Please repost with full credit
2010-12-16 @ 11:52pm
@JungMin0403 어제 오랳만에 봐서 기분좋았는데...방송사고가좀 있어서 찝찝허넹....내잘못아니다..형 미워하지마~~~ㅠㅠ
@JungMin0403 Felt good when I saw you yesterday... Felt awkward because of the broadcasting accident..... It is not my fault..Don't hate on hyung~~~ㅠㅠ
2010-12-16 @ 11:52pm
@JungMin0403 어제 오랳만에 봐서 기분좋았는데...방송사고가좀 있어서 찝찝허넹....내잘못아니다..형 미워하지마~~~ㅠㅠ
@JungMin0403 Felt good when I saw you yesterday... Felt awkward because of the broadcasting accident..... It is not my fault..Don't hate on hyung~~~ㅠㅠ
2010-12-16 @ 11:50pm
@Steven_Lee_ ㅋㅋ규종이같이있죠~가르치고 싶은데 수영할 생각이 없는듯 ㅠㅠ @Steven_Lee_ keke KyuJong is together with me~ I wanted to teach him but he doesn't seem like he wants to swim ㅠㅠ
2010-12-16 @ 11:48pm
@Steven_Lee_ 낼모레가요~~ㅋㅋ추운데있다가 더운데오니까 좋네요 ㅋㅋ 리조트에있는 풀장에서 수영을 하니~형집앞에있는 풀장이 생각나네요 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
@Steven_Lee_ I'm going soon~~keke It is good coming to a warm place when it is so cold keke I am swimming in the swimming pool of the resort~ Makes me think of the swimming pool at hyung's house kekekeke
2010-12-16 @ 11:50pm
@Steven_Lee_ ㅋㅋ규종이같이있죠~가르치고 싶은데 수영할 생각이 없는듯 ㅠㅠ @Steven_Lee_ keke KyuJong is together with me~ I wanted to teach him but he doesn't seem like he wants to swim ㅠㅠ
2010-12-16 @ 11:48pm
@Steven_Lee_ 낼모레가요~~ㅋㅋ추운데있다가 더운데오니까 좋네요 ㅋㅋ 리조트에있는 풀장에서 수영을 하니~형집앞에있는 풀장이 생각나네요 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
@Steven_Lee_ I'm going soon~~keke It is good coming to a warm place when it is so cold keke I am swimming in the swimming pool of the resort~ Makes me think of the swimming pool at hyung's house kekekeke
2010-12-16 @ 11:47pm
@mystyle1103 ㅋ그래 꼭보자~~잘하고와~
@mystyle1103 ke alright, we must meet up~~Do it well and come~
2010-12-16 @ 11:45pm
@Kevinwoo91 열심히해서 잘되길 기도할께, 착한동생~ 보러가마
@Kevinwoo91 I will pray that everything goes well for you so please work hard, nice dongsaeng~ Will be going to see you
2010-12-16 @ 11:45pm
@mystyle1103 오!! 기대할게 !! ㅎㅎ잘찍고와~ 여기는 12시 15분전 ㅋㅋ 나 잘게 ㅋㅋ @mystyle1103 oh!! I am looking forward to it!! heehee Film nicely and return back~ It is before 12.15am here keke I am going to bed keke
2010-12-16 @ 11:45pm
@JungMin0403 이미 다른분 드렸어, 거짓말 할래?!
@JungMin0403 I have already given to someone else, do you want me to lie?!
2010-12-16 @ 11:42pm
@mystyle1103 좋겠다 좋은데 다니구ㅋㅋ 언제와?
@mystyle1103 That's good, have a good trip keke When are you coming?
2010-12-16 @ 11:42pm
@zerotic0124 그생긱??ㅋㅋ한국가믄 봐요~2010이 끝나기전에!!ㅋ
@zerotic0124 That thought?? keke Meet when you come Korea~ Before 2010 comes to an end!! ke
*zerotic0124 had a typo error in his reply thought = Saeng Gak, he wrote as Saeng Gik
2010-12-16 @ 11:41pm
@Actor_ParkJiBin 거의다 찍었어 ㅋㅋ 한두씬 남았어~~
@Actor_ParkJiBin We're almost done with it keke Only left with just one or two scenes~~
2010-12-16 @ 11:40pm
Still not enough to learn English.. 이거맞나?ㅠㅠ번역한거라..ㅋㅋ English studying fighting!!!
Still not enough to learn English.. Is this correct? ㅠㅠ Have to translate.. keke English studying fighting!!!
