Kyu changed his display picture today. ^^

Credits : xiaochu @
Please repost with full credit
2010-10-06 @ 11.59pm
@2kjdream 안다쳐~ㅋㅋ같이하자~^^
@2kjdream Won't get hurt~keke let's do it (play baseball) together~^^
2010-10-06 @ 11.58pm
@woongcha1 베벵~?ㅋ
@woongcha1 Bebeng~?ke
2010-10-06 @ 10.01pm
@2kjdream 형이. 둘다. 맞쳐줄께~~
@2kjdream Hyung will. adjust. both of you~~
2010-10-06 @ 10.00pm
@mystyle1103 우잉~
@mystyle1103 Ooing~
2010-10-06 @ 8.56pm
"김형준의 카페인" 뮤지컬 대박!!!!
"Kim HyungJun's Cafe-in" musical daebak!!!!
*XiaoChu: Daebak literally means Sell big
2010-10-06 @ 8.26pm
@mystyle1103 어느정도 실력있는 사람들 얘기지!!!
@mystyle1103 In a way, this is a talk among people with abilities!!!
2010-10-06 @ 8.11pm
@mystyle1103 데드볼 아니면 못나가는 야구는 때려치고,골프나 하자구~
@mystyle1103 Playing baseball where you don't go out if not for the deadball (pitched ball?), (why not) play golf instead~
2010-10-06 @ 10.01pm
@2kjdream 형이. 둘다. 맞쳐줄께~~
@2kjdream Hyung will. adjust. both of you~~
2010-10-06 @ 10.00pm
@mystyle1103 우잉~
@mystyle1103 Ooing~
2010-10-06 @ 8.56pm
"김형준의 카페인" 뮤지컬 대박!!!!
"Kim HyungJun's Cafe-in" musical daebak!!!!
*XiaoChu: Daebak literally means Sell big
2010-10-06 @ 8.26pm
@mystyle1103 어느정도 실력있는 사람들 얘기지!!!
@mystyle1103 In a way, this is a talk among people with abilities!!!
2010-10-06 @ 8.11pm
@mystyle1103 데드볼 아니면 못나가는 야구는 때려치고,골프나 하자구~
@mystyle1103 Playing baseball where you don't go out if not for the deadball (pitched ball?), (why not) play golf instead~
2010-10-06 @ 8.04pm
@mystyle1103 ㅎㅎ 등짝넓다고자랑하는거지!! 어깨넓은건인정 ㅎㅎㅎ 조심히맞아 다치지말고!!~~~~~~~
@mystyle1103 Heehee You are showing off that your back is wide right!! I acknowledge that your shoulder is wide heeheehee Hit carefully, dont get hurt!!~~~~~~~
2010-10-06 @ 8.02pm
@my7chan 요마이 브라더~ !
@my7chan Yo ma brother~!
2010-10-06 @ 7.53pm
@2kjdream 등으로맞아서안아팠어ㅋ맞을만해~너오면내가맞춰줄게~^^
@2kjdream Was hit on my back so it was not painful ke Only got hit~ If you come, I will adjust it for you~^^
2010-10-06 @ 7.44pm
@2kjdream 광주 휘성이한테 레슨받았다 ㅋㅋ 애들이 듣기싫어 죽을라그랴 옃에서 막웃어 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
@2kjdream I had lesson from Kwangju WheeSung keke The kids didnt want to listen, feel like dying, they just laugh kekekeke
2010-10-06 @ 7.16pm
@mastadoo 강민군과 커피한잔의여유중이에요 ㅎㅎㅎ형은어떠세요~~
@mastadoo Having a leisure time drinking coffee with KangMin heeheehee How is hyung doing~~
2010-10-06 @ 6.59pm
@2kjdream 규규규 하루잘보내구있어???
@2kjdream Kyu kyu kyu Did you spend your day well???
2010-10-06 @ 6.58pm
@mystyle1103 데드볼안아퍼?!! 와우!
@mystyle1103 Dead ball (or pitched ball?) is not painful?!! Wow!
2010-10-06 @ 6.50pm
@woosangil 완전어려울듯~근데원래야구랑골프는같이하면안된데요ㅠㅜ
@woosangil It's totally so difficult~ By the way it's impossible to play baseball and golf together ㅠㅜ
2010-10-06 @ 6.47pm
@mystyle1103 야구는 포볼로도 나가고,데드볼로도 나가고... ㅋㅋㅋ골프는 데드볼도 없는데...힘들듯ㅋㅋㅋ
@mystyle1103 In baseball, it's walk to base, and get a walk on a hit by a pitched ball... kekeke There's no deadball in golf though...sounds tough
2010-10-06 @ 6.28pm
힘내라 힘 !
Keep it up !
*There's no literal translation of this word into English though..
2010-10-06 @ 8.04pm
@mystyle1103 ㅎㅎ 등짝넓다고자랑하는거지!! 어깨넓은건인정 ㅎㅎㅎ 조심히맞아 다치지말고!!~~~~~~~
@mystyle1103 Heehee You are showing off that your back is wide right!! I acknowledge that your shoulder is wide heeheehee Hit carefully, dont get hurt!!~~~~~~~
2010-10-06 @ 8.02pm
@my7chan 요마이 브라더~ !
@my7chan Yo ma brother~!
