Please repost wtih full credit
2010-12-07 @ 11:59pm
@mystyle1103 울엄마가 넘고맙고 보고싶대~~! 샹신축하땡큐!
@mystyle1103 My mother says she is very thankful and misses you~~! Thank U for the birthday greeting!
*XiaoChu: JungMin used YoungSaeng's typo 'birthday' here.. cheeky..2010-12-07 @ 11:59pm
@mystyle1103 울엄마가 넘고맙고 보고싶대~~! 샹신축하땡큐!
@mystyle1103 My mother says she is very thankful and misses you~~! Thank U for the birthday greeting!
2010-12-07 @ 11:51pm
@mystyle1103 그냥 상도 아니고 대상이에요!!대박 ㅋㅋㅋ
@mystyle1103 It's not just any award, it's the grand award (dae sang)!! Dae Bak kekeke
2010-12-07 @ 11:23pm
@Soie2e 오삐좀 멋지지??ㅋㅋ
@Soie2e Oppa is fabulous right?? keke
=Soie2e= 2010-12-07 @ 11:21pm @mystyle1103 와우!! @mystyle1103 Wow!!
2010-12-07 @ 11:16pm
@JungMin0403 잘못눌렀어ㅠㅠ생신축하드립니다!!!!라고 전해주~~~^^
@JungMin0403 Pressed wrongly ㅠㅠ Happy Birthday!!!! Please convey this to her~~~^^
2010-12-07 @ 11:15pm
@JungMin0403 어머님 샹신축하드립니다!!!!!
@JungMin0403 Happy birthday to your mother!!!!!
*XiaoChu: He had a typo error
2010-12-07 @ 11:15pm
그레이트야구단시상식에 가요대상을 받았네 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
I received Gayo DaeSang at the Great Baseball team awards ceremony kekekekekeke
*MiniUFO: Congrats YoungSaeng~

2010-12-07 @ 10:49pm
@HyungJun87 생시축하 고마워!!!ㅋㅋ 엄마도 고맙다고 전해달래!!!
@HyungJun87 Thanks for the birthday greeting!!! keke Mother also asked me to convey a word of thanks!!!
2010-12-07 @ 10:49pm
@HyungJun87 생시축하 고마워!!!ㅋㅋ 엄마도 고맙다고 전해달래!!!
@HyungJun87 Thanks for the birthday greeting!!! keke Mother also asked me to convey a word of thanks!!!
2010-12-07 @ 10:33pm
@JungMin0403 어머니 생시 축하드려 민~^^
@JungMin0403 Happy birthday to your mother, Min~^^
2010-12-07 @ 10:30pm
엄마생신이여서 가족들끼리 늦은 파티하고있어요!! 메뉴는 엄마누나가 좋아하는 회!!!
It is my mother's birthday so we have a late party with our family members!! Menu is what my mother and sister likes, sashimi!!!
2010-12-07 @ 10:30pm
엄마생신이여서 가족들끼리 늦은 파티하고있어요!! 메뉴는 엄마누나가 좋아하는 회!!!
It is my mother's birthday so we have a late party with our family members!! Menu is what my mother and sister likes, sashimi!!!

2010-12-07 @ 9:33pm
ㅋㅋ 넌 역시 내가 던져야 잘치는구나 ㅋRT @mystyle1103 @boxjoon 화이팅!!ㅋㅋ전 오늘3타수무안타했습니다ㅠㅠ
keke Indeed you can only hit well when I throw ke RT @mystyle1103 @boxjoon Hwaiting!! keke I had no hits in 3 at-bats today ㅠㅠ
2010-12-07 @ 9:33pm
ㅋㅋ 넌 역시 내가 던져야 잘치는구나 ㅋRT @mystyle1103 @boxjoon 화이팅!!ㅋㅋ전 오늘3타수무안타했습니다ㅠㅠ
keke Indeed you can only hit well when I throw ke RT @mystyle1103 @boxjoon Hwaiting!! keke I had no hits in 3 at-bats today ㅠㅠ
2010-12-07 @ 8:46pm
@boxjoon 화이팅!!ㅋㅋ전 오늘3타수무안타했습니다ㅠㅠ
@boxjoon Hwaiting!! keke I had no hits in 3 at-bats today ㅠㅠ
*In reply to
=boxjoon= 2010-12-07 @ 8:14pm
김희철 영스트리트갑니다~ 도착직전!
Going to Kim HeeChul YoungStreet~ Just before arrival!
2010-12-07 @ 1:02pm
SS501 박정민-김형중 트위터로 팬들과 '스킨십': SS501 김형중, 박정민이 트위터를 통해 팬들과 만난다. 김형중은 9일 오전 11시부터, 박정민은 10일 오후 2시부터 각각 매일경제 스타투데이...
SS501 Park JungMin-Kim HyungJun displays 'skinship' with fans through twitter. SS501 Kim HyungJun, Park JungMin will be meeting with fans through twitter. Kim HyungJun on 9th at 11am, Park JungMin on 10th at 2pm, respectively though Money Today...
