Friday, January 28, 2011

[Twitter] Boys tweet convo translation on 27 January 2011

OMG! Kyu~ Why did you bet using your iphone4? So fast you went to buy a new phone? So what's the new phone that you get? kekeke~ Tweet you new phone please kyu~


Credits : xiaochu @
Please repost with full credit

2011-01-27 @ 10:31pm
@HyungJun87 뭔말이여
@HyungJun87 What do you mean

2011-01-27 @ 9:49pm

*MiniUFO: Baby~ What is this? Your electricity got cut off?

2011-01-27 @ 8:56pm
@KoJongHee 힘들다힘들다하면 더힘들잖아!!^^ 좋은거보고좋은노래듣고좋은것만먹기에도바쁘니까~ 즐기자구요!!!! ~ 조만간 소주한잔하자!!!^^
@KoJongHee If you say it's tough when it is tough, then it will get even tougher!!^^ Because you'd be busy looking at good things, listening to good music and eating good food~ so let's enjoy!!!! ~ Let's have a cup of soju soon!!!^^

2011-01-27 @ 8:52pm
@hyeongjin2 하하하 완전웃겨용 ㅎ 휴대폰부수기게임!!!!! 아~~ 빵터졌어요!!!!!으으 고쳐야지 ㅠ
@hyeongjin2 Hahaha That's so funny hee Smashing handphone game!!!!! ah~~ burst into laughter!!!!! eueu Must have it repaired ㅠ

2011-01-27 @ 8:02pm
@hyeongjin2 헐 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ대박..... ㅋㅋㅋ
@hyeongjin2 Hur kekekekekekekekekekekekekekekekekekekekekekekeke Daebak..... kekeke

2011-01-27 @ 7:35pm
@Actor_ParkJiBin 묵찌빠 ㅋㅋ 진사람 핸드폰 뿌시는 게임 ㅎㅎ
@Actor_ParkJiBin Scissors paper stone keke A game where the handphone of the person who lose to be smashed heehee

2011-01-27 @ 7:23pm
@hyeongjin2 헐 ㅋㅋ뭐하고노셨길래 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ규종이형 핸드폰이 ㅋㅋ
@hyeongjin2 Hur keke What was he playing kekekeke KyuJong hyung handphone keke

2011-01-27 @ 7:20pm
어제 너무 과격하게 놀았나봐 ㅋㅋ. 귤핸펀 뽀개졌따 ㅋㅋ
Think he played too violently yesterday keke. Kyul handphone broke keke

2011-01-27 @ 7:03pm
@2kjdream 아휴~~뭐가 이리 힘드냐ㅠ 사는게 만만치않아 가끔은 세상이두렵기도하다ㅠ 넌 잘지내니?
@2kjdream Ah sigh~~What is it that is so tough ㅠ It is tough to be alive, sometimes the world made me feel afraid ㅠ Are you doing well?

2011-01-27 @ 3:45pm
ㅠㅠ 몰래 찍는 내운명 흐윽 ㅜ 전주 더박스에 ss501 규종님이 떳어요 ㅋ
ㅠㅠ My fate of taking secretly heuuk ㅜ ss501 KyuJong is here at JeonJu The Box ke

2011-01-27 @ 3:37pm
지금 전주 더박스에 ss501 규종 이 와서 핸드폰 사고있네요 ㅋ 대박 ㅋ
SS501 KyuJong is here at JeonJu The Box now to buy handphone ke Daebak ke

2011-01-27 @ 1:15pm
Happy time..^^

2011-01-27 @ 1:06pm
오랜만에 만난 내친구 성일이와함께 Happy New year!!!!!!!! 너무늦었지만... ㅠ !!!
With my friend SungIl whom I haven't met for a long time, Happy New year!!!!!!!! Even though it's very late... ㅠ !!!

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