Please repost with full credit
2010-12-08 @ 11:50pm
@2kjdream 오케요오케요! 촌스럽게 동그란게뭐에요... 버블티지 !! 아이고참!!!!!ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
@2kjdream Okayo Okayo! What's with the 'round thingy', so unsophisticated... It's bubble tea !! Aigo really!!!!!kekekeke
2010-12-08 @ 11:50pm
@2kjdream 오케요오케요! 촌스럽게 동그란게뭐에요... 버블티지 !! 아이고참!!!!!ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
@2kjdream Okayo Okayo! What's with the 'round thingy', so unsophisticated... It's bubble tea !! Aigo really!!!!!kekekeke
2010-12-08 @ 11:09pm
@parkggang37 힘내라!!~~ ㅎㅎ 난 내일나가니까 다녀와서 보자구!!~~
@parkggang37 Strive on!!~~ heehee I am leaving tomorrow so let's meet after I return!!~~
2010-12-08 @ 11:09pm
@kkangjii 놀아줘... ㅠㅠ 흑흑 ㅎ 오빠내일태국가~ 다녀와서 보자구요! 동그란거들어있는거마시자아!!~~
@kkangjii Play with me... ㅠㅠ Heuk heuk hee Oppa is going Thailand tomorrow~ Let's meet after I return! Let's drink that which has the round thingy!!~~
2010-12-08 @ 10:19pm
@2kjdream 우씨
@2kjdream Woosshi
*XiaoChu: Sound of trying to hit someone
=KyuJong= 2010-12-08 @ 10:02pm
@HyungJun87 ㅎㅎ다끝났지롱~~
@HyungJun87 heehee It has all ended~~
2010-12-08 @ 10:02pm
@2kjdream 오빠 너무 귀엽게 혼자노는거아니에요? ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
@2kjdream Oppa, aren't you so adorable playing alone? kekekekekekeke
2010-12-08 @ 9:43pm
@2kjdream 동심의 세계냐 ㅋㅋ전주는 버스파업에 시끄럽다 ㅜㅜ오늘 하루 오랜만에 왕복으루 택시탔네ㅜㅜ눈만 내렸으면 끝내주는 하루였는데 ㅜㅜ
@2kjdream In a world of innocence of childhood keke It is noisy due to bus strikes in JeonJu ㅜㅜ It's been awhile since I took taxi to and fro for the whole day today ㅜㅜ It will make my day if it snows ㅜㅜ
2010-12-08 @ 10:02pm
@2kjdream 오빠 너무 귀엽게 혼자노는거아니에요? ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
@2kjdream Oppa, aren't you so adorable playing alone? kekekekekekeke
2010-12-08 @ 9:43pm
@2kjdream 동심의 세계냐 ㅋㅋ전주는 버스파업에 시끄럽다 ㅜㅜ오늘 하루 오랜만에 왕복으루 택시탔네ㅜㅜ눈만 내렸으면 끝내주는 하루였는데 ㅜㅜ
@2kjdream In a world of innocence of childhood keke It is noisy due to bus strikes in JeonJu ㅜㅜ It's been awhile since I took taxi to and fro for the whole day today ㅜㅜ It will make my day if it snows ㅜㅜ
2010-12-08 @ 9:37pm
@2kjdream 나도갈께 어디야~
@2kjdream I am going too, where is it~
2010-12-08 @ 9:37pm
@2kjdream 눈 많이와? 여긴 눈인지 비인지ㅋㅋ
@2kjdream Did it snow alot? Can't tell if it is snow or rain over here keke
2010-12-08 @ 9:14pm
이히히 혼자놀기 우하하 신난다아아~~ 난 아직 어린이랍니다 ㅎㅎ 눈이다! Eeeheehee Playing alone Woohaha It's funnn~~ I am still young heehee It's snow!

* MiniUFO: Words written on the floor: Hyeon.Yeong.Kyu,Mal.Jjun Luv (5 members name short form)
2010-12-08 @ 9:13pm
@HyungJun87 ㅋㅋ ㅇㅇ!! 나 혼자 눈 놀이중 ㅎ
@HyungJun87 keke o o !! I am playing with the snow alone hee
2010-12-08 @ 9:10pm
눈오는날 산책해요^^ 아유~~ 손시려워 ㅎ !! 좋다...!
Taking a stroll on a snowing day ^^ Ahyoo~~ Hands are cold hee !! good...!

2010-12-08 @ 6:35pm
@HyungJun87 그래 언제든
@HyungJun87 Okay, any time
2010-12-08 @ 6:32pm
@zakkykim 일단 형을 보러 가야겠어요
@zakkykim First of all, I should be going to see hyung
2010-12-08 @ 6:28pm
@HyungJun87 오지그랬어 그럼 자주볼수있는데
@HyungJun87 Why didn't you? Otherwise we will be able to meet often
2010-12-08 @ 6:27pm
@Estella816 전 최고니까요! 후~하! 누나 언제올지 말씀해주세요
@Estella816 Because I am the best! Hoo~ah! Noona, please tell me when you will come
=HyungJun= 2010-12-08 @ 6:27pm
@zakkykim 거기 사무실 차리고싶었는데^^ 예쁘네요
@zakkykim I wanted to set up my office there^^ It's pretty
2010-12-08 @ 6:24pm
@HyungJun87 네~곧 응원하러가겠어요 ^^쫘식~열심히구나
@HyungJun87 Yes~ I will go and support you very soon ^^ kiddo~ So you've been working hard
2010-12-08 @ 6:22pm
@HyungJun87 부띠크모나코
@HyungJun87 Boutique Monaco
2010-12-08 @ 6:21pm
@zakkykim 여기 어디에요~?
@zakkykim Where is this~?
*in reply to
2010-12-08 @ 6:19pm
사진엔 안그래보이지만 조명도 좋다. 입주자를 위한 좋은 시설.
Though it's not shown in the photo, the lighting is good. A good season for residents.

