Credits : xiaochu @
Please repost with full credit
2011-02-06 @ 11:04am
@HyungJun87 ㅋㅋ 모야??이케 업고다녀??진심으로??ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
@HyungJun87 keke What??Piggyback to go out like this??Really??kekekeke
2011-02-05 @ 6:13pm
@90KKB @hyungjun87 으하하핫! 다 큰 애기... 얼굴 제대로 본것 첨인것 같아... 귀요민데~ ㅋㅋㅋ
@90KKB @hyungjun87 euhahahak! All grown baby… I think this is the first time I see her face properly… Cute~ kekeke
2011-02-05 @ 6:08pm
RT @HyungJun87: 전 지금 어부바하고 외출할꺼에요~ ^^ 멍멍~ 아이 기분좋다~
RT @HyungJun87: I am now having a piggyback and going out~ ^^ bowwow~ Baby feels good~
2011-02-05 @ 12:34pm
@HyungJun87 뭐 그다음 문자 답이 없노?
@HyungJun87 Why after that there is no reply message?
2011-02-06 @ 11:04am
@HyungJun87 ㅋㅋ 모야??이케 업고다녀??진심으로??ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
@HyungJun87 keke What??Piggyback to go out like this??Really??kekekeke
2011-02-05 @ 6:13pm
@90KKB @hyungjun87 으하하핫! 다 큰 애기... 얼굴 제대로 본것 첨인것 같아... 귀요민데~ ㅋㅋㅋ
@90KKB @hyungjun87 euhahahak! All grown baby… I think this is the first time I see her face properly… Cute~ kekeke
2011-02-05 @ 6:08pm
RT @HyungJun87: 전 지금 어부바하고 외출할꺼에요~ ^^ 멍멍~ 아이 기분좋다~
RT @HyungJun87: I am now having a piggyback and going out~ ^^ bowwow~ Baby feels good~
2011-02-05 @ 12:34pm
@HyungJun87 뭐 그다음 문자 답이 없노?
@HyungJun87 Why after that there is no reply message?
2011-02-05 @ 11:49am
전 지금 어부바하고 외출할꺼에요~ ^^ 멍멍~ 아이 기분좋다~
I am now having a piggyback and going out~ ^^ bowwow~ Baby feels good~
2011-02-05 @ 2:22am
RT @HyungJun87: "@501gamedan: 2월 4일 오늘 오후 5시 드디어 공개오디션에서 선발된 게임단 멤버 5인이 오늘 공개됩니다. 3회 모두 본방사수!! :)"
RT @HyungJun87: "@501gamedan: Today, 4th February at 5pm, finally going to announce today the 5 members of our game team who made it through the open audition. Keep watch on actual broadcast of episode 3!! :)”
2011-02-05 @ 2:22am
RT @HyungJun87: "@501gamedan: 2월 4일 오늘 오후 5시 드디어 공개오디션에서 선발된 게임단 멤버 5인이 오늘 공개됩니다. 3회 모두 본방사수!! :)"
RT @HyungJun87: "@501gamedan: Today, 4th February at 5pm, finally going to announce today the 5 members of our game team who made it through the open audition. Keep watch on actual broadcast of episode 3!! :)”
2011-02-04 @ 4:41pm
@jinhoda 감독님~
@jinhoda Director~
2011-02-04 @ 3:11pm
2월 4일 오늘 오후 5시 드디어 공개오디션에서 선발된 게임단 멤버 5인이 오늘 공개됩니다. 3회 모두 본방사수!! :)
Today, 4th February at 5pm, finally going to announce today the 5 members of our game team who made it through the open audition. Keep watch on actual broadcast of episode 3!! :)
2011-02-04 @ 3:11pm
2월 4일 오늘 오후 5시 드디어 공개오디션에서 선발된 게임단 멤버 5인이 오늘 공개됩니다. 3회 모두 본방사수!! :)
Today, 4th February at 5pm, finally going to announce today the 5 members of our game team who made it through the open audition. Keep watch on actual broadcast of episode 3!! :)
2011-02-04 @ 12:38pm
@JUNGYEON1023 하나만 더만들자!
@JUNGYEON1023 Let’s make one more!
2011-02-04 @ 12:38pm
"@JUNGYEON1023: 드디어 완성!!!! 아..힘들다..신나서 하나 더만들자는 너.. 아...ㅠㅠ"
"@JUNGYEON1023: Finally done!!!! Ah..Tiring..It’s exciting so you are making another one.. ah…ㅠㅠ

MiniUFO: Wow! Gundam! Didn't know that wuri baby also like Gundam. ^o^
2011-02-03 @ 6:23pm
I posted a new photo to Facebook
2011-02-03 @ 6:23pm
I posted a new photo to Facebook
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