Please repost with full credit
2011-02-12 @ 1:54pm
@HyungJun87 이런..-_- 난 잘하눈 사람하고만 함 단장님이랑운 안함^^
@HyungJun87 This..-_- I only do with people who are good at it, won't do it with Team Leader^^
2011-02-12 @ 1:51pm
@JUNGYEON1023 너 혼자해
@JUNGYEON1023 Do it yourself
*in reply to
2011-02-12 @ 1:18am
나랑 아시아에서 연숩할사럼~?
Anyone willing to practice with me in Asia~?
2011-02-12 @ 1:54pm
@HyungJun87 이런..-_- 난 잘하눈 사람하고만 함 단장님이랑운 안함^^
@HyungJun87 This..-_- I only do with people who are good at it, won't do it with Team Leader^^
2011-02-12 @ 1:51pm
@JUNGYEON1023 너 혼자해
@JUNGYEON1023 Do it yourself
*in reply to
2011-02-12 @ 1:18am
나랑 아시아에서 연숩할사럼~?
Anyone willing to practice with me in Asia~?
2011-02-12 @ 8:48am
잘 다녀올께요!!^^ 추운데도 먼 걸음해준 소녀 및 마음은 소녀모두 고마워요!!^^ 감기조심!! 따듯히 입고다녀요!!^^
I will go and return safely!!^^ Thank you to all the girls have the heart (intention to come?) and girls who came even though it's so cold!!^^ Don't catch a cold!! I will go there warmly dressed!!^^
2011-02-12 @ 8:48am
잘 다녀올께요!!^^ 추운데도 먼 걸음해준 소녀 및 마음은 소녀모두 고마워요!!^^ 감기조심!! 따듯히 입고다녀요!!^^
I will go and return safely!!^^ Thank you to all the girls have the heart (intention to come?) and girls who came even though it's so cold!!^^ Don't catch a cold!! I will go there warmly dressed!!^^

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