Please repost with full credit
2010-10-22 @ 11.48pm
오늘의 하루도 마감해야겠군요,패션쇼에서 새로운 저의모습 어땠나요^^ 다들 고맙고 내일은 대만으로 출장갑니다. 굿밤
2010-10-22 @ 4.43pm
@90KKB 감사합니다. 김기범씨!
@90KKB Thank you. Mr Kim Ki Bum!
2010-10-22 @ 1.42pm
오늘은 멋진 패션쇼 무대에서 또다른 제모습을 보여드릴께요,
Those who have time to go for Seoul Collection 'Song Zio' seonsaengnim show where my brother Kim HyungJun models for, please quickly go (there)~
2010-10-22 @ 1.15am
새 양말!!!^0^
New socks!!!^0^

2010-10-22 @ 1.12am
이토록 그댈 보고싶어하는건...나뿐인가요... 작은 사진하나도 이렇게 ... 아직 버릴 수 없어 하는것도.. 나뿐인가요 come to me my love...혼자했던가요...? 우리...사랑...
Missing you so...Is it just me... With one small little photo like this ... unable to cast this aside.. is it just come to me my love...Was I in this alone...?
*XiaoChu: Lyrics of his solo "is it just me?"
2010-10-22 @ 1.06am
아버지의 아버지 할아버지의 할아버지 어머니의 어머니 할머니의 할머니께서
From father's father, grandfather's grandfather, mother's mother, grandmother's grandmother
2010-10-22 @ 12.55am
참 개인 휴대폰과 사요나라했습니다ㅠㅠ혹 연락안되어 가슴시린 분들은 죄송할머니다!! 곧 돌아올께요!!^^*
Well, it's sayonara to my personal handphone TT TT heuk Sorry to those who are concerned cos I wasn't contactable!! Will be coming back soon!!^^*
*XiaoChu: Sayonara = Farewell
2010-10-22 @ 12.55am
@HyungJun87 나도 낼 아침에 패션쇼 보러가는데!!~~~
@HyungJun87 I will be also going to watch a fashion show tomorrow morning!!~~~
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