Please repost with full credit
2010-11-19 @ 10.15pm
@HyungJun87 맛있었겠다ㅠㅠ
@HyungJun87 Seems delicious ㅠㅠ
2010-11-19 @ 9.35pm
놀이공원이에요!!! 히 다같이 동심을느껴요 우리!!! ㅎ
This is the amusment park!!! hee All of us felt the innocence of childhood, all of us!!! hee
2010-11-19 @ 9.35pm
놀이공원이에요!!! 히 다같이 동심을느껴요 우리!!! ㅎ
This is the amusment park!!! hee All of us felt the innocence of childhood, all of us!!! hee

2010-11-19 @ 7.56pm
@HyungJun87 ㅋㅋ아 모야??ㅋ다크써클 빵은 널 형상화 한거야??ㅎㅎ 귀엽닥.
@HyungJun87 keke ah what is that?? ke The dark (eye) circle bread is an illustration of you?? heehee Cute.
@HyungJun87 ㅋㅋ아 모야??ㅋ다크써클 빵은 널 형상화 한거야??ㅎㅎ 귀엽닥.
@HyungJun87 keke ah what is that?? ke The dark (eye) circle bread is an illustration of you?? heehee Cute.
2010-11-19 @ 7.35pm
너무 귀연 도시락!!! 잘먹었습니다 Very cute lunchbox!!!
Thanks for the meal

2010-11-19 @ 6.41pm
@HyungJun87 반가웠다 바부야
@HyungJun87 Nice to see you Babu-ya
2010-11-19 @ 6.41pm
맛있는 도시락?! 저녁 감사해요 ~ 형준이도 이거 먹고 힘 날꺼에요^^
Delicious lunchbox?! Thanks for the dinner ~ HyungJun will also eat these and get his strength^^

2010-11-19 @ 6.12pm
맛있는 저녁 잘먹을께요^^ 아 행복해라
I will eat my delicious dinner well ^^ ah happy

2010-11-19 @ 5.29am
@mystyle1103 ke It's a fun app ke pu
2010-11-19 @ 5.12am
@zerotic0124 Photos are DaeBak*!!! keke
*DaeBak = Big Hit, in this context, he meant the photos are hillarious
2010-11-19 @ 4.22am
@mystyle1103그나저나 사진웃기지ㅋ
@mystyle1103 By the way, the photos are funny isn't it ke
2010-11-19 @ 4.22am
@mystyle1103꺼내면 더시끄러버
@mystyle1103 If I take them out, it'll be even more noisy
2010-11-19 @ 4.18am
@jjjjjin2yo과연 ㅡㅡ 근데 그냥 긴머리거 나을듯....ㅋㅋㅋ
@jjjjjin2yo Sure enough ㅡㅡ but I think just long hair is better....kekeke
2010-11-19 @ 4.17am
@zerotic0124 Puhahahahahhaha
2010-11-19 @ 4.17am
@zerotic0124머리속에있는걸 꺼내면...?
@zerotic0124 What if you take out all that is inside your head...?
*in reply to:
2010-11-19 @ 4.03am
자야되는데....뭔가 잠이 안온다.....머릿속에 생각들로 꽉차서 시끄러워서 잠을들수가없네;;
Should be sleeping....But somehow couldn't get to sleep.....Many thoughts are packed in my mind so it's too noisy, couldn't get to sleep;;
2010-11-19 @ 4.03am
자야되는데....뭔가 잠이 안온다.....머릿속에 생각들로 꽉차서 시끄러워서 잠을들수가없네;;
Should be sleeping....But somehow couldn't get to sleep.....Many thoughts are packed in my mind so it's too noisy, couldn't get to sleep;;
2010-11-19 @ 2.36am
@mystyle1103내가 또 단발이 그렇게 잘 어울리지 ㅋㅋ 더 어려보일까봐 걱정이지 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
@mystyle1103 Short hair suits me that well too keke I'm worried I will look even younger kekekekeke
2010-11-19 @ 2.36am
@mystyle1103내가 또 단발이 그렇게 잘 어울리지 ㅋㅋ 더 어려보일까봐 걱정이지 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
@mystyle1103 Short hair suits me that well too keke I'm worried I will look even younger kekekekeke
2010-11-19 @ 2.18am
@jjjjjin2yo How about short hair??kekeke
2010-11-19 @ 1.14am
@2kjdreamWow 우리 규종이 화이팅~~~조만간 꼭!!!!
@2kjdream Wow our KyuJong Hwaiting~~~ Must (meet?) soon!!!!
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