Please repost with full credit
2010-11-18 @ 10.47pm
@2kjdream 우리 빨리 봐요ㅋㅋ보고싶어요!ㅋ
@2kjdream Let's meet soonㅋㅋWish to see you!ㅋ
2010-11-18 @ 8.13pm
@2kjdream 진철이형,만두형,종욱이형??
@2kjdream JinCheol hyung, Mandoo hyung, JongWook hyung??
2010-11-18 @ 8.10pm
@parkggang37 say no oh~ oh yeah~

2010-11-18 @ 8.10pm
@innermostJM 응^^ 오랜만이다!!~ 형은 잘지내지~~~
@innermostJM eung^^ It has been a long time!!~ Hyung is doing well right~~~
2010-11-18 @ 7.23pm
@2kjdream 규종이형ㅋㅋ저 장문이에요ㅋ잘지내시죠?
@2kjdream KyuJong hyung keke I am JangMun. ke Are you doing well?
2010-11-18 @ 5.31pm
@2kjdream kekeke
2010-11-18 @ 5.05pm
@2kjdream그럴꺼면 왜갔어 ㅋ 내사주 강민이랑 비슷하던데 ㅋ 올해 암것도 하지말래 ㅋㅋ @2kjdream If that's the case, why go ke You're the same as my boss KangMin ke Don't do anything this year keke
2010-11-18 @ 5.05pm
@2kjdream그럴꺼면 왜갔어 ㅋ 내사주 강민이랑 비슷하던데 ㅋ 올해 암것도 하지말래 ㅋㅋ @2kjdream If that's the case, why go ke You're the same as my boss KangMin ke Don't do anything this year keke
2010-11-18 @ 5.02pm
@mystyle1103크크 못타 무서워서 ㅎㅎ
@mystyle1103 keukeu Can't ride cos it's too scary heehee
=YoungSaeng= 2010-11-18 @ 4.42pm
@2kjdream Good???kekekeke Couldn't even get on any rides though~~
*XiaoChu: Ahhh, cos Kyu's afraid of heights?! kekeee
2010-11-18 @ 4.10pm
@PHOTOKARMA에이 요 형~~~~ 타로 우잉?! ㅎㅎ
@PHOTOKARMA Aeyee yo hyung~~~~ get on Ooing?! heehee
2010-11-18 @ 4.02pm
@jewelry_jjung 응응~ 쉬는날이라 왔어 ㅎ!!! 신기하다~~~
@jewelry_jjung eung eung~ Had a rest day so came here he!!! Amazing
2010-11-18 @ 4.02pm
@Steven_Lee_네 형!! 다음에같이와요 이히히 어린이가된기분이에요 ㅎㅎ
@Steven_Lee_Yes hyung!! Come together next time. ehehe It feels like being kids again heehee
2010-11-18 @ 3.44pm
아 무릎아파, 여기는 연습실
Ah knee hurts, here's the practice room

2010-11-18 @ 3.40pm
@2kjdream 혹시...... 롯데월드?????좋게따ㅠ
@2kjdream By any chance...... Lotte World?????Looks goodㅠ
2010-11-18 @ 3.21pm
@kkangjii우잉?-~~~ ㅎㅎㅎ
@kkangjii OOing?-~~~heeheehee
2010-11-18 @ 3.17pm
남자들끼리 롯데 월드 ㅋㅋㅋ 아 ㅋㅋㅋ
Lotte World with a bunch of guys kekeke ah kekeke
2010-11-18 @ 3.12pm
@2kjdream우와 설마 롯데월드!!!!!
@2kjdream Woah, don't tell me it's Lotte World!!!!!
2010-11-18 @ 3.04pm 여기는어딜까요~~
Where is this place~~

