Please repost with full credit
2010-11-20 @ 6.54pm
@kkangjii 점핀점핀점핀업~ ㅎㅎ 언제나 화이팅하세요~~~ !!바쁜스케줄에도 힘내!!!!~
@kkangjii Jumping jumping jumping up~ heehee Always Hwaiting~~~ !!Strive on even with the busy schedules!!!!~
2010-11-20 @ 6.54pm
@soulfulhan 형 ㅎㅎ 우리 눈이 다 무서운데요?!! ㅎ
@soulfulhan Hyung heehee our eyes all look scary?!! hee
2010-11-20 @ 6.54pm
@pdjaeho ㅋㅋㅋㅋ근데왜갑자기엉덩이가...
@pdjaeho kekekeke But why suddenly mention about butt...
2010-11-20 @ 6.45pm
@mystyle1103 니엉덩이는 보험들어야 되는 엉뎅이야. 자신있게 흔들어주세요. 짱구처럼~~ 이말을 니팬한테 보냈다 ㅜㅜ 2010년 11월 20일 오전 12:07:38 by pdjaeho
@mystyle1103 Your butt is a butt that needs to be insured. Be confident and flaut it. Like Jjanggu*~~ Sent this word to your fans ㅜㅜ 20-Nov-2010 12:07:38pm by pdjaeho
*XiaoChu : Jjanggu is the korean name of Crayon shin-chan=kkangjii=
2010-11-20 @ 6.09pm
@mystyle1103 모니터감사해요오빠!!! 크히
@mystyle1103 Thanks for monitoring oppa!!! khee
2010-11-20 @ 5.27pm
@mystyle1103 오빠 ~~ 모니터해주셔서 감사해욧 ㅠ ㅎㅎ
@mystyle1103 Oppa ~~ Thanks for monitoring us ㅠ heehee
2010-11-20 @ 5.10pm
카라컴백무대 잘봤다 ㅋㅋ어쩜다들이쁘구 잘하는겨!!ㅋㅋ요번앨범도대박나라~~~^^
Watched Kara's comeback performance keke How can all of them be so pretty and did so well!! keke This album will also be a big hit~~~^^
2010-11-20 @ 5.10pm
카라컴백무대 잘봤다 ㅋㅋ어쩜다들이쁘구 잘하는겨!!ㅋㅋ요번앨범도대박나라~~~^^
Watched Kara's comeback performance keke How can all of them be so pretty and did so well!! keke This album will also be a big hit~~~^^
2010-11-20 @ 4.48pm
첫 리허설 현장 누구냐 넌....ㅋ At the first rehearsal, who are

2010-11-20 @ 4.30pm
한,규종,태완,만두 Forever Friendship!!! Yeah 리트윗 고고
Han, KyuJong, TaeWan, ManDoo Forever Friendship!!! Yeah Retweet Gogo
2010-11-20 @ 4.30pm
한,규종,태완,만두 Forever Friendship!!! Yeah 리트윗 고고
Han, KyuJong, TaeWan, ManDoo Forever Friendship!!! Yeah Retweet Gogo
2010-11-20 @ 4.24pm
Us!!! Forever friendship!!!

2010-11-20 @ 5.45am
@HyungJun87 ㅋㅋ수고하셨숩니다! 몸관리! 꼭 하세요~
@HyungJun87 keke Thank you for your hard work! Must definitely! Take care of yourself~
2010-11-20 @ 5.41am
@productfactory 수고하셨어요 !!
@productfactory Thank you for your hard work !!
2010-11-20 @ 5.40am
@SsoHot89 수고했어!!!!
@SsoHot89 Thanks for your hard work!!!!
2010-11-20 @ 12.26am
열심히 녹음중~
Diligently in the midst of recording~
2010-11-20 @ 5.45am
@HyungJun87 ㅋㅋ수고하셨숩니다! 몸관리! 꼭 하세요~
@HyungJun87 keke Thank you for your hard work! Must definitely! Take care of yourself~
2010-11-20 @ 5.41am
@productfactory 수고하셨어요 !!
@productfactory Thank you for your hard work !!
2010-11-20 @ 5.40am
@SsoHot89 수고했어!!!!
@SsoHot89 Thanks for your hard work!!!!
2010-11-20 @ 1.04am
열심히 녹음 구경중~
Diligently watching the recording~
2010-11-20 @ 1.04am
열심히 녹음 구경중~
Diligently watching the recording~
2010-11-20 @ 12.26am
열심히 녹음중~
Diligently in the midst of recording~
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Green Peas Voices