Friday, November 12, 2010

[Twitter] Boys tweet convo on 12 November 2010

Young Saeng changed his display photo today to this charming photo from his 6.50pm post.

Credit: XiaoChu @
Please repost with full credit

2010-11-12 @ 11:17pm
@2kjdream 예압~!!!ㅋㅋㅋ 조만간 한번보자구~~^^!!!
@2kjdream Yeaap~!!!kekeke Let's meet soon~~^^!!!

2010-11-12 @ 5.10pm
@KoJongHee 응 !!!^^ 잘지내고 조만간보자구!!!~~
@KoJongHee eung !!!^^ Stay well and meet soon!!!~~

2010-11-12 @ 8.59pm
@mystyle1103 화이팅~~~!!
@mystyle1103 Hwaiting~~~!!

2010-11-12 @ 8.57pm
@Soie2e ㅋㅋㅋ그래~~~
@Soie2e kekeke Alright~~~

2010-11-12 @ 8.54pm
@mystyle1103 전화받아 !!!!!!!!!!
@mystyle1103 Pick up your phone !!!!!!!!!!

2010-11-12 @ 8.52pm
@mystyle1103 으악! 꼭 응원가겠습니다...! 안섹시하면 안되요....
@mystyle1103 Euak! I will definitely support you...! Won't do if you're not sexy....

2010-11-12 @ 8.52pm
@onestarL 신곡은아직!!내년에공개할거야 ㅋㅋ
@onestarL Not yet for new song!! I will release it next year keke

2010-11-12 @ 8:51pm
@mystyle1103 신..곡.?!

2010-11-12 @ 8.51pm
@Soie2e 아이~그럼!!!ㅋㅋ섹시한걸루 할거여~~
@Soie2e Aye~sure!!!keke I will be doing something sexy~~

2010-11-12 @ 8.49pm
@woosangil 상명댄가?거기서해요~ㅋ 12월4일날~~
@woosangil At SangMyeong Uni?will be held there~ke 4-Dec~~

2010-11-12 @ 8.49pm
@mystyle1103 에이..ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 프로시면서...ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
@mystyle1103 Ayyee..kekekekekekeke in spite being a pro...kekekekekekekekekeke

2010-11-12 @ 8.48pm
@mystyle1103 추카 ㅋㅋ 언제?어디서 하는데...?
@mystyle1103 Congrats keke When? Where will it be at...?

2010-11-12 @ 8.46pm
@woosangil わかりません。。にほんご(T . T)
@woosangil Don't understand..Japanese (T . T)

2010-11-12 @ 8.44pm
@pdjaeho 내엉덩이가 너무커서 ㅋㅋ
@pdjaeho Because my butt is very big keke

2010-11-12 @ 8.44pm
@Soie2e ㅋㅋㅋ떨려
@Soie2e kekeke nervous

2010-11-12 @ 8.39pm
@HyungJun87 오늘 시사토론촬영때문에 목동sbs왔다가 생각나서 글 남긴당... 뮤지컬 준비는 잘 되가지?? 이제 얼마 안남았네??
@HyungJun87 Because of the filming of current affairs debate today, I went over to SBS at Mok-dong, and left (you) a message because (you) came to my mind... Is the preparations for the musical going well?? How long left now before it starts??

2010-11-12 @ 8.38pm
@mystyle1103 ナシゴレンの事??
*MiniUFO: Chinese translation translate it as @mystyle1103 It is nasi goeng??

2010-11-12 @ 8:16pm
@mystyle1103 오오오 언제해요형!
@mystyle1103 ohohoh when it is held? Hyung!

2010-11-12 @ 7.59pm
@mystyle1103 엉덩이춤춰줘.
@mystyle1103 Dance the butt dance.
*Xiao Chu: butt dance? maybe means the jjanggu dance during "Song calling for you"?

