Please repost with full credit
2010-12-17 @ 11:40pm
피로피로 홈페이지 오픈했습니다. 많은사랑 부탁드릴께요^^ HnB 만세~
Piropiro homepage is opened. Hope that you can give lots of love to ^^ HnB mansae~
2010-12-17 @ 8:44pm
How to have a very merry christmas

2010-12-17 @ 7:57pm
@Actor_ParkJiBin comming soon!!
2010-12-17 @ 7:24pm
@mystyle1103 형 아직도 필리핀이야?? 언제와~~~~
@mystyle1103 Hyung, are you still in Philippines?? When are u coming~~~~
2010-12-17 @ 7:22pm
날씨가 완전 좋아~하늘도 깨끗하구~~
Weather is perfectly good~Sky is also so clear~~

2010-12-17 @ 5:15pm
@Kevinwoo91 제발 .. 형님
@Kevinwoo91 Please .. hyung-nim
2010-12-17 @ 5:13pm]
@90KKB ㅠㅠ 아~ 또? 왜 이렇게 나를 불러~ 이제 지겨워죽겠구만...더~ 무섭게 할까~? 오늘밤 기달려 푸화하하하~~~
@90KKB ㅠㅠ Ah~ again? Why always call me (into your dream) like this~ I am so sick and tired now... Should I be~ even scarier~? Just wait for tonight puhwahahaha~~~
2010-12-17 @ 3:30pm
오늘 케빈이 꿈에 나왔습니다 정말 무서웠습니다 식은땀을 흘리며 잠에서 깼습니다. 으앙 ㅜㅜㅜㅜ
Kevin appeared in my dream today. It was really scary. Broke out in cold sweat and woke up from my sleep. euang ㅜㅜㅜㅜ
*XiaoChu: euang is like a crying sound
2010-12-17 @ 11:40pm
피로피로 홈페이지 오픈했습니다. 많은사랑 부탁드릴께요^^ HnB 만세~
Piropiro homepage is opened. Hope that you can give lots of love to ^^ HnB mansae~
2010-12-17 @ 8:44pm
How to have a very merry christmas

2010-12-17 @ 7:57pm
@Actor_ParkJiBin comming soon!!
2010-12-17 @ 7:24pm
@mystyle1103 형 아직도 필리핀이야?? 언제와~~~~
@mystyle1103 Hyung, are you still in Philippines?? When are u coming~~~~
2010-12-17 @ 7:22pm
날씨가 완전 좋아~하늘도 깨끗하구~~
Weather is perfectly good~Sky is also so clear~~

