Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Counting down to SS501 5th Year Anniversary

In just another 15mins time, it will be SS501 5th Year Anniversary! Yeah! It is celebration time! SS501 DSP website main page has changed to a greeting page + a count down counter! What will it reveal after this?


Credit: DSP

Tada~ and it is revealed... It is a sendmall event! 501 photographs of each member to grab!


  1. a little disappointing tho... what a ermm *cheap* way to celebrate our boys 5th anniversary... DSP marketing tight budget?? :(

  2. At least there's something. Haha~

  3. you can't even just grab one those postcards

  4. Look at picture can already lar... sure there will be fans sharing the scanned photographs!


Green Peas Voices