Please repost with full credit
2011-01-28 @ 3:36pm
안락한 우리 사무실 따라다랏다~다라다라다라~☺

2011-01-28 @ 4:26pm
@2kjdream 그래그래~항상 긍정적인 마인드로~~화이팅 해야겠지? 소주가 생각나는구나~^^
2011-01-28 @ 2:23pm

2011-01-28 @ 2:07pm
kkj...매장 방문해줘서 고맙다 ^^ It is not uploaded file.
kkj...Thank you for visiting the shop ^^ It is not uploaded file.*
*MiniUFO: Guess he meant the file is not uploaded.
2011-01-28 @ 11:36am
"@501gamedan: 1월 28일 오늘 오후 5시 게임단 멤버를 뽑는 오디션 현장이 공개됩니다. 2회 모두 본방사수!! :)"
"@501gamedan: 28-Jan at 5pm, we will show the scene at the game team member audition. Everyone, please keep watch on the actual broadcast of 2nd episode!! :)"
2011-01-28 @ 10:45am
@HyungJun87 나 어제 금밤 잣음뭬~ㅋㅋㅋ
@HyungJun87 I slept in just a moment yesterday~kekeke
*XiaoChu: Not sure if it's correct since he wrote 'friday night', but i think it might be a typo for 'just a moment'
2011-01-28 @ 10:29am
1월 28일 오늘 오후 5시 게임단 멤버를 뽑는 오디션 현장이 공개됩니다. 2회 모두 본방사수!! :)
28-Jan at 5pm, we will show the scene at the game team member audition. Everyone, please keep watch on the actual broadcast of 2nd episode!! :)
2011-01-28 @ 1:54am
@Actor_ParkJiBin ㅠ 고향갔다가 친구들이랑 형진이형이랑 춥다고 뛰다가 휴대폰이 날아가는걸보며.. 안돼!! 외쳤지 흑!! 너두 미끄러지지말구~!!!! 맛난거먹자빨리~~~보자구요!! ^^
@Actor_ParkJiBin ㅠ I went back to my hometown, it was cold so my friends and HyungJun hyung and I were running and my handphone came flying out.. No!! I shouted. Sob!! Hope you don't slip too~!!!! Let's eat something delicious and quickly~~~meet up!! ^^
2011-01-28 @ 1:47am
@Actor_ParkJiBin @2kjdream 형이 요즘 여가생활로 낚시를 배우고 있답니다 ㅋㅋ 담엔 월척으로 ㅎㅎ 기대해용. 나는 지금 어제술마시고 또 술마시로 감니다 ㅋㅋ 왕심리 횟집 ㅋㅋ
@Actor_ParkJiBin @2kjdream Hyung is learning fishing for my leisure life recently keke Next time will catch a big fish heehee Look forward to that. I drank alcohol yesterday and am going to go drink again now keke At WangShimni sushi restaurant keke
2011-01-27 @ 1:33am
@HyungJun87 찬란한 빛속에서는 어두움을 찾을수 없지만 그림자가 있는법이고 아무것도 보이지 않을 것만 같은 어둠속에서 불빛은 더 빛나는겁니다 행님 화이링
@HyungJun87 Even though you can't find darkness in the radiant light, there is shadow and in the darkness where you can't see anything, a candle light shine even more brightly. Hyung-nim Hwaiting
2011-01-28 @ 1:54am
@Actor_ParkJiBin ㅠ 고향갔다가 친구들이랑 형진이형이랑 춥다고 뛰다가 휴대폰이 날아가는걸보며.. 안돼!! 외쳤지 흑!! 너두 미끄러지지말구~!!!! 맛난거먹자빨리~~~보자구요!! ^^
@Actor_ParkJiBin ㅠ I went back to my hometown, it was cold so my friends and HyungJun hyung and I were running and my handphone came flying out.. No!! I shouted. Sob!! Hope you don't slip too~!!!! Let's eat something delicious and quickly~~~meet up!! ^^
2011-01-28 @ 1:47am
@Actor_ParkJiBin @2kjdream 형이 요즘 여가생활로 낚시를 배우고 있답니다 ㅋㅋ 담엔 월척으로 ㅎㅎ 기대해용. 나는 지금 어제술마시고 또 술마시로 감니다 ㅋㅋ 왕심리 횟집 ㅋㅋ
@Actor_ParkJiBin @2kjdream Hyung is learning fishing for my leisure life recently keke Next time will catch a big fish heehee Look forward to that. I drank alcohol yesterday and am going to go drink again now keke At WangShimni sushi restaurant keke
2011-01-27 @ 1:33am
@HyungJun87 찬란한 빛속에서는 어두움을 찾을수 없지만 그림자가 있는법이고 아무것도 보이지 않을 것만 같은 어둠속에서 불빛은 더 빛나는겁니다 행님 화이링
@HyungJun87 Even though you can't find darkness in the radiant light, there is shadow and in the darkness where you can't see anything, a candle light shine even more brightly. Hyung-nim Hwaiting
2011-01-28 @ 1:20am
@2kjdream 헉 그럼 나 낚인거야 형진이형한테? ㅎㅎ 조심해형 뛰어다니다 넘어지지말고 ㅋㅋ
@2kjdream Gasp, then that means I got tricked by HyungJin hyung?

heehee Hyung be careful, run around, dont fall down keke
2011-01-28 @ 1:20am
@2kjdream 헉 그럼 나 낚인거야 형진이형한테? ㅎㅎ 조심해형 뛰어다니다 넘어지지말고 ㅋㅋ
@2kjdream Gasp, then that means I got tricked by HyungJin hyung?

2011-01-28 @ 12:45am
@Actor_ParkJiBin ㅠㅠ 추운데 뛰어가다가 떨어뜨렸어 흑....!!!!!!! 형 위로해줘....... ㅎ
@Actor_ParkJiBin ㅠㅠ It's cold so I was running and it dropped heuk....!!!!!!! Console hyung (me)....... hee
2011-01-28 @ 12:45am
@Actor_ParkJiBin ㅠㅠ 추운데 뛰어가다가 떨어뜨렸어 흑....!!!!!!! 형 위로해줘....... ㅎ
@Actor_ParkJiBin ㅠㅠ It's cold so I was running and it dropped heuk....!!!!!!! Console hyung (me)....... hee
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