Please repost with full credit
2010.12.19 @ 11.03pm
@HyungJun87 ㅋ더 나아질 우리를 위해서~~
@hyungjun87 ke have to improve more for us~~
2010.12.19 @ 10:03pm
@2kjdream 컴백 코리아!!!ㅎㅎ잘 다녀왔어?
@2kjdream Come back Korea!!! heehee Returned safely?
2010.12.19 @ 9.59pm
@mystar8914 형도 고생했어요~ 항상 고생해줘서 고마워요^^
@mystar8914 Hyung has also worked hard~ Thank you for going through all the trouble always ^^
2010.12.19 @ 8.44pm
@HyungJun87 하루2회는힘든데~잘해냈어~^^조심들어가고수요일까지열심히다른스케줄하고목요일에극장에서봐~^^
@HyungJun87 It should be tiring to have 2 acts in a day~ You've done well~^^ Go home safely and work hard for your schedules till Wednesday and see you at the theatre on Thursday~^^
2010.12.19 @ 8.44pm
@HyungJun87 하루2회는힘든데~잘해냈어~^^조심들어가고수요일까지열심히다른스케줄하고목요일에극장에서봐~^^
@HyungJun87 It should be tiring to have 2 acts in a day~ You've done well~^^ Go home safely and work hard for your schedules till Wednesday and see you at the theatre on Thursday~^^
2010.12.19 @ 8.26pm
RT @HyungJun87: 이번주말을 뮤지컬"카페인"과 함께해주신 여러분들 감사드립니다! 항상 열심히해서 최고의모습으로 보답하겠어요!^^ 감기조심
RT @HyungJun87: Thank you to everyone who came for musical 'Cafe-in' over the weekend! I am always working hard so that I will repay everyone with the best image!^^ Be careful of flu
2010.12.19 @ 8.26pm
RT @HyungJun87: 이번주말을 뮤지컬"카페인"과 함께해주신 여러분들 감사드립니다! 항상 열심히해서 최고의모습으로 보답하겠어요!^^ 감기조심
RT @HyungJun87: Thank you to everyone who came for musical 'Cafe-in' over the weekend! I am always working hard so that I will repay everyone with the best image!^^ Be careful of flu
2010.12.19 @ 7.53pm
이번주말을 뮤지컬"카페인"과 함께해주신 여러분들 감사드립니다! 항상 열심히해서 최고의모습으로 보답하겠어요!^^ 감기조심
Thank you to everyone who came for musical 'Cafe-in' over the weekend! I am always working hard so that I will repay everyone with the best image!^^ Be careful of flu
2010.12.19 @ 7.53pm
이번주말을 뮤지컬"카페인"과 함께해주신 여러분들 감사드립니다! 항상 열심히해서 최고의모습으로 보답하겠어요!^^ 감기조심
Thank you to everyone who came for musical 'Cafe-in' over the weekend! I am always working hard so that I will repay everyone with the best image!^^ Be careful of flu
2010.12.19 @ 5.53pm
@JungMin0403 당근케익과 너와.. 하하하 ..!!! ㅎㅎ
@JungMin0403 Carrot cake and you.. hahaha ..!!! heehee
2010.12.19 @ 4.23pm
This is a carrot cake!!!heeheehee

2010.12.19 @ 1.25pm
@2kjdream 알겟습니다용!!!!ㅎㅎ
@2kjdream I got you!!!! heehee
2010.12.19 @ 3.10am
KyuJong told Steven Lee he missed friends & wanted to party at X'mas! TripleS miss SS501, YoungSaeng and KyuJong! Look forward to Jan 8 HK!
2010.12.19 @ 3.04am
KyuJong sent regards to Li Hongki today, knowing that FTIsland will have concert in Japan & asked Hongki to enjoy eating & hard works there!
2010.12.19 @ 1.25pm
@2kjdream 알겟습니다용!!!!ㅎㅎ
@2kjdream I got you!!!! heehee
2010.12.19 @ 3.10am
KyuJong told Steven Lee he missed friends & wanted to party at X'mas! TripleS miss SS501, YoungSaeng and KyuJong! Look forward to Jan 8 HK!
2010.12.19 @ 3.04am
KyuJong sent regards to Li Hongki today, knowing that FTIsland will have concert in Japan & asked Hongki to enjoy eating & hard works there!
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Green Peas Voices