Please repost with full credit
2010-12-21 @ 11:57pm
@HyungJun87 Are you living well,,kekeke
2010-12-21 @ 11:18pm
Here is Osaka!!!
*Eng translations by
2010-12-21 @ 10:21pm
@JungMin0403 응 안그래도 얘기들었어! 동동주랑 함갈께~~ 쌩유~~
@JungMin0403 Yea, I heard about it even if you didn't tell me! Will go with DongDongJu~~ Thankyou~~
2010-12-21 @ 10:19pm
@WarrenBONBOO 형 컴백은 1월달이지!!^^* 같이하게되서 기쁘옹! 형이랑 하고프다졸랐어~^^
@WarrenBONBOO Hyung, comeback is in January!!^^* I'm happy since we're doing it together! I pestered (them) that I want to do with hyung~^^
2010-12-21 @ 10:18pm
@Moonjunwon 야 너 은근히 밥사라그런담부터 답장없다??
@Moonjunwon Yah, there is no reply when you start conversation by discretely asking people to treat meals??
2010-12-21 @ 10:18pm
@JungMin0403 컴백한겨? 니가신경써줘서 잘했삼!!
@JungMin0403 Have you made a comeback? I did well because you showed concern for it!!
2010-12-21 @ 10:17pm
@HyungJun87 고짓말아뉘고등? 울엄마가 누나가 티켓줘서 너 공연보고오셨대!!^^ 칭찬작렬!!
@HyungJun87 It is not a lie alright? Gave my mother and sister the tickets and they went to watch your musical!!^^ Full of praises!!
*this is in reply to HyungJun who said he has given out the free tix to someone else and asked if he should lie..
2010-12-21 @ 10:13pm
@2kjdream 너 고릴라근처만 가보 -_-+
@2kjdream You are near to gorilla -_-+
*that's in reply to KyuJong who laughed at him about carrot cake
2010-12-21 @ 10:12pm
@Steven_Lee_ 형아야!!!^^나 맞팔했어!!!라고 쓴게ㅠㅠ 드래프트에 있네ㅠㅠ옛날에 쓴건뎅!!^^보고팡 ^^보고팡
@Steven_Lee_ Hyung ah ya!!!^^ I wrote 'I followed you!!!' ㅠㅠ it was in my draft ㅠㅠ I written that long ago!!^^ Miss you ^^ Miss you
2010-12-21 @ 10:11pm
@WarrenBONBOO 형아야!!! 한국 팬미팅 회의 잘했어???^.^*
@WarrenBONBOO Hyung ah ya!!! How is the conference for Korea fan meeting???^.^*
2010-12-21 @ 10:02pm
@JungMin0403 고마워 오빠~^^*스케쥴 잘하구 오빠두 건강챙겨요~! ㅎㅎ화이팅! @JungMin0403 Thanks oppa~^^* Will do well for the schedule and oppa must also take care of your health too~! heehee Hwaiting!
2010-12-21 @ 9:53pm
@gyuri88 응!! 일본이야^^ 라됴 힘내서 잘하고 일본에서도 보자^^ 바쁠텐데 몸 관리잘하고~!^^힘 !!!
@gyuri88 Ung!! I'm in Japan^^ Keep it up and do well for the radio, let's meet even in Japan^^ You're so busy so should take care of your health~!^^ Strength !!!
=JungMin= 2010-12-21 @ 9:50pm
ハズれた人には 自分の手か わからなくなるように!(^∇^)
To those who have a husband, I hope you don't let them know of my hand
*Because it is a hugging fanmeeting*
*Eng translations by
2010-12-21 @ 9:43pm
@JungMin0403 ㅎㅎㅎ그러게 깜빡했어ㅠㅎ오빠 일본간거야~?^^ 언제 와요~ @JungMin0403 heeheehee I forgot about that TT hee Oppa is going to Japan~?^^ When are you coming back~
2010-12-21 @ 9:41pm
一生厳命 仕事してる トモちゃんと 寝てる…ていうか、死んでるていうかの ランカちゃん!!!(~_~wink.gif
Tomo-chan who worked hard and Ranka-chan is sleeping... or rather they're dying!!!(~_~wink.gif
*Eng translations by
2010-12-21 @ 9:33pm
今日の 一言!!!! 肋骨が 折れるほど 抱きしめてやる!!!(*☻-☻*)
Today's words!!!! I will hug you until your ribs are broken!!! (*☻-☻*)
*Eng translations by
2010-12-21 @ 9:31pm
サイン会が 終わって、今 大阪に 新幹線乗って 行ってます!!(^人^)サイン会に 来て くれた 皆!!!ありがとう(^ー^)ノ大阪の 皆!!!マッテロウ!!!!
The sign meeting finished and now I am riding a bullet train to Osaka!! (^人^)Those who came to the sign meeting!!! Thank you (^ー^) Everyone in Osaka, wait for me!!!!
*Eng translations by
2010-12-21 @ 9:26pm
@JungMin0403 좀 보자보자!! @gyuri88
@JungMin0403 Let's meet let's meet!! @gyuri88
2010-12-21 @ 9:26pm
@gyuri88 오빠랑 할때도 심심타파들어주세요!!했어야지!!!^^일주일동안 고마웠다~~!!^^동이씨에게 급습한다 전해줘!!