2010-11-12 @ 7:57pm
MiniUFO: This is related to the boys also, cos iz HyungJun's HnB Company's Piro Piro ^^

2010-11-12 @ 7.55pm
@mystyle1103 콜이요!!
@mystyle1103 It's a deal!!

2010-11-12 @ 7.50pm
드디어 팬미팅을 하는구나 ㅋㅋ댄스를 보여줄까하는데..어떨까나~~?
Finally we will be holding fan meeting keke I'm gonna show you about that~~?

2010-11-12 @ 7.46pm
@2kjdream 저도요~!!!!ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
@2kjdream Me too~!!!!kekekeke

2010-11-12 @ 6.29pm
@woosangil なにごれ?
@woosangil What's that?
*in reply to
2010-11-12 @ 6.01pm

タクハンマリ なう〜 with マリモ^^
Takhanmari now~ with Marimo^^
Dakhanmari =
닭 한마리 = Korean Restaurant name, litterally means 'One Chicken'
Marimo = 村田 莉 = Japanese, Model for 'Popteen' and 'Egg'

2010-11-12 @ 5:30pm
@JungMin0403 같이 달려~~~~ 어디로 가면돼?
@JungMin0403 Run together~~~~ Where should we run to?

2010-11-12 @ 5:30pm
@2kjdream 에이 뭘... 나... 내년에는 스마트폰에 도전해 볼려고.. ㅇㅎㅎ
@2kjdream Aye What... Me... I will challenge (myself) getting a smart phone next year.. o hee hee

2010-11-12 @ 5.25pm
여러분 달려요!!!
Run everyone!!!

2010-11-12 @ 5.22pm
@2kjdream 어제 오랜만에 잠깐이라도 통화햇네 ㅋㅋㅋ 반가웠어~
@2kjdream Had a short phone call with you since a long time yesterday kekeke Nice to meet you~

2010-11-12 @ 5.10pm
@WarrenBONBOO 신세대 감독님!!!! ㅎㅎ 형 ! 멋지시군요~~~
@WarrenBONBOO New-generation director!!!! heehee Hyung ! You're so cool~~~

2010-11-12 @ 5.10pm
@TaewanakaCLuvma bro~~~ 형!!! 보고싶어요 !! ㅎㅎ
@TaewanakaCLuvma bro~~~ hyung!!! I miss you !! heehee

2010-11-12 @ 12.40pm

2010-11-12 @ 11.05am
@jongmyounglee형의 마음속으로!
@jongmyounglee Into hyung's heart!

2010-11-12 @ 5.39am
@lovelyn_twt@HyungJun87형준이 어디가니??ㅋ
@lovelyn_twt@HyungJun87 Where is HyungJun going??ke

2010-11-12 @ 5.01am
@HyungJun87 You have to come!!

2010.11.12 @ 2:31am
@HyungJun87 빼빼로데이가 지났네ㅠㅡ 그래두 이건ㅋㅋ
@HyungJun87 Pepero day is over TT - But still, this one keke

2010.11.12 @ 1.13am
@lovelyn_twt 나 가도되는거죠!?
@lovelyn_twt It's fine if I go right!?

2010.11.12 @ 1.13am
@Estella816 역시 형님이십니다. 출동^^
@Estella816 @Estella816 Indeed it's hyung-nim. Move^^

2010.11.12 @ 12:59am
뮤직하이 107.7 잠시후 am02:00 생방
Music High 107.7 Going live a little while later at am02:00

2010.11.12 @ 12:46am
@HyungJun87 시간되면 와 형준:)
@HyungJun87 Come if you have time, HyungJun:)

2010.11.12 @ 12.46am
@lovelyn_twt 재밌겠다 ~!
@lovelyn_twt Must be fun ~!
*In reply to
2010-11-12 @ 11.26pm

RT 오와-12월 17,18일 러블린 로맨틱 콘서트 포슷허:)

RT Woah- 17,18 Dec Lovelyn Romantic Concert poster

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