Please repost with full credit
2010-11-17 @ 10+pm
@Sj861117sjㅇㅋ 콜~~~
@Sj861117 sj okay ke Call~~~
2010-11-17 @ 10+pm
@sek0505 I don't recognise it - - ke
2010-11-17 @ 9+pm
@mystyle1103고마워~ ㅎㅎ 한국에서 파뤼 하니깐 시간대믄 들려~
@mystyle1103 Thanks~ heehee I have a party in Korea, so come by if you have time~
2010-11-17 @ 8+pm
@mystyle1103그러게요 저희이번주 토요일 컴백인데.. 모니터 꼭해주세요!
@mystyle1103 That's right. We are having our comeback this Saturday.. Must please monitor us!
2010-11-17 @ 8+pm
@mystyle1103그러게요 저희이번주 토요일 컴백인데.. 모니터 꼭해주세요!
@mystyle1103 That's right. We are having our comeback this Saturday.. Must please monitor us!
2010-11-17 @ 8+pm
@mystyle1103 Why??????????????
2010-11-17 @ 8+pm
@kkangjii콜~~~~너희바빠지기전에 봐야하는데 ㅋㅋ
@kkangjii Okay~~~~ We should meet before you all get too busy keke
2010-11-17 @ 8+pm @sek0505너........깜짝놀랬어..........ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
@sek0505 You........surprised me..........kekekekekekekekekekekekekekekekekekekekeke
2010-11-17 @ 8+pm @sek0505너........깜짝놀랬어..........ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
@sek0505 You........surprised me..........kekekekekekekekekekekekekekekekekekekekeke
2010-11-17 @ 6+pm
@HyungJun87너도 고생이다ㅠㅠ쫌만참어 녹음잘하구.. 걱정마!!
@HyungJun87 You've also had a hard time TT TT Bear with it for awhile more, have a good (voice) recording.. Don't worry!!
2010-11-17 @ 6+pm
@HyungJun87너도 고생이다ㅠㅠ쫌만참어 녹음잘하구.. 걱정마!!
@HyungJun87 You've also had a hard time TT TT Bear with it for awhile more, have a good (voice) recording.. Don't worry!!
2010-11-17 @ 5+pm
수험생 여러분들 1년동안 고생하셨어요. 건강관리 마지막까지 잘하시고 수능 대박나길 기도할께요! 빠이팅!!
Students taking exams, you've worked hard for the past 1 year. Take care of your health till the end and I will pray for you to score good in SuNeng*! Ffighting!!
*XiaoChu: SuNeng is the college exam in Korea
2010-11-17 @ 5+pm
수험생 여러분들 1년동안 고생하셨어요. 건강관리 마지막까지 잘하시고 수능 대박나길 기도할께요! 빠이팅!!
Students taking exams, you've worked hard for the past 1 year. Take care of your health till the end and I will pray for you to score good in SuNeng*! Ffighting!!
*XiaoChu: SuNeng is the college exam in Korea
2010-11-17 @ 5+pm
@mystyle1103짜장면집으로 콜!
@mystyle1103 Okay to go to JjaJangMyun restaurant!
2010-11-17 @ 4+pm
@mystyle1103영생아 야구말고 밥 먹자 @Sj861117sj생일 축하한다!!
@mystyle1103 YoungSaeng-ah, forget about baseball, let's go eat. @Sj861117 sj happy birthday!!
2010-11-17 @ 4+pm
2010-11-17 @ 4+pm
@woosangil기다리고있겠습니다 형님!!ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
@woosangil I will be waiting, hyung-nim!!kekekekekekekekeke
=YoungSaeng= 2010-11-17 @ 4+pm
@kkangjii나도 자장면에 고춧가루 팍팍!!!!!!!좋아하는데..급땡기네ㅡㅡ
@kkangjii I also put lots of chilli powder on my JaJangMyun!!!!!!! I like it (like that)..but feels bad immediately - -
2010-11-17 @ 3+pm
@mystyle1103@sj861117sj12월초에 갈지도 모른다!!달려야지 ㅋㅋ @mystyle1103@sj861117sj12 I might go at the beginning of the month!! Must run keke
2010-11-17 @ 3+pm
@Sj861117sj야~~생일축하해~ㅋㅋ글보고 생일인거 알았네 ㅋㅋ
@Sj861117 sj-ya~~Happy birthday~keke I learnt that it was your birthday after reading your message (tweets?) keke
2010-11-17 @ 10+am
출장 다녀올께요!!^^*
Will go for a (business/official) trip and return!!^^*

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Green Peas Voices