Please repost with full credit
2011-04-11 @ 5:58 PM
@2kjdream 언넝와~!!ㅋㅋ 맛나는거 사들구~!!ㅋㅋ
@2kjdream Come soon~!!keke Buy some delicious things~!!keke
2011-04-11 @ 6:58 PM
@mastadoo 화이팅 힘내시구요!! 놀러갈게요^^ ㅎㅎ
@mastadoo Hwaiting, keep going!! I will go and play^^ heehee
2011-04-11 @ 6:57 PM
@2kjdream Come on yo! Man~
2011-04-11 @ 6:46 PM
@2kjdream 언넝 보자 할일좀 마무리하구 ㅠㅠ 안무 짤게 더있어서 머리터지것다 ㅋㅋ 활동은 즐기고 연습은 고되게~!!!
@2kjdream Let's meet soon, finish up what we have to do ㅠㅠ I'm cracking my brain because there is still some more choreograph to be done keke Activities are enjoyable and practice is tough~!!!
2011-04-11 @ 6:34 PM
@KoJongHee 조아조아아아~~ 꽃구경 나도델고가아아아!!!! ~~~~~~
@KoJongHee Good Gooddd~~ Bring me along for flower viewingggg!!!! ~~~~~~
2011-04-11 @ 4:48 PM
@2kjdream 규종아 벚꽃시즌이다~~^^ 꽃구경가야지이이잉~~ㅎㅎ
@2kjdream KyuJong-ah it's cherry blossom season~~^^ Should go for flower viewinggg~~heehee
2011-04-11 @ 4:40 PM
@2kjdream 형 생각에 쵝오의 댄서 조합일듯...ㅋㅋㅋ 지극히 내생각이지만 ..ㅋㅋ 암튼 ㅎㅎ활동 기대됨~!!ㅋㅋ규종아 너도 하자~!!
@2kjdream What hyung is thinking is to have the best dancers...kekeke Though it's just my thought only ..keke Anyway heehee I'm looking forward to his activities~!!keke KyuJong-ah you do it too~!!
2011-04-11 @ 4:22 PM
@mastadoo awesome !!! 조아요조아요!! ㅎㅎㅎ so nice!!!!!!!
@mastadoo awesome !!! nice nice!! ㅎㅎㅎ so nice!!!!!!!
2011-04-11 @ 4:17 PM
영생이 come back soon~!!쵝오의 퀄리티로 보답해드립니다~! ㅋㄷ
YoungSaeng come back soon~!! I will reward you with the best quality~! k d
2011-04-11 @ 4:14 PM
봄이다~~!! 만세 !!! 다들 웃으며 힘내자아아아 ^^
It is spring~~!! Mansae !!! Everyone, let's work hard with a smileeee ^^

2011-04-11 @ 4:06 PM
2005 년!!! 시간참빠르지요..!! 우와아아아 ㅎㅎ
Year 2005!!! Time flies fast..!! Woahahah heehee

2011-04-11 @ 1:43 PM
한주를 활기차게 시작하는 월요일입니다~~~ 허영생군은 지금 여러분들을 만나기위해 열심히 노력중입니다 ㅎㅎ 많이 기대해주세요^^ 사진은 연습실 모습입니다
Starting an energetic week with Monday~~~ Heo YoungSaeng is currently working hard in order to meet with everyone heehee Please look forward to it alot ^^ This photo shows his look in the practice room