=PHOTOKARMA= 2010-12-08 @ 6:07pm @2kjdream ㅎㅎㅎ 비같이 보여!!! @2kjdream heeheehee Rain can be seen together!!!!
2010-12-08 @ 5:56pm
@2kjdream 여기 사마귀 너집 앞이지!
@2kjdream Here is in front of praying mantis, your house!
2010-12-08 @ 5:56pm
@Estella816 누나 당연히! 바쁘시지 않으시면 오세요
@Estella816 Of course, noona! Please come if you are not busy
2010-12-08 @ 5:51pm
@HyungJun87 누나 초대해줘야지~
@HyungJun87 You should invite noona to go~
2010-12-08 @ 5:40pm
눈오는날 산책해요^^ 아유~~ 손시려워 ㅎ !! 좋다...!
Taking a stroll on a snowing day ^^ Ahyoo~~ Hands are cold hee !! good...!
=my7chan=2010-12-08 @ 5:40pm
눈오는날 산책해요^^ 아유~~ 손시려워 ㅎ !! 좋다...!
Taking a stroll on a snowing day ^^ Ahyoo~~ Hands are cold hee !! good...!
2010-12-08 @ 5:19pm
뮤지컬 "카페인"공연 11회차 공연! 달려봅시다!
11th performance of musical "Cafe in"! Let's run!
2010-12-08 @ 5:11pm
뮤지컬 "카페인"공연 11회차 공연! 달려봅시다!
11th performance of musical "Cafe in"! Let's run!
2010-12-08 @ 4:53pm
@Steven_Lee_ 형..^^ ㅎ 한국에는 눈이 왔어요~ 너무 예쁜데 ㅠ 뭔지모르게 슬퍼서 눈물이나더라구요.. 아아 보고싶어요 ㅠ 어제는 태완이형이랑다른형들과함께시간을보냈는데 형도함께라면 정말 좋을거같아요..!!! ㅠ
@Steven_Lee_ Hyung..^^ hee It is snowing in Korea~ It's really pretty ㅠ I don't know why but I felt sad and found myself in tears.. ah ah I miss you ㅠ I am now spending time together with Taewan hyung and some other hyungs, it would be really nice if hyung is also here together with us..!!! ㅠ
2010-12-08 @ 5:11pm
뮤지컬 "카페인"공연 11회차 공연! 달려봅시다!
11th performance of musical "Cafe in"! Let's run!
2010-12-08 @ 4:53pm
@Steven_Lee_ 형..^^ ㅎ 한국에는 눈이 왔어요~ 너무 예쁜데 ㅠ 뭔지모르게 슬퍼서 눈물이나더라구요.. 아아 보고싶어요 ㅠ 어제는 태완이형이랑다른형들과함께시간을보냈는데 형도함께라면 정말 좋을거같아요..!!! ㅠ
@Steven_Lee_ Hyung..^^ hee It is snowing in Korea~ It's really pretty ㅠ I don't know why but I felt sad and found myself in tears.. ah ah I miss you ㅠ I am now spending time together with Taewan hyung and some other hyungs, it would be really nice if hyung is also here together with us..!!! ㅠ
2010-12-08 @ 4:06pm
No, I'm not a big fan of allkpop, I just don't know where to read kpop related news. If you know anything better here, please let me know!
2010-12-08 @ 4:03pm
자랑스럽다!!! RT @allkpop SS501’s Kyujong and Youngsaeng have successful fanmeeting
Proud of them!!! RT @allkpop SS501’s Kyujong and Youngsaeng have successful fanmeeting
* Link to AllKpop news on KyuSaeng FM
2010-12-08 @ 3:58pm
아 자랑스럽다!!! RT @allkpop SS501’s Kyujong and Youngsaeng have successful fanmeeting
Ah, proud of them!!! RT @allkpop SS501’s Kyujong and Youngsaeng have successful fanmeeting
* Link to AllKpop news on KyuSaeng FM2010-12-08 @ 4:06pm
No, I'm not a big fan of allkpop, I just don't know where to read kpop related news. If you know anything better here, please let me know!
2010-12-08 @ 4:03pm
자랑스럽다!!! RT @allkpop SS501’s Kyujong and Youngsaeng have successful fanmeeting
Proud of them!!! RT @allkpop SS501’s Kyujong and Youngsaeng have successful fanmeeting
* Link to AllKpop news on KyuSaeng FM
2010-12-08 @ 3:58pm
아 자랑스럽다!!! RT @allkpop SS501’s Kyujong and Youngsaeng have successful fanmeeting
Ah, proud of them!!! RT @allkpop SS501’s Kyujong and Youngsaeng have successful fanmeeting
2010-12-08 @ 3:55pm
@JungMin0403 쌀국수소스 그림실력 여전하구만 ㅋㅋㅋ
@JungMin0403 Your drawing skills with rice noodles sauce is still the same as before kekeke
2010-12-08 @ 3:15pm
엄마 아빠
Mother Father
2010-12-08 @ 12:56pm
눈이오네요~ 너무 예쁘다!^^ 와
It is snowing~ Very pretty!^^ Wah
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