Sunday, April 25, 2010

[Fan Account] Hyun Joong filming Gummy's MV on 2010.04.22

Originally from: miclub
Translation: 十一 & 歪歪 & 口口 @
English Translation: SS501UFO @ Planet Hyun
Please repost with full credit
Do not post in any website/blog related to WGM (Requested by Miclub)

[Fan Account] Hyun Joong filming Gummy's MV on 2010.04.22

A dongsaeng that I know just gave me a call.
She said at around 7pm, near the playground at her apartment (Seoul, Jongno-gu, Ssangyong Apartment), she saw Kim Hyun Joong & Gummy was filming MV.... Heard that she saw them in close distance..... so envy >_< and also her daughter even shook hand with Kim Hyun Joong! The PD who filmed the PD asked her daughter whether she wanted to be an artist... but her daughter said she wants to be a chef.... keke. As my dongsaeng was carrying a child, she can't shake hand with him.... In real life Hyun Joong's face is very small, and also very skinny and felt a little pity for him.... But because seeing Hyun Joong, she was very excited, and also bragging to me... (She originally was not Kim Hyun Joong's fan...) all together chatted with me for more than 1 hour, even until the conversation completed, she also hasn't calmed down.... and even said that her heart was beating so fast.... (that child that my dongsaeng is carrying is her fifth ^^;)... Gummy's complexion was very good, she looks very beautiful when she smile.... She has a phone call during the filming... My report has completed...

Under the MV screen Kim Hyun Joong performed actively
For example: His looks in the playground playing with the little actors, there's a very pretty girl watching together with the other kids, Hyun Joong exclaimed: "It would be good if I could film together with that little girl.... How would the MV looked like?"

Original Korean Source:

[지 후앓이]오늘 저녁에 현중이가 거미 뮤직비디오 찍었대요... by 현중편애

방금 아는 동생이 전화왔어요. 저녁7시정도에 자기네 아파트(서울 종로구 쌍용아파트) 놀이터에서 김현중이랑 려원이랑 거미 뮤직비디오 찍어서 구경하고 왔다고....아주 가까이서 봤다고 하네요...부러워라ㅠㅠ 그 집 딸내미는 현중이랑 악수도 했대요. 뮤직비디오 찍는 피디가 자기 딸애한테 연예인 될 생각 없냐고 물어보더래요...딸이 자기는 요리사 될 거라고ㅋㅋ.....동생은 갓난애기 안고 있어서 차마 악수하잖얘기는 못했데요^^ 실제로 보니까 얼굴도 작고 몸집이 너무 말라 외소해 보여 불쌍했다고.... 그래도 잘생긴 현중이 보니까 기분이 업대서 나한테 자랑하고...(원래 김현중팬이 아닌앤데도...) 전화로 1시간가량 수다 떨고 났는데도 통화 끝날 때까지 흥분이 안 가신다고...왜이리 마음이 설레는지 모르겠다나요....(그 동생이 안고 있던 애기 다섯째였음^^;).....려원도 피부가 너무 좋고 웃는 모습이 예뻐서 한참 쳐다봤데요....조금전까지도 촬영이 안 끝난 상태에서 전화통화 한 거예요.....이상 따끈따끈한 보고 끝.....

뮤비 찍을 때 촬영 설정등을 자기가 제안하는 등 적극적인 모습을 보였다네요. 현중이가...
예로, 놀이터에서 남자아이 노는 모습을 쳐다보는 신이 있어 남자아역배우를 섭외해왔는데, 놀이터에 구경하러 온 애들 중 아주 예쁜 여자애가 있었데요. 현중이가 남자애 옆에 이 여자애가 같이 노는 걸로 찍었으면 좋겠다고 의견냈다는 군요....뮤비에서는 어떻게 나올지....

[分享] 賢重22號拍蜘蛛MV後記
Chinese Translation: 十一 & 歪歪 & 口口 @

剛才我認識的妹妹來了電話。 她說晚上7點左右,自己的公寓附近的娛樂場所裏,見 到了金賢重跟鄭麗援在拍攝蜘蛛的MV… 聽說是在非常近的距離見到的….好羡慕啊~%>_<% 而且那家的女兒甚至還跟金賢重握了手! 拍 攝MV的PD還問她的女兒想不想成為藝人…但是女兒說自己想要成為料理師…O(∩_∩)O~… 妹妹因為抱著小孩沒能跟他握手…在現實裏見到賢重覺得他臉很小,而且很瘦覺得他有點可憐… 但是因為看到帥氣的金賢重心情非常的好,而且 還跟我炫耀…(她原先並不是金賢重的粉絲…) 足足嘮叨了1個小時,而且直到通話結束也沒有恢復平靜…還說心跳的好快… (那 個妹妹抱著的小孩是老五⊙﹏⊙b汗)…鄭麗媛也是皮膚看起來很好,笑的時候也很美麗…. 她在攝影還沒有結束的狀態下跟通了電話…以上報 告結束…. MV鏡頭下表現積極的金賢重 例如:在遊樂場和小演員們玩的樣子,來遊樂場參觀當中有個非常漂亮的女孩, 賢重感歎到:我要是能和那個小女孩拍多好啊。。。。。MV 會是個什麼樣的畫面呢? =================================================
PS: 蜘蛛 = Gummy (韓國女歌手, 跟賢關係不錯的姐姐)

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