2010-11-18 @ 3.14am
@jjjjjin2yo I think you're still the way you are - -
2010-11-18 @ 2.12am
@JungMin0403일본공연이구나!!! 완전 화이링이야~~~
@JungMin0403 So you have a performance in Japan!!! Totally Hwairingiyah~~~
2010-11-18 @ 12.59am
2010-11-18 @ 12..51am
@mystyle1103난 안바꼈든?ㅋㅋ
@mystyle1103 I didn't change alright? keke
2010-11-18 @ 3.40pm
@2kjdream 혹시...... 롯데월드?????좋게따ㅠ
@2kjdream By any chance...... Lotte World?????Looks goodㅠ
2010-11-18 @ 3.24pm
@2kjdream재밌겠다. 근데 안춥나? 스웨터 이쁘다 ㅋㅋ 나중에 나두 델꼬가
@2kjdream It must have been fun. But isn't it cold? Your sweater is pretty keke Bring me there next time
2010-11-18 @ 3.24pm
@2kjdream재밌겠다. 근데 안춥나? 스웨터 이쁘다 ㅋㅋ 나중에 나두 델꼬가
@2kjdream It must have been fun. But isn't it cold? Your sweater is pretty keke Bring me there next time
2010-11-18 @ 3.21pm
@kkangjii우잉?-~~~ ㅎㅎㅎ
@kkangjii OOing?-~~~heeheehee
2010-11-18 @ 3.19pm
오늘 규종이랑 롯데월드왔어요 ㅋㅋ 경호원도 없이 ㅋㅋ ㅎㅎ 저희를 보시면 암호를대세요. 암호는 앤드 스토리입니다 특별한 선물드린데요 ㅎㅎ
Went to Lotte World with KyuJong today keke No bodyguards too keke heehee Give a password if you see us. Password is AND STORY. Will give you a special gift heehee
2010-11-18 @ 3.19pm
오늘 규종이랑 롯데월드왔어요 ㅋㅋ 경호원도 없이 ㅋㅋ ㅎㅎ 저희를 보시면 암호를대세요. 암호는 앤드 스토리입니다 특별한 선물드린데요 ㅎㅎ
Went to Lotte World with KyuJong today keke No bodyguards too keke heehee Give a password if you see us. Password is AND STORY. Will give you a special gift heehee
2010-11-18 @ 3.17pm
남자들끼리 롯데 월드 ㅋㅋㅋ 아 ㅋㅋㅋ
Lotte World with a bunch of guys kekeke ah kekeke
2010-11-18 @ 3.12pm
@2kjdream우와 설마 롯데월드!!!!!
@2kjdream Woah, don't tell me it's Lotte World!!!!!
2010-11-18 @ 3.04pm 여기는어딜까요~~
Where is this place~~

2010-11-18 @ 3.14am
@jjjjjin2yo I think you're still the way you are - -
2010-11-18 @ 2.12am
@JungMin0403일본공연이구나!!! 완전 화이링이야~~~
@JungMin0403 So you have a performance in Japan!!! Totally Hwairingiyah~~~
2010-11-18 @ 12.59am
^^오늘 리허설 끝내고 이제 와서 자요!!^^ 다들 굿나잇!!^^ ^^낼 수능보는 친구들 화이팅!!!^^ 내일 나두 공연 화이팅!!!^^*
^^Ended the rehearsal today, returned home and going to sleep!!^^ Everyone goodnight!!^^ ^^Friends who are taking the Suneng exam tomorrow, Fighting!!!^^ Fighting for me too for tomorrow's performance!!!^^*
^^Ended the rehearsal today, returned home and going to sleep!!^^ Everyone goodnight!!^^ ^^Friends who are taking the Suneng exam tomorrow, Fighting!!!^^ Fighting for me too for tomorrow's performance!!!^^*
2010-11-18 @ 12.57am
우와 !!!! 일본티비에서 일본 여자그룹노래가 나오는데 한국어로 부르는 부분이 있어요!!^^ 우리나라 노래에 영어가 섞인것 처럼!!! 한국 화이팅!!!^^*
Woah!!!! A Japanese female group was on TV, they had a part of their song sung in Korean!!^^ Just like how our country's song mix English in them!!! Korea Fighting!!!^^*
우와 !!!! 일본티비에서 일본 여자그룹노래가 나오는데 한국어로 부르는 부분이 있어요!!^^ 우리나라 노래에 영어가 섞인것 처럼!!! 한국 화이팅!!!^^*
Woah!!!! A Japanese female group was on TV, they had a part of their song sung in Korean!!^^ Just like how our country's song mix English in them!!! Korea Fighting!!!^^*
2010-11-18 @ 12..51am
@mystyle1103난 안바꼈든?ㅋㅋ
@mystyle1103 I didn't change alright? keke
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