*XiaoChu: I think they had typo, writing Kim HyungJun as Kim HyungJoong
2010-12-07 @ 1:02pm
SS501 박정민-김형중 트위터로 팬들과 '스킨십': SS501 김형중, 박정민이 트위터를 통해 팬들과 만난다. 김형중은 9일 오전 11시부터, 박정민은 10일 오후 2시부터 각각 매일경제 스타투데이...
SS501 Park JungMin-Kim HyungJun displays 'skinship' with fans through twitter. SS501 Kim HyungJun, Park JungMin will be meeting with fans through twitter. Kim HyungJun on 9th at 11am, Park JungMin on 10th at 2pm, respectively though Money Today...
*XiaoChu: I think they had typo, writing Kim HyungJun as Kim HyungJoong
2010-12-07 @ 12:54pm
@mystyle1103 고마워 우잉~~~~ㅋㄷ앞으로 일 재밌게하장~!!홧팅!!
@mystyle1103 Thanks Ooing~~~~ke d Let's have fun with our work in the future~!! Hwaitting!!
2010-12-07 @ 4:41am
@HyungJun87 ㅡㅡ느끼해......ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
2010-12-07 @ 4:41am
@HyungJun87 ㅡㅡ느끼해......ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
@HyungJun87 ㅡㅡGreasy...... kekekekekekekekekekekekekekekekekekekekekekekekekekekekekekeke
2010-12-07 @ 2:41am
지금은 라디오 생방중 ~! 새벽분위기 난다....
Currently in live radio broadcast~! Has an atmosphere of the wee hours of morning....
2010-12-07 @ 2:39am
지금은 생방중 보이는라디오 대신 새벽분위기에 라디오 스튜디오 형준이는 지금 점핑 부르는중 ㅋㅋㅋ
Live broadcast of viewable radio now, in the middle of the night at radio studio, HyungJun is now singing Jumping kekeke
2010-12-07 @ 2:39am
지금은 생방중 보이는라디오 대신 새벽분위기에 라디오 스튜디오 형준이는 지금 점핑 부르는중 ㅋㅋㅋ
Live broadcast of viewable radio now, in the middle of the night at radio studio, HyungJun is now singing Jumping kekeke
2010-12-07 @ 2:25am
@HyungJun87 된다!!!!!!!ㅋㅋ
@HyungJun87 Done!!!!!!!keke
2010-12-07 @ 2:22am
@mystyle1103 더 멋져졌지!!
@mystyle1103 Turned even nicer!!
2010-12-07 @ 2:17am
@HyungJun87 목소리가 변한거같애 ㅋㅋㅋ 그래도 느끼해ㅡㅡ
@HyungJun87 You sound like your voice changed kekeke nevertheless, you sound greasy ㅡㅡ
2010-12-07 @ 2:09am
@skullhong what's up!!!!^^ ~~
2010-12-07 @ 2:00am
@mystyle1103 후훗~~ 좋죠+_+ 자주 연락해요 형!! 하핳
@mystyle1103 HooHoot~~ Sounds great +_+ keep in contact often hyung!! Hahah
2010-12-07 @ 1:50am
@LUsyndrome 잘지내지 ㅋㅋ일본갔다오믄 함보자꾸나!!
@LUsyndrome Are you doing well? keke Let's meet when you return from Japan!!
2010-12-07 @ 1:50am
새벽 2시 김형준의 뮤직하이, 오늘은 보는라디오로 함께해요!! FM 107.7 쌀람해요~
Kim HyungJun's Music High at 2am, let's do it together today with viewable radio!! FM 107.7 I love you~
2010-12-07 @ 1:50am
새벽 2시 김형준의 뮤직하이, 오늘은 보는라디오로 함께해요!! FM 107.7 쌀람해요~
Kim HyungJun's Music High at 2am, let's do it together today with viewable radio!! FM 107.7 I love you~
2010-12-07 @ 1:49am
@mastadoo 와우~~생일축하해요!!!ㅋㅋㅋ 얘기가 없어서 몰랐어요ㅠㅠ
@mastadoo Wow~~Happy Birthday!!!kekeke I didn't know since you didn't say ㅠㅠ
*in reply to
2010-12-07 @ 1:29am
우리 진선이랑 소희랑 은경이가 해준 깜짝 파티 아 이 귀여운것들 사랑해~!!!!!알라뷰뿅뿅뿅♥
Surprise party given by JinSeon, SoHee, EunKyung. Ah, I love these cute stuffs~!!!!! I love you byong byong byong ♥
2010-12-07 @ 1:29am
우리 진선이랑 소희랑 은경이가 해준 깜짝 파티 아 이 귀여운것들 사랑해~!!!!!알라뷰뿅뿅뿅♥
Surprise party given by JinSeon, SoHee, EunKyung. Ah, I love these cute stuffs~!!!!! I love you byong byong byong ♥