2010-10-06 @ 7.53pm
@2kjdream 등으로맞아서안아팠어ㅋ맞을만해~너오면내가맞춰줄게~^^
@2kjdream Was hit on my back so it was not painful ke Only got hit~ If you come, I will adjust it for you~^^
2010-10-06 @ 7.44pm
@2kjdream 광주 휘성이한테 레슨받았다 ㅋㅋ 애들이 듣기싫어 죽을라그랴 옃에서 막웃어 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
@2kjdream I had lesson from Kwangju WheeSung keke The kids didnt want to listen, feel like dying, they just laugh kekekeke
2010-10-06 @ 7.16pm
@mastadoo 강민군과 커피한잔의여유중이에요 ㅎㅎㅎ형은어떠세요~~
@mastadoo Having a leisure time drinking coffee with KangMin heeheehee How is hyung doing~~
2010-10-06 @ 6.59pm
@2kjdream 규규규 하루잘보내구있어???
@2kjdream Kyu kyu kyu Did you spend your day well???
2010-10-06 @ 6.58pm
@mystyle1103 데드볼안아퍼?!! 와우!
@mystyle1103 Dead ball (or pitched ball?) is not painful?!! Wow!
2010-10-06 @ 6.50pm
@woosangil 완전어려울듯~근데원래야구랑골프는같이하면안된데요ㅠㅜ
@woosangil It's totally so difficult~ By the way it's impossible to play baseball and golf together ㅠㅜ
2010-10-06 @ 6.47pm
@mystyle1103 야구는 포볼로도 나가고,데드볼로도 나가고... ㅋㅋㅋ골프는 데드볼도 없는데...힘들듯ㅋㅋㅋ
@mystyle1103 In baseball, it's walk to base, and get a walk on a hit by a pitched ball... kekeke There's no deadball in golf though...sounds tough
2010-10-06 @ 6.28pm
힘내라 힘 !
Keep it up !
*There's no literal translation of this word into English though..
2010-10-06 @ 5.42pm
Ah~Today I went for a baseball match and was all out (strike out) ㅡㅡ tried walking on a hit by a pitched ball~ ㅠ But even then our team won~ keke
2010-10-06 @ 5.42pm
Ah~Today I went for a baseball match and was all out (strike out) ㅡㅡ tried walking on a hit by a pitched ball~ ㅠ But even then our team won~ keke
2010-10-06 @ 5.17pm
@HyungJun87 쭌!! 뮤지컬 대박 내자~ 이제 나도 트위터좀 해볼까^^
@HyungJun87 Jjoon!! Hope your musical will be daebak (sell big)~ Now I am also trying out Twitter^^
2010-10-06 @ 3.00pm
@2kjdreamㅋㅋㅋ네 자주자주오세요~~!!
@2kjdream kekeke yea, always welcome~~!!
2010-10-06 @ 2.56pm
@sek0505..... 언제나 화이팅 ㅎㅎㅎ!! 만두형에게물어본다면 .. ㅎ^^ 연습실가서뵈요~ 놀러갈게요~~
@sek0505..... Always hwaiting heeheehee!! if you ask Mandoo hyung .. hee^^ see you when I go to the practice room~ I will go and play~~
2010-10-06 @ 2.56pm
@sek0505..... 언제나 화이팅 ㅎㅎㅎ!! 만두형에게물어본다면 .. ㅎ^^ 연습실가서뵈요~ 놀러갈게요~~
@sek0505..... Always hwaiting heeheehee!! if you ask Mandoo hyung .. hee^^ see you when I go to the practice room~ I will go and play~~
2010-10-06 @ 2.49pm
@2kjdream땀에쩔은모습좀 섹시하죸ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
@2kjdream Aren't I sexy drenched in prespiration kekekekekekekekekeke
2010-10-06 @ 2.44pm
@sek0505ㅎㅎ 연습은 잘마치셨나요?^^ 바쁜모습보기좋더군요 ㅎㅎㅎ
@sek0505 heehee Did you finish your practice well?^^ It is good to see you being busy heeheehee
2010-10-06 @ 2.44pm
@sek0505ㅎㅎ 연습은 잘마치셨나요?^^ 바쁜모습보기좋더군요 ㅎㅎㅎ
@sek0505 heehee Did you finish your practice well?^^ It is good to see you being busy heeheehee
2010-10-06 @ 11.59am
@mystyle1103넌요세 안보여??오잉~?
@mystyle1103 Don't see you these days?? Oing~?
2010-10-06 @ 11.48am
@2kjdream Oing??
2010-10-06 @ 11.43am
@mystyle1103우잉?~ 진철이형에게 오잉이 대세야 ㅎㅎ 베벵 ~
@mystyle1103 Ooing?~ The big tend is Oing to JinChul hyung heeehee Baebaeng ~
* No I have no idea what is O Ing, maybe it's like a random sound..
2010-10-06 @ 11.42am
@lastsweep 요 브로 화이팅!!!^^
@lastsweep Yo bro hwaiting!!! ^^
2010-10-06 @ 11.41am
@kkangjii깡지주먹짱크다 우와아 ㅎㅎ
@kkangjii Kkangji your fist is extremely huge. Wahh heehee
*In reply to Kang JiYoung's photo
2010-10-06 @ 11.40am
@jayfrombuttaluv형 ㅜ 요즘감기 굉장한거같아요 감기에게 지지마요우리 저는 요몇일 '아유 죽겠다'반복한거같아요 지금은 쌩쌩 ㅎㅎ
@jayfrombuttaluv Hyung T Seems like the flu virus is really getting on these days. Let us not lose to the flu virus. I think I've been saying 'Ayoo dying' repetatively these days.
2010-10-06 @ 11.39am
@mastadoo형^^ 오늘 아자아자화이팅!!^^
@mastadoo Hyung^^ Aja Aja Hwaiting for today!!^^
2010-10-06 @ 11.38am
@Steven_Lee_형^^ 강민이랑 같이 미국가야겠어요오~ ㅎ 요즘 날들은 어떠세요?~ 보고싶어요~
@Steven_Lee_ Hyung^^ Gotta go to USA with KangMin~ hee How're the days recently?~ I miss you~
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