Tuesday, December 20, 2011

[Diary] YoungSaeng - Completed Three Musketeers.. [2011.12.20]

Credits : young-saeng.com + (English Translation) xiaochu @ Quainte501.com

The weather really became winter-like weather before we knew it..
At such a time, must take care of your health so that you won’t fall sick!!
Wear warm clothes.. and remember to take health-food!!! (Only imply to elderly people!keke)
I am also already in my mid-late twenties before I knew it..
If I don’t take health-food.. my body will start to get restless..kekekekekekekeke (Oh my...- - ;;)

If I run around while doing Three Musketeers.. Health-food (is necessary).......kekekeke

Musical Three Musketeers which you've talked a lot about and and worry a lot...
Frankly speaking , I also.. worry a lot... about the musical..
At this point of time, it’s not an album but a musical...;;
However.. now, be it you or me.. I believe that we have the same thoughts now...
That I’ve done well for the musical Three Musketeers..^^

Above all.. the best part about it is.. having a whole new experience..
And also, it is like a self-development for me...

While practicing, I have a lot of worries on various things.. what should I do if I forget my lines.. what should I do if I can’t sing..
What should I do if I get scolded because can’t act... I have a lot of worries on various things..

But.. really.. I think it is difficult to find worthy people among the actors/actresses who has done Three Musketeers together..
Because everyone really did well.. so I was able to do it even more comfortably.. I think I learnt a lot...

The role of d’Artagnan.. I did my best in immersing maximum into the role...
While doing my last performance.. I felt it... That I’ve fell into this musical.. I’ve enjoyed it...
I was overwhelmed with emotions.. even at the end of it.. it’s not as though I’ve made an achievement...
I cried when I think of.. now, it’s farewell to all the actors/actresses.. and the musical Three Musketeers..

The last word.. “Thank You..” which I said unknowingly..
I think it is a word that really came from d’Artagnan’s heart...
And.. I am very thankful to fans who have always supported.. and watched without ever missing...!!

Really.. it is a musical that lets me have the thinking that.. even though we are growing older... we can still become pure..

It is a really enjoyable musical.. a musical that enlightens me... a musical that lets me meet with good actors/actresses...
A musical that I cannot forget... Three Musketeers!!!

Thank you...^^

But...!! There is still Daegu (performance) to go!!!!kekekekekekekekekekekekekekeke

-There is certainly still justice..-

-Written by Heo’tagnan, who plays the role of d’Artagnan in Three Musketeers-

Original Message

어느덧 날씨가 진짜 겨울의 날씨가 되었어요..
이럴때 일수록 몸 아프지 않게 조심해야해요!!
옷 따뜻하게 입고.. 건강식품 잘 챙겨먹고!!!(나이가 드신분들만 포함!ㅋㅋ)
저도 어느덧 20대 중후반을 바라보는지라..
건강식품을 안먹으면.. 몸이 슬슬 힘들어하더군요..ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ (나참...ㅡㅡ;;)

삼총사를 하면서 방방 뛰어다닐라면.. 건강식품을......ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

말도 많고 걱정도 많았던 뮤지컬 삼총사...
솔직히 저도.. 뮤지컬이라... 걱정 많았죠..
이 시점에 앨범이 아닌 뮤지컬이라...;;
그렇지만.. 지금와선 여러분이나 저나.. 생각은 똑같을거라 믿어요...
삼총사라는 작품을 참 잘했다고..^^

무엇보다.. 가장 좋았던건.. 새로운 경험이였고..
또 나 자신의 발전이었던거 같아요...

연습하면서 여러가지 걱정도 많이 되고.. 대사 까먹으면 어쩌나.. 노래 못하면 어쩌나..
연기 못한다고 혼나면 어쩌나... 여러가지로 걱정이 많았어요..

그런데.. 정말.. 삼총사를 같이 한 배우분들 만한 사람들 찾기 힘들거 같아요..
다들 정말 잘해주셔서.. 더 편하게 할 수 있었고.. 많이 배우게 된거 같아요...

달타냥이라는 역할에.. 최대한 몰입을 하려고 노력했는데...
막공을 하면서.. 느꼈어요... 내가 이 뮤지컬에 많이 빠져있었고.. 즐거워했구나...
내가 감정이 복 받쳐 오른건.. 끝나서도.. 해내서도 아닌...
이제 이 모든 배우분들과.. 삼총사라는 작품과 이별이구나.. 라는 생각에 눈물이 흘렀어요..

마지막에 나도 모르게 나온.."감사합니다.." 라는 말은..
정말 달타냥의 마음으로 나오게 된 말인거 같아요...
그리고.. 항상 응원해주고.. 빠짐없이 지켜봐준 팬 분들께도 넘 감사했어요...!!

정말.. 나이를 점점 먹어가지만... 아직 순수해질수 있구나..라는 생각도 들게 해준 작품이에요..

너무나도 즐겁게 한 작품.. 나를 일깨워준 작품... 좋은 배우분들을 만나게 해준 작품...
잊지 못할 그런 작품... 삼총사!!!


그치만...!! 아직 대구가 있다는거!!!!ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-정의는 반드시 살아있다..-

-삼총사 달타냥역 허타냥 씀-

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