Taiwan Warner has recorded Jung Min & Hyung Jun arrival in Taipei and also their partial activity today in their Plurk site (Taiwan popular micro-blog site). Both of them have even went to Warner Plurk to greet Taiwan fans.
Source: http://www.plurk.com/warnertw + (Chinese translation) MO & (Photo) smilejuhan @ TripleSTW.com
(English translation) SS501UFO @ Planet Hyun
Please repost with full credit
Jun 25
6:24pm Little Warner already reach the airport, there's a lot of people here oh~
6:36pm There's a lot of pea princess holding onto peas ballon to welcome them here
6:37pm A lot of people are holding stickers like 'Congratulation SS501 debut 5th Anniversary'


7:45pm Houhou Just now when Jung Min & Hyung Jun came out, the entire airport was shouting SS501 SS501 It is so overwelming ah ah ah
7:47pm Also when the Pea Princess gave flowers to Jung Min & Hyung Jun, they are so friendly and received the flowers happily ^^
7:49pm Today Hyung Jun wore dark glasses and dark colour T-shirt, Park Mal also wore black T-shirt and jeans, very charming oh!!
Jun 26
2:04pm Everybody Good Morning ah! Now Park Jung Min & Kim Hyung Jun has already woke up and finished eating their lunch and is making up lor
2:05pm Everybody do you want to guess what they ate for lunch? XDDD
2:34pm Answer answer: They have their lunch in the hotel. They have ordered Spegetti, Sandwich, fried rice and also watermelon juice etc. Other than that Little Warner also prepare Ding Tai Feng Xiao Long Bao, Prawn Siew Mai (dumplings), Prawn and Vegetable Meat Steam dumplings, Red bean and yam xiao long bao etc for them to eat oh ^^
3:07pm Park Jung Min just come in and use mandarin to say 'Zao An'~ (good morning)
3:11pm Jung Min and Hyung Jun are currently being interview by TTV oh~~ They are dressed very charmingly ^^
3:18pm Hou Hyung Jun & Jung Min are not concentrating in their interview, even playing with the flower pot between 2 of them XDDDD
4:07pm Hi everybody? We are SS501's Jung Min & Hyung Jun. We have just finished our interview in the hotel. Now going over to meet everybody. Taiwan pea princesses (wandugong gongju) please wait!!!! See you later~~~ ^^
4:23pm The truth is here!! Truth is here!!

Two of them really come to Plurk (Taiwan popular micro-blog site) to greet the Taiwan pea princesses. ^^
6:24pm 華小納已經到機場拉 現場好多人喔~
6:36pm 現場很多碗豆公主手拿碗豆氣球迎接呢
6:37pm 很多人手拿著恭喜SS501出道五周年的 類似貼紙的東西 ^^
7:45pm 齁齁 剛剛政珉跟亨俊出來的時候 全機場都喊著SS501 SS501 好震憾ㄚㄚㄚ
7:47pm 而且當豌豆們拿花要給政珉與亨俊時 他們都好親切也好開心的收下了呢^^
7:49pm 今天亨俊帶著墨鏡 穿著深色的T-shirt 朴阿馬也穿黑色T-shirt &牛仔褲 很帥喔!!
Jun 26
2:04pm 大家早安啊 現在朴政珉跟金亨俊已經起床吃完午餐化妝ing囉
2:05pm 大家要不要猜猜兩人中午吃了什麼呢?XDDD
2:34pm 答案答案:他們直接在飯店用餐,點了義大利麵、三明治、炒飯以及西瓜汁等,此外華小納有準備鼎泰豐小籠包、蝦仁燒賣、蝦肉、菜肉蒸餃、紅豆、芋泥小籠包等給他們吃喔^^
3:07pm 朴政珉剛剛一進來就以中文說"早安"~
3:11pm 政珉跟亨俊 在接受台視的專訪喔~~他們穿的很帥呢^^
3:18pm 呴 亨俊跟政珉訪問不專心 還在玩兩人中間的花盆拉 XDDDD
4:07pm 안녕하세요? SS501 정민,형준입니다. 저희는 지금 호텔에서 인터뷰를 마쳤어요. 이제 곧 여러분을 뵈러가겠습니다. 대만의 완두콩 공주들 기다려!!!! 따이 훨 찌엔~~~^^
4:23pm 真相來了!!真相來了!!

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