2010.10.29 @ 3:28pm
일본도착! 헤헤헤헤 다녀올께요
Arrived in Japan! Hehehehe I will be back

2010.10.29 @ 2:08pm
@Steven_Lee_ 형이에요오??!! ~
@Steven_Lee_ Is that hyung??!!~
*In response to:
=Steven Lee=
2010.10.28 @ 5:12pm
This is me lol Happy Halloween! :)

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