Please repost with full credit
2010-10-18 @ 10:01pm
나는 지금 무얼하고 있을까요? 상품입니당~~^^* 당첨자는 개별적으로 연락드릴께요!!!으흐흐흐
What am I doing now? It's a prize~~^^* I will contact the winner separately!!! Euheuheuheu
2010-10-18 @ 10:01pm
나는 지금 무얼하고 있을까요? 상품입니당~~^^* 당첨자는 개별적으로 연락드릴께요!!!으흐흐흐
What am I doing now? It's a prize~~^^* I will contact the winner separately!!! Euheuheuheu

MiniUFO: Watz dat JungMinie? After going massage now you are going facial? some skin star? ^^
2010-10-18 @ 8:05am
@sunglasssangmin 제 힘이되주시는 삼촌~ 충성!
@sunglasssangmin Uncle who helps me~ Salute*!
*XiaoChu: This is literally translated to 'loyal' instead but it meant more of 'salute', like when soldiers salute to others, they always say 'Choong Sung'=HyungJun=
2010-10-18 @ 8:05am
@sunglasssangmin 제 힘이되주시는 삼촌~ 충성!
@sunglasssangmin Uncle who helps me~ Salute*!
2010-10-18 @ 8:46pm
Kim Hyung Jun will have his fan meeting in Taiwan on October 24 which is next Sunday!! Hope to see all his fans in Taipei!!
2010-10-18 @ 7:20pm
@HyungJun87 나두 사랑해 딴사람들이 징그럽다하겠다 ㅎㅎㅎ
@HyungJun87 I also love you, I think the other people will think this is gross heeheehee
2010-10-18 @ 8:05am
@sunglasssangmin 삼촌 ~ 항상 제 든든한 기둥이 되어주셔서 감사합니다. 식사 하셨죠 사랑해요^^
@sunglasssangmin Uncle ~ Thank you for always being my strong pillar. You've eaten already right? I love you^^
2010-10-18 @ 7:20pm
@HyungJun87 형준아 밥은먹었니? 감기조심하구 몸괸리 잘하고있어라♥♥♥
@HyungJun87 HyungJun-ah have you eaten? Be careful of catching flu and take care of yourself lots ♥♥♥
2010-10-18 @ 4:29am
find 무대 다시봐도 정말 좋네요 완두콩 짱...^^ 우잉?! 잘한다아~
Found 'find' performance really good even when I rewatch again. Green peas Jjang*...^^ Ooing?! Well donee~
*XiaoChu: Jjang is like saying 'best'
2010-10-18 @ 9:19am
굿모닝 모두들~
Good morning everyone~
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