Please repost with full credit
2011-04-12 @ 10:32 PM
@mystyle1103 ㅋㅋㅋ 그까짓먹을꺼가지고 치사한거야 지금?ㅋㅋ
@mystyle1103 kekeke So now you're saying that to get the food like this is disgraceful?keke
2011-04-12 @ 10:30 PM
@jjjjjin2yo 그러지마~자꾸 저나해서 먹을거 달라한단말야!!ㅋㅋ
@jjjjjin2yo Don't be like that~ He is always talking craps and asking for food!!keke
*XiaoChu: not too sure if this is right..
2011-04-12 @ 9:15 PM
@mystyle1103 @woongcha1 내가 보내줘야지 ㅋㅋㅋ
@mystyle1103 @woongcha1 I would be sending kekeke
2011-04-12 @ 8:10 PM
@mystyle1103 보내지 마라~~ 나두 너 조개 안줄거다~~
@mystyle1103 Don't send then~~ I also won't give you clams~~
2011-04-12 @ 8:03 PM
@WarrenBONBOO wow..!! 슈렉과 탐크루즈라...!!!! ㅎㅎ
@WarrenBONBOO wow..!! Shrek and Tom Cruise...!!!! ㅎㅎ
2011-04-12 @ 7:29 PM
@woongcha1 안보내야지~~ㅋㅋ
@woongcha1 Not sending you~~keke
*In reply to
2011-04-12 @ 3:45 PM
전화 번호 좀 보내주세용~ 다날라 갔습니다ㅡㅠ
Please send me your phone numbers~Everything was erasedㅡㅠ
2011-04-12 @ 5:04 PM
@2kjdream 문자나 어여보넹~~ ㅡㅡ
@2kjdream Quickly send me a text message or somthing~~ ㅡㅡ
2011-04-12 @ 4:50 PM
@2kjdream 오~~~김규종~~~ㅋㅋ 화이팅~~^^
@2kjdream Oh~~~Kim KyuJong~~~keke Hwaiting~~^^
2011-04-12 @ 4:50 PM
@2kjdream @woongcha1 차웅아 새로 저장하게 될 내 번호의 이름에는 탐크루즈라고 해도 돼....
@2kjdream @woongcha1 ChaWoong-ah, when you re-store my number, name me as Tom Cruise will do....
2011-04-12 @ 4:50 PM
@2kjdream @woongcha1 차웅아 새로 저장하게 될 내 번호의 이름에는 탐크루즈라고 해도 돼....
@2kjdream @woongcha1 ChaWoong-ah, when you re-store my number, name me as Tom Cruise will do....
2011-04-12 @ 4:45 PM
@woongcha1 만세!!
@woongcha1 ManSae!!
2011-04-12 @ 2:00 PM
안녕하세요.B2M입니다. 김규종군이 2011년 첫 해외공연을 하는 뮤지컬<궁>의 황태자 "이신"역을 맡게 되었습니다. 뮤지컬배우로 다시 태어날 규종군 많이 응원해 주세요^^
Hello. This is B2M. Kim KyuJong will be undertaking the role of Prince "Lee Shin" in musical which is his first overseas performance in 2011. Please give your utmost support to KyuJong who will be reborn as a musical actor^^
2011-04-12 @ 2:00 PM
안녕하세요.B2M입니다. 김규종군이 2011년 첫 해외공연을 하는 뮤지컬<궁>의 황태자 "이신"역을 맡게 되었습니다. 뮤지컬배우로 다시 태어날 규종군 많이 응원해 주세요^^
Hello. This is B2M. Kim KyuJong will be undertaking the role of Prince "Lee Shin" in musical
2011-04-12 @ 1:41 PM
@HyungJun87 나도 나도 ㅋㅋ 이따봅세 ㅋㅋㅋ
@HyungJun87 Me too me too keke See you later kekeke
2011-04-12 @ 12:41 PM
@HyungJun87 형~~ 저희도 지금 Mtv ^^
@HyungJun87 Hyung~~ We are also at Mtv now ^^
2011-04-12 @ 12:37 PM
날씨가 최고네요. 있다 엠티비에서 만나요. 후하
Weather is at its best. See you at MTV later. HooHa

2011-04-12 @ 11:45 AM
@mystyle1103 아니면 내가 너한테 가겠어
@mystyle1103 If not, I will go to you
2011-04-12 @ 5:29 AM
@Sj861117sj ㅋㅋㅋ너 어딘데?
@Sj861117sj kekeke Where are you?
2011-04-12 @ 3:01 AM
@Sj861117sj 왜지워??ㅋ
@Sj861117sj Why erase??ke
*In reply to
2011-04-12 @ 2:53 AM
그래도 나 한번 사는 인생
헛살지 않은 거 같아서
너무 다행이야
사랑해 진짜야
날 사랑해주는 사람 모두
그리고 너무 보고싶어
Anyway the life that I am living for once
Is like not going to be meaningless
That's really fortunate
I love you really
Everyone who loves me
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