Please repost with full credit
2011-02-02 @ 2:23pm
@HyungJun87 왜, 누가 그랬어!
@HyungJun87 Why, who said so!
2011-02-02 @ 12:39pm
여러분 새해 복 많이 받으세요~ 전 오늘 예쁜 한복을 입고 가족들과 함께해요~ 여러분 쌀람해요 ^^
Happy new year everyone~ I wore pretty hanbok and is with my family today~ Everyone I love you ^^

2011-02-02 @ 9:27am
2011-02-02 @ 1:20am
@2kjdream 내 친구 규종아!!! 너 말대로 좋은생각만하려고 하는데 왜이렇게 마음이 생각대로 안되는걸까? 너무 힘들고... 이상한생각만든다... 나 너무 바보같나?
@2kjdream My friend KyuJong-ah!!! I tried to have only good thoughts like what you said, but why is it that my heart doesnt follow my thoughts? It's really tough... Only strange thoughts came to me... Am I really like a fool?
2011-02-02 @ 2:23pm
@HyungJun87 왜, 누가 그랬어!
@HyungJun87 Why, who said so!
2011-02-02 @ 12:39pm
여러분 새해 복 많이 받으세요~ 전 오늘 예쁜 한복을 입고 가족들과 함께해요~ 여러분 쌀람해요 ^^
Happy new year everyone~ I wore pretty hanbok and is with my family today~ Everyone I love you ^^

2011-02-02 @ 9:27am
2011-02-02 @ 1:20am
@2kjdream 내 친구 규종아!!! 너 말대로 좋은생각만하려고 하는데 왜이렇게 마음이 생각대로 안되는걸까? 너무 힘들고... 이상한생각만든다... 나 너무 바보같나?
@2kjdream My friend KyuJong-ah!!! I tried to have only good thoughts like what you said, but why is it that my heart doesnt follow my thoughts? It's really tough... Only strange thoughts came to me... Am I really like a fool?
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