@gyuri88 When doing with oppa, 'Please also listen to ShimShimTaPa'!! Should have done that too!!!^^ Thank you for the one week~~!!^^ Tell Dong that (i will be doing) suprise attack!!
*in reply to
2010-12-21 @ 12:09am
일주일만에 돌아온 동이오빠와의 심심타파!! 시작했어요 95.9 들어주세요~>_<>_<
2010-12-21 @ 8:17pm
바쁜스케줄중 시간을내서... 여기는 불고기XXXX 잘먹겠습니다^^ Taking time off the busy schedule... Over here is Bulgogi XXXX, will eat it well^^
=my7chan= 2010-12-21 @ 5:39pm
RT @HyungJun87: 오늘 단 하루! 특별한 크리스마스&신년이벤트를 시작합니다.2011년 새해에는 꼭 이루어졌으면 하는 소망을 공식홈페이지에 남겨주세요!
RT @HyungJun87: Just for today only! Special Christmas & New Year Event has started. Please write in the official homepage about the wish that you must accomplish in the new year 2011!
2010-12-21 @ 5:38pm
오늘 단 하루! 특별한 크리스마스&신년이벤트를 시작합니다.2011년 새해에는 꼭 이루어졌으면 하는 소망을 공식홈페이지에 남겨주세요!
Just for today only! Special Christmas & New Year Event has started. Please write in the official homepage about the wish that you must accomplish in the new year 2011!
2010-12-21 @ 11:59am
@orangeheejin 이게뭐야!! 내가 바랬던 결과가 아니야!
@orangeheejin What is this!! This is not the result I have wished for!
=KyuJong= 2010-12-21 @ 10:45am
@seanalexander23 haha ^^ sun is verry slow..... ^^ i hope u too!! merrychristmas~~ ^^ see u in L.A !!!|~
2010-12-21 @ 10:37am
@2kjdream haha it's still raining! Where is that sun you sent? Maybe it's stuck in the mail. :) I hope you have a Merry Christmas!
2010-12-21 @ 10:18am
I wanna learn Eng ..!! but eng is soooo difficult!! plz tell me eng!! know!! ^^ KOREA is cold.. upcoming Christmas!! merry christmas~~^^
2010-12-21 @ 9:45am
@Steven_Lee_ Good Morning!! steven^^!! miss u ma bro ㅠ Even now i want to go L.A!!!!!!!!!
2010-12-21 @ 11:57pm
@HyungJun87 Are you living well,,kekeke
2010-12-21 @ 11:18pm
Here is Osaka!!!
*Eng translations by

2010-12-21 @ 10:21pm
@JungMin0403 응 안그래도 얘기들었어! 동동주랑 함갈께~~ 쌩유~~
@JungMin0403 Yea, I heard about it even if you didn't tell me! Will go with DongDongJu~~ Thankyou~~
2010-12-21 @ 10:19pm
@WarrenBONBOO 형 컴백은 1월달이지!!^^* 같이하게되서 기쁘옹! 형이랑 하고프다졸랐어~^^
@WarrenBONBOO Hyung, comeback is in January!!^^* I'm happy since we're doing it together! I pestered (them) that I want to do with hyung~^^
2010-12-21 @ 10:18pm
@Moonjunwon 야 너 은근히 밥사라그런담부터 답장없다??
@Moonjunwon Yah, there is no reply when you start conversation by discretely asking people to treat meals??
2010-12-21 @ 10:18pm
@JungMin0403 컴백한겨? 니가신경써줘서 잘했삼!!
@JungMin0403 Have you made a comeback? I did well because you showed concern for it!!
2010-12-21 @ 10:17pm
@HyungJun87 고짓말아뉘고등? 울엄마가 누나가 티켓줘서 너 공연보고오셨대!!^^ 칭찬작렬!!
@HyungJun87 It is not a lie alright? Gave my mother and sister the tickets and they went to watch your musical!!^^ Full of praises!!
*this is in reply to HyungJun who said he has given out the free tix to someone else and asked if he should lie..
2010-12-21 @ 10:13pm
@2kjdream 너 고릴라근처만 가보 -_-+
@2kjdream You are near to gorilla -_-+
*that's in reply to KyuJong who laughed at him about carrot cake
2010-12-21 @ 10:12pm
@Steven_Lee_ 형아야!!!^^나 맞팔했어!!!라고 쓴게ㅠㅠ 드래프트에 있네ㅠㅠ옛날에 쓴건뎅!!^^보고팡 ^^보고팡
@Steven_Lee_ Hyung ah ya!!!^^ I wrote 'I followed you!!!' ㅠㅠ it was in my draft ㅠㅠ I written that long ago!!^^ Miss you ^^ Miss you
2010-12-21 @ 10:11pm
@WarrenBONBOO 형아야!!! 한국 팬미팅 회의 잘했어???^.^*
@WarrenBONBOO Hyung ah ya!!! How is the conference for Korea fan meeting???^.^*
2010-12-21 @ 10:02pm
@JungMin0403 고마워 오빠~^^*스케쥴 잘하구 오빠두 건강챙겨요~! ㅎㅎ화이팅! @JungMin0403 Thanks oppa~^^* Will do well for the schedule and oppa must also take care of your health too~! heehee Hwaiting!