2010-12-16 @ 11:40pm
@JungMin0403 완전 얘기네. 왜 엄마꺼 안먹구 널 괴롭혀 ㅋㅋ
@JungMin0403 It's totally a baby. Why doesn't it drink from its mom and torture you instead keke
2010-12-16 @ 11:40pm
@JungMin0403 완전 얘기네. 왜 엄마꺼 안먹구 널 괴롭혀 ㅋㅋ
@JungMin0403 It's totally a baby. Why doesn't it drink from its mom and torture you instead keke
2010-12-16 @ 11:39pm
@mystyle1103 연말이다보니......ㅋㅋ안그래도나도그생긱하고있다ㅋ
@mystyle1103 It is year end......keke Even if you have not say so I am thinking about it too ke
2010-12-16 @ 11:38pm
@mystyle1103 아 그 영상화보 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 연기해야지!! 얼마나찍었어? ㅋㅋㅋ
@mystyle1103 Ah, that video photo shoot kekekekeke You should act!! How much have you filmed already? kekeke
2010-12-16 @ 11:38pm
@mystyle1103 필리핀 따뜻해요?ㅋㅋ
@mystyle1103 It is warm in Philippines? keke
2010-12-16 @ 11:39pm
@mystyle1103 연말이다보니......ㅋㅋ안그래도나도그생긱하고있다ㅋ
@mystyle1103 It is year end......keke Even if you have not say so I am thinking about it too ke
2010-12-16 @ 11:38pm
@mystyle1103 아 그 영상화보 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 연기해야지!! 얼마나찍었어? ㅋㅋㅋ
@mystyle1103 Ah, that video photo shoot kekekekeke You should act!! How much have you filmed already? kekeke
2010-12-16 @ 11:38pm
@mystyle1103 필리핀 따뜻해요?ㅋㅋ
@mystyle1103 It is warm in Philippines? keke
2010-12-16 @ 11:33pm
@Actor_ParkJiBin 응ㅋㅋ영상화보찍으러 왔지 ㅋㅋ 나 이제 연기도 해야할까봐~~ㅋㅋ
@Actor_ParkJiBin Ung keke Came for video photo shooting keke I think I should have to be acting now too~~keke
2010-12-16 @ 11:33pm
@Actor_ParkJiBin 응ㅋㅋ영상화보찍으러 왔지 ㅋㅋ 나 이제 연기도 해야할까봐~~ㅋㅋ
@Actor_ParkJiBin Ung keke Came for video photo shooting keke I think I should have to be acting now too~~keke
2010-12-16 @ 11:31pm
@mystyle1103 형 필리핀이야??
@mystyle1103 Hyung is in Philippines??
2010-12-16 @ 11:15pm
@onestarL 지금 필리핀이야 ㅋㅋ촬영하러왔다~~
@onestarL I'm in Philippines now keke Came for filming~~
2010-12-16 @ 11:14pm
@zerotic0124 술좀 적당히 먹어요~그러다 죽어요~~ㅋㅋㅋ
@zerotic0124 Please drink liquor moderately~ Otherwise you'll die~~kekeke
2010-12-16 @ 11:13pm
@mystyle1103 오우 형 어디쎄요 ㅋㅋ
@mystyle1103 Ohh Hyung, where are you keke
2010-12-16 @ 11:11pm
서울은 눈오구~여긴 무진장 더운데 ㅋㅋㅋ
It's snowing in Seoul~ It is extremely hot here kekeke
2010-12-16 @ 11:07pm
@JungMin0403 이런! 그런 방법이!! ㅋㅋ @HyungJun87
@JungMin0403 This! That method!! keke @HyungJun87
*in reply to JungMin's tweet about unfollowing then following HyungJun as the 100,000th follower to win the prize
2010-12-16 @ 11:06pm
@2kjdream 야 눈온다!!!또 눈글씨쓰고 그래~~~
@2kjdream Yah, it's snowing!!! Are you going to write on snow again~~~
2010-12-16 @ 10:59pm
@Moonjunwon 따식아~~
@Moonjunwon Ddashikah~~
*in reply to
2010-12-16 @ 9:16pm
우리 회사에 호동이! 너 모해 거기서
HoDong in our company! What are you doing there

2010-12-16 @ 10:59pm
요건 강아지일까~? 쥐새끼일까? 토끼새끼일까??ㅎㅎㅎ 밥주기 넘어려워!ㅠㅠ인공수유중!
Is this a puppy~? Or a baby rat? Or a baby rabbit?? heeheehee It is so difficult to feed it! ㅠㅠ In midst of bottle-feeding!
2010-12-16 @ 10:59pm
요건 강아지일까~? 쥐새끼일까? 토끼새끼일까??ㅎㅎㅎ 밥주기 넘어려워!ㅠㅠ인공수유중!
Is this a puppy~? Or a baby rat? Or a baby rabbit?? heeheehee It is so difficult to feed it! ㅠㅠ In midst of bottle-feeding!

2010-12-16 @ 10:56pm
@HyungJun87 확인해바바~~~^^나 10만 이벤트 응모하려고 언팔로우했다 팔로우했다 그랬으니까!!^^나 당첨된것같애!^^*
@HyungJun87 Wanna check~~~^^ In order to enter for the 100,000 follower event, I unfollowed then followed you back!!^^ I think I will win!^^*
2010-12-16 @ 6:29pm
날씨가 정말 춥네요, 감기조심 또 조심
Weather is really cold, be extra careful about catching flu
2010-12-16 @ 10:56pm
@HyungJun87 확인해바바~~~^^나 10만 이벤트 응모하려고 언팔로우했다 팔로우했다 그랬으니까!!^^나 당첨된것같애!^^*
@HyungJun87 Wanna check~~~^^ In order to enter for the 100,000 follower event, I unfollowed then followed you back!!^^ I think I will win!^^*
2010-12-16 @ 6:29pm
날씨가 정말 춥네요, 감기조심 또 조심
Weather is really cold, be extra careful about catching flu
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