Additional toktok not captured
안녕안녕안녕~~~ 히히히히 [규종]
오랜만이지 ㅜ !! 난 가족과 친구들과 잠깐의 휴식을 가졌어요..히 [규종]
비오는 날 잘 보냈어요?! ^^ 가끔 비도 좋을때가 있죠..ㅎ^^ [규종]
자꾸 공홈글쓰는게 에러가 나서 ..ㅜ 여기에 인사말 남겨요 ^^ [규종]
날씨가 무척 더워지고있네요 ^^ ㅎ 더위에 쓰러지지말구 우리 힘내요!!! [규종]
자꾸 컴퓨터가 오류가 일어나요오오오오...ㅠ 흑 !! 동접이 많아서 그러나 히히 [규종]
난 신세대 동접이라는 단어도 알지 !! 하하하하 [규종]
일요일이니 놀아도됩니다..!! [규종]
Source: ss501.dspenter.com TOK room + 영생뿐 임 @ ss601
English translation: ode ode @ http://ss501ode.blogspot.com/
Please repost with full credit
Annyong annyong annyong~~~ hehehehe @ 2010-06-20, 7:15:01 PM
It's been some time isn't it T !! I've been having a short break by spending it with
family and friends.. hee @ 2010-06-20, 7:15:48 PM
Have you spent your rainy day well?! ^^ Sometimes, this rain that pours is lovely isn't it..h ^^
@ 2010-06-20, 7:16:09 PM
There're often errors appearing when I write an entry here..T I'm leaving my greetings here ^^
@ 2010-06-20, 7:17:05 PM
The weather is very warm ne^^ h. Don't be hit down by the heat, we'll keep fighting!!!
@ 2010-06-20, 7:17:35 PM
There's this error appearing so frequently on my computer o o o o...TT
Heuk !! But it was actually because there're too many concurrent users at the same time... hehe
@ 2010-06-20, 7:18:11 PM
I even know the hot popular words used in this new generation right !! hahahaha
@ 2010-06-20, 7:18:54 PM
Because it's Sunday, so we can play..!! @ 2010-06-20, 7:21:06 PM
Hahaha ^^ Merong (cute expression) @ 2010-06-20, 7:23:08 PM
Thank you really for Music bank's Number 1..TT I watched that with my friends (members?), heukheuk!!.. @ 2010-06-20, 7:24:00 PM
It's the exam period now nyo, what huh what huh?~ Have you been studying ?!^^ hh
@ 2010-06-20, 7:25:44 PM
hh Ahh so hot so hot T Must cut some watermelons to eat!! @ 2010-06-20, 7:27:00 PM
To all our sisters who are working hard out there in the heat, fighting!!! Aja aja!!!!
@ 2010-06-20, 7:27:19 PM
Great great!! Study hard in high school!! Aja aja!! Without regrets!!! hhh
Though I couldn't do that.. hee @ 2010-06-20, 7:28:20 PM
Happy birthday!!! @ 2010-06-20, 7:30:37 PM
Then I should go and take a look !! hehe ^^ @ 2010-06-20, 7:30:47 PM
Whatever tough matters we have, any dissatisfaction or unhappiness, it'd be good if we could place it down..^^ Understood?! hh
@ 2010-06-20, 7:31:13 PM
We should always have a positive mindset holding onto with hope...^^ hehehe eumhahahaha!!
@ 2010-06-20, 7:31:41 PM
Wuss up with me now !!! (Wuss up lyrics) @ 2010-06-20, 7:32:03 PM
I'm playing all alone... @ 2010-06-20, 7:32:53 PM
eumhahaha!!! ^^ See you next time again, I'm waiting for my friends!! Watermelons, yum yum
@ 2010-06-20, 7:33:40 PM
I'll go now Wuss up hhh @ 2010-06-20, 7:34:03 PM
It's been some time isn't it T !! I've been having a short break by spending it with
family and friends.. hee @ 2010-06-20, 7:15:48 PM
Have you spent your rainy day well?! ^^ Sometimes, this rain that pours is lovely isn't it..h ^^
@ 2010-06-20, 7:16:09 PM
There're often errors appearing when I write an entry here..T I'm leaving my greetings here ^^
@ 2010-06-20, 7:17:05 PM
The weather is very warm ne^^ h. Don't be hit down by the heat, we'll keep fighting!!!
@ 2010-06-20, 7:17:35 PM
There's this error appearing so frequently on my computer o o o o...TT
Heuk !! But it was actually because there're too many concurrent users at the same time... hehe
@ 2010-06-20, 7:18:11 PM
I even know the hot popular words used in this new generation right !! hahahaha
@ 2010-06-20, 7:18:54 PM
Because it's Sunday, so we can play..!! @ 2010-06-20, 7:21:06 PM
Hahaha ^^ Merong (cute expression) @ 2010-06-20, 7:23:08 PM
Thank you really for Music bank's Number 1..TT I watched that with my friends (members?), heukheuk!!.. @ 2010-06-20, 7:24:00 PM
It's the exam period now nyo, what huh what huh?~ Have you been studying ?!^^ hh
@ 2010-06-20, 7:25:44 PM
hh Ahh so hot so hot T Must cut some watermelons to eat!! @ 2010-06-20, 7:27:00 PM
To all our sisters who are working hard out there in the heat, fighting!!! Aja aja!!!!
@ 2010-06-20, 7:27:19 PM
Great great!! Study hard in high school!! Aja aja!! Without regrets!!! hhh
Though I couldn't do that.. hee @ 2010-06-20, 7:28:20 PM
Happy birthday!!! @ 2010-06-20, 7:30:37 PM
Then I should go and take a look !! hehe ^^ @ 2010-06-20, 7:30:47 PM
Whatever tough matters we have, any dissatisfaction or unhappiness, it'd be good if we could place it down..^^ Understood?! hh
@ 2010-06-20, 7:31:13 PM
We should always have a positive mindset holding onto with hope...^^ hehehe eumhahahaha!!
@ 2010-06-20, 7:31:41 PM
Wuss up with me now !!! (Wuss up lyrics) @ 2010-06-20, 7:32:03 PM
I'm playing all alone... @ 2010-06-20, 7:32:53 PM
eumhahaha!!! ^^ See you next time again, I'm waiting for my friends!! Watermelons, yum yum
@ 2010-06-20, 7:33:40 PM
I'll go now Wuss up hhh @ 2010-06-20, 7:34:03 PM
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Green Peas Voices