2010-12-07 @ 1:48am
@HyungJun87 ㅋㅋ 그래..연락줘..번호안지웠지 ㅋㅋ
@HyungJun87 keke alright.. contact me.. you didn't delete my number did you? keke
2010-12-07 @ 1:47am
@Young2802 이번주 만나요~
@Young2802 Meet this week~
2010-12-07 @ 1:41am
@mystyle1103 ㄷ...드디어 팔로울ㄹ 해주셨네용 ㅠㅠ 네! 이번주 금요일에 일본으로 출국해요^^* 형님 잘 지내구 계세요?!^^
@mystyle1103 F...finally you followedd me ㅠㅠ Yes! I am leaving for Japan this Friday ^^* Is hyung-nim doing well?!^^
2010-12-07 @ 1:41am
@mystyle1103 ㄷ...드디어 팔로울ㄹ 해주셨네용 ㅠㅠ 네! 이번주 금요일에 일본으로 출국해요^^* 형님 잘 지내구 계세요?!^^
@mystyle1103 F...finally you followedd me ㅠㅠ Yes! I am leaving for Japan this Friday ^^* Is hyung-nim doing well?!^^
2010-12-07 @ 1:27am
@2kjdream 알럽 마브로~!!!!^^*고마웡~~!!^^
@2kjdream I love ma bro~!!!!^^*Thanks~~!!^^
2010-12-07 @ 1:19am
@HyungJun87 ㅋㅋ내가젤좋아하는거자나 ㅋㅋ어디울나라에없는싱글좀말들어볼까??ㅋㅋ
@HyungJun87 keke That is my most favorite (songs) keke Shall we make a single that our country doesn't have yet??keke
2010-12-07 @ 1:19am
@HyungJun87 ㅋㅋ내가젤좋아하는거자나 ㅋㅋ어디울나라에없는싱글좀말들어볼까??ㅋㅋ
@HyungJun87 keke That is my most favorite (songs) keke Shall we make a single that our country doesn't have yet??keke
2010-12-07 @ 1:18am
@Young2802 니요랑 크렉같은 노래요
@Young2802 Songs like Ne-Yo and Craig
2010-12-07 @ 1:10am
@Actor_ParkJiBin 그냥있어 ㅋㅋ 지석이형이 우리엄마봤다더라 ㅋㅋ
@Actor_ParkJiBin Well, he is there keke I heard that JiSuk hyung saw my mother keke
2010-12-07 @ 1:09am
@LUsyndrome ㅋㅋ팔로우했다~일본에서 콘서트해?잘해~~!!!ㅋㅋ
@LUsyndrome keke I followed you~ You have a concert in Japan? Do it well~~!!!keke
2010-12-07 @ 1:07am
@lovelyn_twt 세상에서 가장 멋진일중 하나!
@lovelyn_twt One of the nicest thing in the world!
2010-12-07 @ 12:48am
@mystyle1103 진짜?ㅋㅋㅋ근데 왜 못봤지 ㅋㅋㅋ형뭐해 난 잘껀데 ㅋㅋ
@mystyle1103 Really? kekeke But why didn't I see him kekeke What are you doing hyung? I am going to sleep though keke
2010-12-07 @ 12:48am
@mystyle1103 진짜?ㅋㅋㅋ근데 왜 못봤지 ㅋㅋㅋ형뭐해 난 잘껀데 ㅋㅋ
@mystyle1103 Really? kekeke But why didn't I see him kekeke What are you doing hyung? I am going to sleep though keke
2010-12-07 @ 12:45am
@Actor_ParkJiBin 그 시사회에 차웅이형도 갔다왔데 ㅋㅋㅋ
@Actor_ParkJiBin ChaWoong hyung also went to that movie premiere kekeke
*In reply to
2010-12-06 @ 11:37pm
'헬로우 고스트'. 재밌게 잘보구왔습니다!! ㅎㅎ 잔잔한 웃음이있다가 뒤에 큰감동이있었던것같아요 ㅎ헬로우 고스트 대박나세요!!!
'Hello Ghost'. I went and watch it enjoyably!! heehee I think it is a huge touching story behind the soft laughter. hee Hope that Hello Ghost will be a huge success!!!
2010-12-06 @ 11:37pm
'헬로우 고스트'. 재밌게 잘보구왔습니다!! ㅎㅎ 잔잔한 웃음이있다가 뒤에 큰감동이있었던것같아요 ㅎ헬로우 고스트 대박나세요!!!
'Hello Ghost'. I went and watch it enjoyably!! heehee I think it is a huge touching story behind the soft laughter. hee Hope that Hello Ghost will be a huge success!!!
2010-12-07 @ 12:07am
@mastadoo ma bro mastadoo 생일축하합니다!!! 고마워요 ^^ !! 곁에서 늘 좋은 조언해주시구!! 예압!! 화이팅!! 축하해요~~~~~~
@mastadoo ma bro mastadoo Happy Birthday!!! Thank you ^^ !! For being with me and always giving me advices!! Yeaap!! Hwaiting!! Congratulations~~~~~
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