2010-12-11 @ 11:13pm
Let's be happy
2010-12-11 @ 8:48pm
@HyungJun87 축하해 형준.ㅜ
@HyungJun87 Congratulations HyungJun. ㅜ
2010-12-11 @ 8:34pm
@lovelyn_twt 아이 윈!
@lovelyn_twt I win!
2010-12-11 @ 7:43pm
@HyungJun87 뭐지- 진 것 같은 이 기분은......ㅎ
@HyungJun87 Why- This feels like I'm losing......hee
2010-12-11 @ 7:20pm
@lovelyn_twt 나네니노누~ 누나~메롱
@lovelyn_twt Nanaeninonu~ Noona~ Merong
*XiaoChu: same here, I think it's just a rhyme with all the words starting with 'n'
2010-12-11 @ 7:20pm
@Spike1092 .....
2010-12-11 @ 7:15pm
@HyungJun87 가게기고구
@HyungJun87 Kakaekikoku
*XiaoChu: no idea what's this..think it's just a rhyme with all the words starting with 'k'
2010-12-11 @ 7:01pm
@lovelyn_twt 이오우~
@lovelyn_twt Eohwoo~
2010-12-11 @ 7:01pm
@JungMin0403 ㅅㅌ면? ㅋㅋㅋ
@JungMin0403 What if I don't? kekeke
*XiaoChu: I think he meant 싫다면?
2010-12-11 @ 6:46pm
@HyungJun87 ㄷㅈㄹ?
@HyungJun87 Wanna die?
*XiaoChu: Short form for 디질래? which is a Jeonllado accent for 'wanna die' Thanks to gobblepop @ Twitter for the long form of word and words_that_stay @ Twitter for letting me know
2010-12-11 @ 6:46pm
@HyungJun87 ㄷㅈㄹ?
@HyungJun87 Wanna die?
*XiaoChu: Short form for 디질래? which is a Jeonllado accent for 'wanna die' Thanks to gobblepop @ Twitter for the long form of word and words_that_stay @ Twitter for letting me know
2010-12-11 @ 6:41pm
@HyungJun87 에
@HyungJun87 Yes
2010-12-11 @ 6:19pm
2010-12-11 @ 5:47pm
@JungMin0403 나이스
@JungMin0403 Nice
2010-12-11 @ 4:26pm
눈 다래끼났다 ㅠㅠ
I have a sty in my eye ㅠㅠ
2010-12-11 @ 3:43pm
@HyungJun87 바로 대구가고있심더 이따 보입시더
@HyungJun87 I am about to reach Daegu. See you later
=zakkykim= 2010-12-11 @ 3:39pm
@HyungJun87 원래 좀 독해 홍은이가 ㅋㅋ
@productfactory @HyungJun87 HongEun is originally so vicious keke @productfactory
2010-12-11 @ 3:30pm
@HyungJun87 나도10만 팔로워에들어있음~~^^
@HyungJun87 I am also among the 100,000 followers~~^^
=HyungJun= 2010-12-10 @ 3:20pm @90KKB 지금 뮤지컬 대기실이다~ 아우님은 어디신가 @90KKB I am in the waiting room of musical~ Ahwoo-nim, where are you
2010-12-11 @ 3:14pm
@HyungJun87 언팔했다 기회봐서 다시 팔로해야하나요?? ㅋㅋㅋ
@HyungJun87 I unfollowed you. I should follow you again when the opportunity comes?? kekeke
2010-12-11 @ 3:07pm
@HyungJun87 악 나도 좀 주세요!!
@HyungJun87 Ack Please also give me some!!!
=90KKB= 2010-12-11 @ 3:07pm
@HyungJun87 예 행님 열심히 하겠습니다 어디십니까
@HyungJun87 Yes hyung-nim, I will work hard. Where are you
2010-12-11 @ 3:00pm
오늘은 뮤지컬"카페인" 12회차 공연!
Today is the 12th performance of musical 'Cafe-in'!
2010-12-11 @ 2:59pm
오늘은 뮤지컬"카페인" 12회차 공연!
Today is the 12th performance of musical 'Cafe-in'!
2010-12-11 @ 2:54pm
@HyungJun87 언팔했다가 10만번째에 맞춰서 다시해도되나?ㅋㅋ
@HyungJun87 Won't they try to unfollow you and then try to be the 100,000th one? keke
2010-12-11 @ 2:44pm
긴급 개인적인 이벤트! 10만번째 팔로워 분께 제가 출연하는 뮤지컬"카페인" 티켓 2장, 싸인포스터,그리고 프로그램북을 드릴테니 달려봅시다~ 후하~^^
Emergency personal event! For the 100,000th follower, I will give 2 tickets to musical 'Cafe in' which I am acting in, signed poster, and a program book, so let's run~ Hooha~^^
2010-12-11 @ 2:44pm
긴급 개인적인 이벤트! 10만번째 팔로워 분께 제가 출연하는 뮤지컬"카페인" 티켓 2장, 싸인포스터,그리고 프로그램북을 드릴테니 달려봅시다~ 후하~^^
Emergency personal event! For the 100,000th follower, I will give 2 tickets to musical 'Cafe in' which I am acting in, signed poster, and a program book, so let's run~ Hooha~^^
2010-12-11 @ 2:39pm
@90KKB 고생했다 아우야~ 오리콘 1위를 달성하기위해 더 노력하고 힘내야한다,
@90KKB You've went through a hard time Ahwooya~ You must work even harder and strive one in order to achieve 1st place on Oricon,
2010-12-11 @ 2:19pm
도쿄에서 와이파이가 없어서 이제야 트윗을 합니다 ㅜ 일본 오사카 도쿄 콘서트 성황리에 잘 끝나고 오리콘 2위도 했습니다 감사합니다 열심히 할께요~!http://twitpic.com/3eu45l
Because there are no wifi in Tokyo so I am only twitting now ㅜ Concert ended successfully in Osaka and Tokyo Japan and we were 2nd place on Oricon. Thank you. I will work hard~!http://twitpic.com/3eu45l

2010-12-11 @ 2:19pm
도쿄에서 와이파이가 없어서 이제야 트윗을 합니다 ㅜ 일본 오사카 도쿄 콘서트 성황리에 잘 끝나고 오리콘 2위도 했습니다 감사합니다 열심히 할께요~!http://twitpic.com/3eu45l
Because there are no wifi in Tokyo so I am only twitting now ㅜ Concert ended successfully in Osaka and Tokyo Japan and we were 2nd place on Oricon. Thank you. I will work hard~!http://twitpic.com/3eu45l

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