Credits : xiaochu @
Please repost with full credit
2010-12-23 @ 11:41pm
@Steven_Lee_ 형형!! 한국 오늘은 정말 춥네요 ㅠㅠ 저두 소셜네트워크보았어요!! ㅎ 만나서 밤새이런저런이야기하고싶어요 ㅜ!!
@Steven_Lee_ Hyung hyung!! It is really cold here in Korea today ㅠㅠ I also watched Social Network!! hee I want to talk the whole night long when we meet ㅜ!!
*in reply to
2010-12-23 @ 10:46pm
I watched 'Social Network' twice. What a great movie!
2010-12-23 @ 10:23pm
@2kjdream 주말에 전화함 할께~~~ ^^
@2kjdream Will give (you) a call over weekend~~~ ^^
2010-12-23 @ 8:03pm
@JungMin0403 팬미팅잘하셨습니까?!!!^^ ㅎㅎ 감기조심하구한국외서보소~~~ㅎ
@JungMin0403 Did the fan meeting go well?!!!^^ heehee Be careful not to catch a flu and meet when you're back in Korea~~~hee
2010-12-23 @ 7:48pm
@2kjdream 오랜만에 이모님하나추가ㅋ 얼어죽을의상ㅋ 수고했어 ㅋ
@2kjdream You have 1 more additional aunt after a long time ke freezing clothing ke Thanks for your efforts
2010-12-23 @ 7:44pm
오랜만에 만난 이쁜이들 반가웠요오오 ^^ 추운데 감기안걸렸길바래~~ 다음에또보바~~~^^

Nice to meet you pretties after a long time ^^ It is cold so I hope you won't catch a cold~~ See you again next time ~~~^^

2010-12-23 @ 3:47pm
@2kjdream MC 규종 화이팅!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@2kjdream MC KyuJong Hwaiting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2010-12-23 @ 12:56pm
@2kjdream 수고혀라 ㅋㅋ
@2kjdream Thanks for the work/efforts keke
2010-12-23 @ 12:48pm
@2kjdream 오늘 수고햐~^^ 이따전화하껭~^^ 퐈이아~~~~
@2kjdream Thanks for the work/efforts today~^^ Will give you a call later~^^ Fire~~~
2010-12-23 @ 10:22am
@2kjdream Word up my brutha!! 내말이!!!^^
@2kjdream Word up my brutha!! My words!!!^^
2010-12-23 @ 10:20am
형 ㅎㅎ 빨리 우리 합체해요!! 다들 완전 보고싶어요 ㅠ

Hyung heehee We have to meet up quickly!! I totally miss everyone ㅠ

2010-12-23 @ 10:19am
@Steven_Lee_ 형.. ㅠㅠ 고마워요.. 아버지두 고맙다구 꼭 전해달라셨어요 ㅜ 아.. 미안하구 고마워요..!! ma man thank u!!!!!!! it's a wonderful gift!!!! 

@Steven_Lee_ Hyung.. ㅠㅠ Thank you.. My father also asked me to tell you Thank you ㅜ ah.. Sorry and Thank you..!! ma man thank u!!!!!!! it's a wonderful gift!!!!

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