2010-12-21 @ 9:53pm
@gyuri88 응!! 일본이야^^ 라됴 힘내서 잘하고 일본에서도 보자^^ 바쁠텐데 몸 관리잘하고~!^^힘 !!!
@gyuri88 Ung!! I'm in Japan^^ Keep it up and do well for the radio, let's meet even in Japan^^ You're so busy so should take care of your health~!^^ Strength !!!
=JungMin= 2010-12-21 @ 9:50pm
ハズれた人には 自分の手か わからなくなるように!(^∇^)
To those who have a husband, I hope you don't let them know of my hand
*Because it is a hugging fanmeeting*
*Eng translations by
2010-12-21 @ 9:43pm
@JungMin0403 ㅎㅎㅎ그러게 깜빡했어ㅠㅎ오빠 일본간거야~?^^ 언제 와요~ @JungMin0403 heeheehee I forgot about that TT hee Oppa is going to Japan~?^^ When are you coming back~
2010-12-21 @ 9:41pm
一生厳命 仕事してる トモちゃんと 寝てる…ていうか、死んでるていうかの ランカちゃん!!!(~_~wink.gif
Tomo-chan who worked hard and Ranka-chan is sleeping... or rather they're dying!!!(~_~wink.gif
*Eng translations by

2010-12-21 @ 9:33pm
今日の 一言!!!! 肋骨が 折れるほど 抱きしめてやる!!!(*☻-☻*)
Today's words!!!! I will hug you until your ribs are broken!!! (*☻-☻*)
*Eng translations by
2010-12-21 @ 9:31pm
サイン会が 終わって、今 大阪に 新幹線乗って 行ってます!!(^人^)サイン会に 来て くれた 皆!!!ありがとう(^ー^)ノ大阪の 皆!!!マッテロウ!!!!
The sign meeting finished and now I am riding a bullet train to Osaka!! (^人^)Those who came to the sign meeting!!! Thank you (^ー^) Everyone in Osaka, wait for me!!!!
*Eng translations by

2010-12-21 @ 9:26pm
@JungMin0403 좀 보자보자!! @gyuri88
@JungMin0403 Let's meet let's meet!! @gyuri88
2010-12-21 @ 9:26pm
@gyuri88 오빠랑 할때도 심심타파들어주세요!!했어야지!!!^^일주일동안 고마웠다~~!!^^동이씨에게 급습한다 전해줘!!
@gyuri88 When doing with oppa, 'Please also listen to ShimShimTaPa'!! Should have done that too!!!^^ Thank you for the one week~~!!^^ Tell Dong that (i will be doing) suprise attack!!
*in reply to
2010-12-21 @ 12:09am
일주일만에 돌아온 동이오빠와의 심심타파!! 시작했어요 95.9 들어주세요~>_<>_<
2010-12-21 @ 8:17pm
바쁜스케줄중 시간을내서... 여기는 불고기XXXX 잘먹겠습니다^^ Taking time off the busy schedule... Over here is Bulgogi XXXX, will eat it well^^
=my7chan= 2010-12-21 @ 5:39pm
RT @HyungJun87: 오늘 단 하루! 특별한 크리스마스&신년이벤트를 시작합니다.2011년 새해에는 꼭 이루어졌으면 하는 소망을 공식홈페이지에 남겨주세요!
RT @HyungJun87: Just for today only! Special Christmas & New Year Event has started. Please write in the official homepage about the wish that you must accomplish in the new year 2011!
2010-12-21 @ 5:38pm
오늘 단 하루! 특별한 크리스마스&신년이벤트를 시작합니다.2011년 새해에는 꼭 이루어졌으면 하는 소망을 공식홈페이지에 남겨주세요!
Just for today only! Special Christmas & New Year Event has started. Please write in the official homepage about the wish that you must accomplish in the new year 2011!
2010-12-21 @ 11:59am
@orangeheejin 이게뭐야!! 내가 바랬던 결과가 아니야!
@orangeheejin What is this!! This is not the result I have wished for!
=KyuJong= 2010-12-21 @ 10:45am
@seanalexander23 haha ^^ sun is verry slow..... ^^ i hope u too!! merrychristmas~~ ^^ see u in L.A !!!|~

2010-12-21 @ 10:37am
@2kjdream haha it's still raining! Where is that sun you sent? Maybe it's stuck in the mail. :) I hope you have a Merry Christmas!
2010-12-21 @ 10:18am
I wanna learn Eng ..!! but eng is soooo difficult!! plz tell me eng!! know!! ^^ KOREA is cold.. upcoming Christmas!! merry christmas~~^^
2010-12-21 @ 9:45am
@Steven_Lee_ Good Morning!! steven^^!! miss u ma bro ㅠ Even now i want to go L.A!!!!!!!!!
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