Friday, April 23, 2010

[Fan account + Video] SS501 Arrival @ Haneda Airport for SS501 Hanryu Card Concert

original in chinese: linvadata01 (aki) /
translated into english: happiebb /
Please repost with full credit

[SHARING] Receiving Them in Japan 04.23, Airport

Skipped class to receive them at the airport today.
Unexpectedly, the five of them didn't take the morning nor the afternoon flights;
instead, they'd taken the plane that landed at Haneda Airport at 5:51pm in the evening.

My writing skill's not that good,
so will just briefly describe the situation when Aki was meeting receiving them at the airport.

When the screen showed that the flight departing Gimpo for Haneda had touched down at 5:51pm,
two men in suits and earpiece appeared
(The agency's really making it obvious... without being asked...)
Later when passengers started coming out, the manager who used to appear quite often came out???
(that one who's plumpish... ><) Coz the plump one and his friend were going in and out frequently, alternating between pulling the luggage out and giving out instructions to other staff... At that time, the two men in suits looked at us who were looking like we're there to wait for someone(?) and they said the seats we're sitting on were meant for passengers waiting for the limousine and their flights, so they asked us to wait outside (there's a place outside set up... for waiting fans....) PS. It's barely even 10 degrees in Tokyo today, and it's raining too... (Real cruel of them...) Some of the older and some younger fans really got up and went out, and there were also others who pretended not to hear or know anything and just stayed put. There's a tiny coffee place at Haneda Airport where there're stations for patrons to stand and drink and that place happens to offer a good vantage view of the passengers coming out from inside. So Aki ran to the coffe place, bought a drink and stood there. Not long after, someone with a star's aura appeared.... wearing a cap (hat?) Oh god, it's Hyun Joong. He hid at the exit of the restricted area of the arrival hall, didn't come out yet. But at that moment, Aki was shouting towards the obasan-fans excitedly, 'Hyun Joong, Hyun Joong..'
One of the two men in suits said a whole string of Japanese sentences towards me,
basically telling me to please go out.
Well, I could only look at him and said in English, 'I don't know...'
Watching at how he wanted to speak but was unable to... I was feeling somewhat sorry.

Later, someone skinny and fair with a very small face and wearing shades walked out.
It's Hyung Jun.
He had left everyone else behind him, and just walked out right ahead of them.

Then it's Young Saeng, Kyu Jong and Jung Min.
The three of them stuck to one another very closely.

Hyun Joong was the last one.
Why was the first one to run to the exit of the restricted area the last one to finally emerge...?

All five of them were wearing shades,
All were not wearing any smile on their faces, and were walking very quickly.
Even the usually friendliest Jung Min didn't even so much as wave.

Aki was a total goner when she saw Hyun Joong.
Hyun Joong's face was so fair, so fair... and so handsome so handsome
I just could not utter a single word....

On the other hand, from the corner of my hand,
I could see a Japanese fan charging out to pass a gift to Jung Min.
At the very moment that the gift landed in Jung Min's hand,
one of the two men in suits reach out to pull both the arms of the fan and dragged her back.....

Everyone rushed out on the boys' heels.
The five of them walked to the bus waiting on the opposite side, very very qiuckly.
The fans who were originally waiting outside could only watch them afar from the other side of the road.

Everyone was screaming the five boys' names.
Then the door opened, Hyung Jun climbed out and we could see his upper body
He was waving at everyone.

The obasan-fans at my side kept shouting and saying や さし(gentle/tender)
But Aki too feel that Hyung Jun was really gentle...
Everyone braved the rain and was waiting outside,
and everyone too was very orderly.
So even a simple gesture like waving of the hands will seem oh-so-touching...

Later, someone who should be the organizer from the Hallyu Fancard came to talk to everyone,
"Does everyone wish to take pics?
Would you like to meet them?...."

said alot of things like that, and told everyone that they just had to attend the Hallyu event on 25th....

Aki's really really elated to have been able to see Hyun Joong,
even if it's just a matter of a few seconds.

Also, am really sorry, coz Aki had stayed inside the airport the full time
and would have been stopped and even thrown out if I had flashed my camera,
so I didn't manage to take any pictures.
I was only able to do a teeny weeny bit of recording towards the end when Hyung Jun came out to wave.
Forgive me ><

Original message

今天蹺課去接機了 沒想到那五隻竟然都沒有坐早上也沒有坐中午的
卻坐 下午5:51扺達日本羽田的飛機

文字功力不太好 稍微描述一下aki接機的狀況

話說 當電子儀版出現金浦飛往羽田扺達時間5:51分時

出來了二個穿西裝及戴耳麥的人 (經紀公司真是不打自招耶)
後來開始有人出來時 出現了之前常出現的經紀人???(胖胖的那位><)

因為胖胖與他另一個朋友很頻繁的出入 出境出口 一會兒拖行李出來 一會兒交待事情
此時 那二位穿西裝的男生 對著我們看起來像要接機的人說
這裡是給等待巴士及侯機的顧客坐的 請我們移駕到外面去(外面圍了一個地方.....給fans....)
PS:今天東京不到10度 又下雨(真狠)

有些大媽及小妹妹果然出去了 也有些人仍然裝作不知道待在原地

因為羽田機場有一間小小咖啡廳 立飲的地方 正好可以看到剛要出關的人
於是aki跑到了立飲的地方 買了飲料 站在那裡

過沒多久 有個具有明星光環的人出現了 戴著帽子
天阿 是賢重
他躲在出關處的門口 沒有出來
可是那時侯aki激動的對著大媽們喊 賢重賢重
穿西裝的其中一名 對著我說一連串的日文 意思是要請我出去
那時 只好用英文對著他說 i don't know....
看著他欲言又止的表情 真是對他抱歉

後來 有個廋廋白白 臉很小戴默境的人走出來了
是亨俊 他把所有人拋在腦後 一馬當先的走出去
接著是永生 圭鐘 及政垊 三個人緊緊黏在一起
賢重走在最後 為什麼第一個跑到出關口的人 卻最後出來呢

五隻都戴著默鏡 臉上沒有笑容 走的很快

aki看到賢重時真的傻了 賢重臉好白好白 而且好帥好帥 什麼話都說不出口了....
另外一邊 餘光看到有個日本fan衝過去把禮物送給 政垊
就在禮物交到政垊的手上那一刻 那位fan被其中一個穿西裝的人 捉住兩側手臂往後甩.......

大家緊跟著衝出去 五隻走到對面巴士的停車處 很快很快

大家狂喊五隻的名字 後來門打開了 亨俊爬出來 露出上半身 跟大家揮手
一邊的大媽 一直喊說やさし(溫柔)
不過aki真的也覺得亨俊真溫柔 大家冒雨在外面等侯 更何況大家也都蠻守秩序的
揮揮手 真的就會很感動嘛 後來應該是韓流主辦單位的人來對大家說

大家想拍照嗎 想見面嗎 等等的話 然後叫大家參加25號的韓流演唱會即可...........

aki看到賢重 真的很開心 雖然只有短短幾秒
另外 真的很抱歉 因為aki一直在機場裡面 相機只要一拿出來 就會被制止 甚至被趕出去
所以 沒拍到照片 只有後面亨俊出來揮手的時侯 有拍到小小短片
原諒我 ><

[2010.04.23] SS501 Arrival at Haneda Airport for Hanryu Card Concert

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