2011-04-11 @ 5:58 PM
@2kjdream 언넝와~!!ㅋㅋ 맛나는거 사들구~!!ㅋㅋ
@2kjdream Come soon~!!keke Buy some delicious things~!!keke
2011-04-11 @ 6:58 PM
@mastadoo 화이팅 힘내시구요!! 놀러갈게요^^ ㅎㅎ
@mastadoo Hwaiting, keep going!! I will go and play^^ heehee
2011-04-11 @ 6:57 PM
@2kjdream Come on yo! Man~
2011-04-11 @ 6:46 PM
@2kjdream 언넝 보자 할일좀 마무리하구 ㅠㅠ 안무 짤게 더있어서 머리터지것다 ㅋㅋ 활동은 즐기고 연습은 고되게~!!!
@2kjdream Let's meet soon, finish up what we have to do ㅠㅠ I'm cracking my brain because there is still some more choreograph to be done keke Activities are enjoyable and practice is tough~!!!
2011-04-11 @ 6:35 PM
@mastadoo 유후..!! 완전기대중입니다 !우리형들!! 만세 ㅎㅎ 저도 곧...!!! ㅎㅎㅎ 일단 영생형아의 날개짓을위하여!!! 만세! 형 빨리봐용~~ 진철아찌랑다같이 ㅎ이야기를나눠요!!~~
@mastadoo Yoohoo..!! I am totally looking forward to it! Our brothers!! Mansae heehee Soon I am also...!!! heeheehee First off, in order for YoungSaeng hyung-ah to flip his wings!!! Mansae! Hyung, meet soon~~ Together with uncle JinChul hee Have a chat!!~~
2011-04-11 @ 6:35 PM
@mastadoo 유후..!! 완전기대중입니다 !우리형들!! 만세 ㅎㅎ 저도 곧...!!! ㅎㅎㅎ 일단 영생형아의 날개짓을위하여!!! 만세! 형 빨리봐용~~ 진철아찌랑다같이 ㅎ이야기를나눠요!!~~
@mastadoo Yoohoo..!! I am totally looking forward to it! Our brothers!! Mansae heehee Soon I am also...!!! heeheehee First off, in order for YoungSaeng hyung-ah to flip his wings!!! Mansae! Hyung, meet soon~~ Together with uncle JinChul hee Have a chat!!~~
2011-04-11 @ 6:34 PM
@KoJongHee 조아조아아아~~ 꽃구경 나도델고가아아아!!!! ~~~~~~
@KoJongHee Good Gooddd~~ Bring me along for flower viewingggg!!!! ~~~~~~
2011-04-11 @ 4:48 PM
@2kjdream 규종아 벚꽃시즌이다~~^^ 꽃구경가야지이이잉~~ㅎㅎ
@2kjdream KyuJong-ah it's cherry blossom season~~^^ Should go for flower viewinggg~~heehee
2011-04-11 @ 4:40 PM
@2kjdream 형 생각에 쵝오의 댄서 조합일듯...ㅋㅋㅋ 지극히 내생각이지만 ..ㅋㅋ 암튼 ㅎㅎ활동 기대됨~!!ㅋㅋ규종아 너도 하자~!!
@2kjdream What hyung is thinking is to have the best dancers...kekeke Though it's just my thought only ..keke Anyway heehee I'm looking forward to his activities~!!keke KyuJong-ah you do it too~!!
2011-04-11 @ 4:22 PM
@mastadoo awesome !!! 조아요조아요!! ㅎㅎㅎ so nice!!!!!!!
@mastadoo awesome !!! nice nice!! ㅎㅎㅎ so nice!!!!!!!
2011-04-11 @ 4:17 PM
영생이 come back soon~!!쵝오의 퀄리티로 보답해드립니다~! ㅋㄷ
YoungSaeng come back soon~!! I will reward you with the best quality~! k d
2011-04-11 @ 4:14 PM
봄이다~~!! 만세 !!! 다들 웃으며 힘내자아아아 ^^
It is spring~~!! Mansae !!! Everyone, let's work hard with a smileeee ^^

2011-04-11 @ 4:06 PM
2005 년!!! 시간참빠르지요..!! 우와아아아 ㅎㅎ
Year 2005!!! Time flies fast..!! Woahahah heehee

2011-04-11 @ 1:43 PM
한주를 활기차게 시작하는 월요일입니다~~~ 허영생군은 지금 여러분들을 만나기위해 열심히 노력중입니다 ㅎㅎ 많이 기대해주세요^^ 사진은 연습실 모습입니다
Starting an energetic week with Monday~~~ Heo YoungSaeng is currently working hard in order to meet with everyone heehee Please look forward to it alot ^^ This photo shows his look in the practice room

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