2010-12-17 @ 5:15pm
@Kevinwoo91 제발 .. 형님
@Kevinwoo91 Please .. hyung-nim
2010-12-17 @ 5:13pm]
@90KKB ㅠㅠ 아~ 또? 왜 이렇게 나를 불러~ 이제 지겨워죽겠구만...더~ 무섭게 할까~? 오늘밤 기달려 푸화하하하~~~
@90KKB ㅠㅠ Ah~ again? Why always call me (into your dream) like this~ I am so sick and tired now... Should I be~ even scarier~? Just wait for tonight puhwahahaha~~~
2010-12-17 @ 3:30pm
오늘 케빈이 꿈에 나왔습니다 정말 무서웠습니다 식은땀을 흘리며 잠에서 깼습니다. 으앙 ㅜㅜㅜㅜ
Kevin appeared in my dream today. It was really scary. Broke out in cold sweat and woke up from my sleep. euang ㅜㅜㅜㅜ
*XiaoChu: euang is like a crying sound
2010-12-17 @ 11:56am
우리는 곧 한국으로 돌아갑니다..^^ !!
We are returning back to Korea soon..^^!!
2010-12-17 @ 4:42am
@Kevinwoo91 으악!!!!!!!!!!제발
@Kevinwoo91 euack!!!!!!!!!! Please
2010-12-17 @ 1:11am
@90KKB 왜 질투해?!!! ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 안자고 우리 대화 왜 보고있는데? ^^ 나 형 꿈에 나타난다!!!
@90KKB Why, you're jealous?!!! kekekekeke Why are you watching our conversation and not sleeping? ^^ I am appearing in hyung's dream!!!
2010-12-17 @ 12:59am
@Kevinwoo91 형아한테 악몽을 주지마
@Kevinwoo91 Don't give a nightmare to hyung-ah
2010-12-17 @ 12:53am
@mystyle1103 엉~~~~~~ㅋㅋ 드디어~~~~ㅋㅋ
@mystyle1103 Ung~~~~~~keke Finally~~~~keke
2010-12-17 @ 12:46am
@mystyle1103 영생아 언제 오노?
@mystyle1103 YoungSaeng-ah, when are you coming?
2010-12-17 @ 12:38am
@mystyle1103 어딘데???
@mystyle1103 Where are you???
2010-12-17 @ 12:38am
@2kjdream야 팔로우해줘~~~
@2kjdream Yah, follow me back~~
2010-12-17 @ 12:38am
@2kjdream 형 잘지내시나용!ㅋ
@2kjdream Hyung, how are you doing! ke
2010-12-17 @ 12:33am
@mystyle1103 우잉 어려워어어어 ㅠ 알려줘 베벵~
@mystyle1103 Ooing It's difficult ㅠ Teach me baebaeng~
2010-12-17 @ 12:26am
@jjjjjin2yo 아이폰 샀어??
@jjjjjin2yo You bought iphone??
2010-12-16 @ 12:20am
@HyungJun87 고마워요 형! 형은 이미 대박났는데 더~~~대박 나길 기도할께요! ㅋㅋ 잘자요! 제 꿈꾸면서? ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ죄송해요 ㅠㅠ
@HyungJun87 Thanks hyung! Hyung is already a huge success but I wish for even more~~~success for you! keke Sleep tight! While dreaming of me? kekekekeke Sorry ㅠㅠ
2010-12-17 @ 11:56am
우리는 곧 한국으로 돌아갑니다..^^ !!
We are returning back to Korea soon..^^!!
2010-12-17 @ 4:42am
@Kevinwoo91 으악!!!!!!!!!!제발
@Kevinwoo91 euack!!!!!!!!!! Please
2010-12-17 @ 1:11am
@90KKB 왜 질투해?!!! ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 안자고 우리 대화 왜 보고있는데? ^^ 나 형 꿈에 나타난다!!!
@90KKB Why, you're jealous?!!! kekekekeke Why are you watching our conversation and not sleeping? ^^ I am appearing in hyung's dream!!!
2010-12-17 @ 12:59am
@Kevinwoo91 형아한테 악몽을 주지마
@Kevinwoo91 Don't give a nightmare to hyung-ah
2010-12-17 @ 12:53am
@mystyle1103 엉~~~~~~ㅋㅋ 드디어~~~~ㅋㅋ
@mystyle1103 Ung~~~~~~keke Finally~~~~keke
2010-12-17 @ 12:46am
@mystyle1103 영생아 언제 오노?
@mystyle1103 YoungSaeng-ah, when are you coming?
2010-12-17 @ 12:38am
@mystyle1103 어딘데???
@mystyle1103 Where are you???
2010-12-17 @ 12:38am
@2kjdream야 팔로우해줘~~~
@2kjdream Yah, follow me back~~
2010-12-17 @ 12:38am
@2kjdream 형 잘지내시나용!ㅋ
@2kjdream Hyung, how are you doing! ke
2010-12-17 @ 12:33am
@mystyle1103 우잉 어려워어어어 ㅠ 알려줘 베벵~
@mystyle1103 Ooing It's difficult ㅠ Teach me baebaeng~
2010-12-17 @ 12:26am
@jjjjjin2yo 아이폰 샀어??
@jjjjjin2yo You bought iphone??
2010-12-16 @ 12:20am
@HyungJun87 고마워요 형! 형은 이미 대박났는데 더~~~대박 나길 기도할께요! ㅋㅋ 잘자요! 제 꿈꾸면서? ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ죄송해요 ㅠㅠ
@HyungJun87 Thanks hyung! Hyung is already a huge success but I wish for even more~~~success for you! keke Sleep tight! While dreaming of me? kekekekeke Sorry ㅠㅠ
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