Please repost with full credit
2010-12-31 @ 4:03pm
@2kjdream 인기상???
@2kjdream Popularity award???
2010-12-31 @ 3:54pm
인기상 !!!! 멋지다아아아~~ ㅎㅎ
Popularity award !!!! So coollll~~ heehee
2010-12-31 @ 3:54pm
@JungMin0403 언제보자구??
@JungMin0403 When are we meeting??
2010-12-31 @ 3:37pm
요로코롬 따숩게 감기 조심하세요!!^^*
(Dress) warmly like this, be careful of flu!!^^*

2010-12-31 @ 3:15pm
@JungMin0403 먄...26이고 싶어... ㅋ
@JungMin0403 Sry...Want to be 26... ke
2010-12-31 @ 3:13pm
@WarrenBONBOO 26?ㅋㅋ형 닥쳐!!!ㅎㅎ장난이고 우리 내년에 첫공연 힘내서 빠샤하장!!^^*
@WarrenBONBOO 26? keke hyung be quiet!!! heehee Just joking, let us strive on for our first performance next year, bbasya
*XiaoChu: bbasya means aja aja or Hwaiting
*in reply to
2010-12-31 @ 2:14pm
아... 이제 내일이면 나도 벌써 스물여섯살이 되는구나....
Ah... I will be already 26 years old tomorrow....
2010-12-31 @ 1:16am
고맙당~ 덕분에 팔로어 좀 늘겠네 ㅋㅋㅋ"@mystyle1103: 어제 유리상자콘서트 보고 왔는데~오늘 글을 올리네요 ㅋㅋ 넘넘 수고하셨구요~^^재밌게 잘봤습니다~오늘도 화이팅하세요!!" Thank you~ All thanks to you, my number followers increased alittle kekeke @mystyle1103: "I come here to watch Yurisangja concert now~ Posted up a message today keke Really really thank you for the hard work~^^ I enjoyed watching~ Please hwaiting today too!!"
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Green Peas Voices